module Main where import qualified Data.Array as A import Data.List import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import Input import Util step :: Eq a => [((a, a), a)] -> [a] -> [a] step rules (a:b:s) = case lookup (a, b) rules of Nothing -> a : step rules (b:s) Just c -> a : c : step rules (b:s) step _ l = l maphistogram :: Ord a => [a] -> Map a Int maphistogram = foldr (\x -> Map.insertWith (+) x 1) mempty -- Dynamic programming: table -- (all letter pairs) x (number of steps) x (all letter pairs) -- where -- table[p][n][q] means the number of times that q appears in the string -- produced when stepping n times starting from the string p. -- Defining relation: -- table[p][0][q] = if p == q then 1 else 0 -- table[p][n][q] = sum over pairs r: -- table[p][n-1][r] * (number of occurrences of q in step(r)) dyn :: [((Char, Char), Char)] -> Int -> (Map Char Int, Int, A.Array ((Int, Int), Int, (Int, Int)) Int) dyn rules nsteps = (charmap, maxid, table) where chars = uniq . sort $ concatMap (\((a,b),c) -> [a,b,c]) rules charlist = zip chars [0::Int ..] charmap = Map.fromList charlist maxid = snd (fst (Map.deleteFindMax charmap)) table = A.array (((0, 0), 0, (0, 0)), ((maxid, maxid), nsteps, (maxid, maxid))) [(((p1, p2), n, (q1, q2)) ,if n == 0 then if p == q then 1 else 0 else sum [table A.! (p, n - 1, r) * count (q1c, q2c) (step rules [r1c, r2c]) | (r1c, r1) <- charlist, (r2c, r2) <- charlist , let r = (r1, r2)]) | p1 <- [0..maxid], p2 <- [0..maxid] , let p = (p1, p2) , n <- [0..nsteps] , (q1c, q1) <- charlist, (q2c, q2) <- charlist , let q = (q1, q2)] count (a, b) (x:y:s) | a == x, b == y = 1 + count (a, b) (y:s) | otherwise = count (a, b) (y:s) count _ _ = 0 solve :: [((Char, Char), Char)] -> String -> Int -> Int solve rules template nsteps = let (charmap, maxid, table) = dyn rules nsteps inttemplate = map (charmap Map.!) template hist = Map.fromListWith (+) $ concat [let n = table A.! ((a, b), nsteps, (c, d)) in [(c, n), (d, n)] | (a, b) <- zip inttemplate (tail inttemplate) , c <- [0..maxid] , d <- [0..maxid]] hist' = (`div` 2) . Map.unionWith (+) (Map.fromList [(charmap Map.! head template, 1), (charmap Map.! last template, 1)]) $ hist -- freqs = Map.assocs hist in -- trace (show table ++ "\n" ++ show freqs) $ maximum (Map.elems hist') - minimum (Map.elems hist') main :: IO () main = do template : _ : rules' <- getInput 14 let rules = map (\[a,b,' ','-','>',' ',c] -> ((a, b), c)) rules' -- let string1 = iterate (step rules) template !! 10 -- hist1 = Map.elems (maphistogram string1) -- print (maximum hist1 - minimum hist1) print (solve rules template 10) print (solve rules template 40)