#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys WID=50 HEI=6 screen=[[0]*WID for _ in range(HEI)] for line in sys.stdin: line=line.split(" ") if line[0]=="rect": w,h=[int(x) for x in line[1].split("x")] for y in range(h): screen[y][:w]=[1]*w elif line[0]=="rotate" and line[1]=="row": y=int(line[2][2:]) off=int(line[4])%WID part=screen[y][:-off] screen[y][:off]=screen[y][-off:] screen[y][off:]=part elif line[0]=="rotate" and line[1]=="column": x=int(line[2][2:]) off=int(line[4])%HEI part=[row[x] for row in screen[:-off]] for y in range(off): screen[y][x]=screen[-off+y][x] for y in range(len(part)): screen[off+y][x]=part[y] print("\n".join(" ".join(map(lambda n:".#"[n],row)) for row in screen))