use std::io; use std::io::BufRead; use std::collections::BinaryHeap; use std::collections::HashSet; const MOD: usize = 20183; pub fn main(reader: T) -> io::Result<(String, String)> { let mut lines = reader.lines(); let depth: usize =' ').skip(1).next().unwrap().parse().unwrap(); let target: (usize, usize) = { let line =; let mut iter = line.split(' ').skip(1).next().unwrap().split(','); let x =; let y =; (x, y) }; // I believe the route can never go beyond target / 2 * 7 from the entrance, but // I don't trust the factor 2 and I don't want to deal with rounding issues. let w = 8 * target.0; let h = 8 * target.1; let terrain = { let mut erosion = vec![0; w * h]; for x in 0..w { erosion[x] = (16807 * x + depth) % MOD; } for y in 1..h { erosion[w*y] = (48271 * y + depth) % MOD; } for y in 1..h { for x in 1..w { if x == target.0 && y == target.1 { erosion[w*y+x] = depth % MOD; } else { erosion[w*y+x] = (erosion[w*y+x-1] * erosion[w*(y-1)+x] + depth) % MOD; } } } erosion.iter().map(|val| val % 3).collect::>() }; let part1 = { let mut total_risk = 0; for y in { for x in { total_risk += terrain[w*y+x]; } } total_risk }; let w = w as isize; let h = h as isize; // terrain = {0 = rocky, 1 = wet, 2 = narrow} // tool = {0 = neither, 1 = torch, 2 = climbing gear} let can_traverse = |tool, (x, y)| x >= 0 && y >= 0 && match terrain[(w*y+x) as usize] { 0 => tool >= 1, 1 => tool != 1, 2 => tool != 2, _ => unreachable!(), }; let neighbours = |(x, y)| [(x-1, y), (x, y-1), (x+1, y), (x, y+1)]; // for &pt in neighbours((0, 0)).iter().filter(|&&pt| can_traverse(0, pt)) { // println!("{:?}", pt); // } let mut pqu = BinaryHeap::new(); pqu.push((-0, 1, 0, 0)); let mut distmap = vec![isize::max_value(); (3 * w * h) as usize]; // w*h*tool + w*y + x distmap[(w*h*1 + w*0 + 0) as usize] = 0; // let mut parent = vec![(-1, -1, -1); (3 * w * h) as usize]; let mut seen = HashSet::new(); let part2; loop { let (mdist, tool, x, y) = match pqu.pop() { Some(val) => val, None => panic!("Pqu empty!"), }; let dist = -mdist; if seen.contains(&(tool, x, y)) { continue; } seen.insert((tool, x, y)); // println!("Expanding dist={} tool={} pos={:?}", dist, tool, (x, y)); if tool == 1 && x == target.0 as isize && y == target.1 as isize { part2 = dist; /* println!("Path:"); let mut at = (tool, x, y); while at.0 != -1 { println!(" tool={} pos=({}, {})", at.0, at.1, at.2); at = parent[(w*h*at.0 + w*at.2 + at.1) as usize]; } */ break; } distmap[(w*h*tool + w*y + x) as usize] = dist; for &pt in neighbours((x, y)).iter().filter(|&&pt| can_traverse(tool, pt)) { if dist + 1 < distmap[(w*h*tool + w*pt.1 + pt.0) as usize] { pqu.push((-(dist + 1), tool, pt.0, pt.1)); distmap[(w*h*tool + w*pt.1 + pt.0) as usize] = dist + 1; // parent[(w*h*tool + w*pt.1 + pt.0) as usize] = (tool, x, y); } } for t in 0..3 { if t == tool { continue; } if !can_traverse(t, (x, y)) { continue; } if dist + 7 < distmap[(w*h*t + w*y + x) as usize] { pqu.push((-(dist + 7), t, x, y)); distmap[(w*h*t + w*y + x) as usize] = dist + 7; // parent[(w*h*t + w*y + x) as usize] = (tool, x, y); } } } Ok((part1.to_string(), part2.to_string())) }