#include #include #include #include "ai_mm.h" #include "util.h" using namespace std; #define SCORE_WIN 10 #define SCORE_LOSE (-10) #define SCORE_TIE 0 #define INF (1e34) #define MAXDEPTH 4 static int evaluate(Board &bd, uint8_t myclr) { Bounds bounds = bd.computeBounds(); int score = 0; #define CHECK(_xlim1, _xlim2, _ylim1, _ylim2, _dx, _dy) \ do { \ for (int y = (_ylim1); y <= (_ylim2); y++) { \ for (int x = (_xlim1); x <= (_xlim2); x++) { \ int idx = BSZ * y + x; \ uint8_t clr = bd[idx]; \ if (clr == 0) continue; \ for (int i = 1; i <= RLEN; i++, x += (_dx), y += (_dy), idx += BSZ * (_dy) + (_dx)) { \ if (bd[idx] != clr) break; \ score += i * (3 - 2 * clr); \ } \ } \ } \ } while (0) CHECK(bounds.left , bounds.right - (RLEN-1), bounds.top, bounds.bottom , 1, 0); CHECK(bounds.left , bounds.right - (RLEN-1), bounds.top, bounds.bottom - (RLEN-1), 1, 1); CHECK(bounds.left , bounds.right , bounds.top, bounds.bottom - (RLEN-1), 0, 1); CHECK(bounds.left - (RLEN-1), bounds.right , bounds.top, bounds.bottom - (RLEN-1), -1, 1); #undef CHECK if (myclr != 1) score = -score; return score; } static float chanceNode( Board &bd, uint8_t myclr, int idx, uint8_t onturn, int depth, float alpha, float beta); static float playNode( Board &bd, uint8_t myclr, uint8_t onturn, int depth, float alpha, float beta) { if (depth == 0 || bd.bag.totalLeft() == 0) { return evaluate(bd, myclr); } float value; vector edgeCells = bd.getEdgeCells(); if (onturn == myclr) { value = -INF; for (int idx : edgeCells) { value = max(value, chanceNode(bd, myclr, idx, onturn, depth, alpha, beta)); alpha = max(alpha, value); if (alpha >= beta) break; } } else { value = +INF; for (int idx : edgeCells) { value = min(value, chanceNode(bd, myclr, idx, onturn, depth, alpha, beta)); beta = min(beta, value); if (alpha >= beta) break; } } return value; } static float chanceNode( Board &bd, uint8_t myclr, int idx, uint8_t onturn, int depth, float alpha, float beta) { const float totalLeftF = bd.bag.totalLeft(); float score = 0; for (uint8_t clr = 1; clr <= NC; clr++) { int numLeft = bd.bag.numLeft(clr); if (numLeft == 0) continue; float probability = numLeft / totalLeftF; bd.bag.drawColour(clr); uint8_t win = bd.putCW(idx, clr); if (win != 0) { score += probability * (win == myclr ? SCORE_WIN : SCORE_LOSE); } else { score += probability * playNode(bd, myclr, NEXTTURN(onturn), depth - 1, alpha, beta); } bd.bag.replace(clr); bd.undo(idx); } return score; } int MM::calcMove(Board &bd, uint8_t myclr) { assert(bd.bag.totalLeft() > 0); // The usage of a single score variable instead of an array works only if // there are only two players. static_assert(NC == 2, "MM only works with 2 players"); float maxscore = INT_MIN; int maxat = -1; vector edgeCells = bd.getEdgeCells(); for (int idx : edgeCells) { float score = chanceNode(bd, myclr, idx, myclr, MAXDEPTH, -INF, +INF); if (score > maxscore) { maxscore = score; maxat = idx; } } return maxat; }