#include #include #include "board.h" #include "util.h" using namespace std; Bag Bag::uninitialised() { return Bag(); } Bag Bag::makeFull() { Bag bag; for (int i = 0; i < NC; i++) bag.num[i] = N; bag.sum = N * NC; return bag; } int Bag::numLeft(uint8_t clr) const { return num[clr - 1]; } int Bag::totalLeft() const { return sum; } uint8_t Bag::peekRandom() const { assert(sum != 0); int i = random() % sum; int accum = 0; for (int clr = 1; clr <= NC; clr++) { accum += num[clr - 1]; if (i < accum) { return clr; } } assert(false); } uint8_t Bag::drawRandom() { uint8_t clr = peekRandom(); num[clr - 1]--; sum--; return clr; } void Bag::drawColour(uint8_t clr) { assert(num[clr - 1] != 0); num[clr - 1]--; sum--; } void Bag::replace(uint8_t clr) { num[clr - 1]++; sum++; } Board Board::makeEmpty() { static_assert(NC + 1 <= 256, "Too many colours"); Board bd; bd.bag = Bag::makeFull(); bd.bd.fill(0); bd.edgeCells.reserve(BSZ * BSZ); bd.inEdgeCells.fill(-1); return bd; } // Do not call with clr == 0 int Board::countStones(uint8_t clr, int idx, int delta) const { // Since clr != 0 and the stones will never reach the edge of the board // (it's too large for that), this loop will always terminate before // accessing invalid memory. int num = 0; while (bd[idx] == clr) { num++; idx += delta; } return num; } void Board::newEdgeCand(int idx) { // cerr << "(newEdgeCand(" << Idx(idx) << "))" << endl; if (inEdgeCells[idx] == -1 && bd[idx] == 0 && checkEdge(idx)) { inEdgeCells[idx] = edgeCells.size(); edgeCells.push_back(idx); } } void Board::removeEdgeCell(int idx) { // cerr << "(removeEdgeCell(" << Idx(idx) << "))" << endl; int pos = inEdgeCells[idx]; if (pos != -1) { inEdgeCells[idx] = -1; if ((unsigned)pos < edgeCells.size() - 1) { int val = edgeCells[pos] = edgeCells.back(); inEdgeCells[val] = pos; } edgeCells.pop_back(); } } void Board::put(int idx, uint8_t clr) { bd[idx] = clr; removeEdgeCell(idx); newEdgeCand(idx - 1); newEdgeCand(idx + 1); newEdgeCand(idx - BSZ); newEdgeCand(idx + BSZ); } void Board::undo(int idx) { bd[idx] = 0; newEdgeCand(idx); removeEdgeCell(idx - 1); removeEdgeCell(idx + 1); removeEdgeCell(idx - BSZ); removeEdgeCell(idx + BSZ); } uint8_t Board::putCW(int idx, uint8_t clr) { put(idx, clr); int count[8]; #define DO_COUNT_STONES(_i, _dx, _dy) do { int _delta = BSZ * (_dy) + (_dx); count[_i] = countStones(clr, idx + _delta, _delta); } while (0) DO_COUNT_STONES(0, 0, -1); DO_COUNT_STONES(1, 1, -1); DO_COUNT_STONES(2, 1, 0); DO_COUNT_STONES(3, 1, 1); DO_COUNT_STONES(4, 0, 1); DO_COUNT_STONES(5, -1, 1); DO_COUNT_STONES(6, -1, 0); DO_COUNT_STONES(7, -1, -1); #undef DO_COUNT_STONES for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (1 + count[i] + count[4 + i] >= RLEN) return clr; } return 0; } bool Board::checkEdge(int idx) const { // Because there are always two spaces free at the ends of the board, we // can safely inspect the neighbours of this cell. This is because we only // call this function on cells that have either had or neighboured a stone. return bd[idx - 1] || bd[idx + 1] || bd[idx - BSZ] || bd[idx + BSZ]; } const vector& Board::getEdgeCells() const { return edgeCells; } Bounds Board::computeBounds() const { Bounds bounds; for (int y = 1; y < BSZ - 1; y++) { for (int x = 1; x < BSZ - 1; x++) { int idx = BSZ * y + x; if (bd[idx] != 0 || checkEdge(idx)) { bounds.left = min(bounds.left, x); bounds.right = max(bounds.right, x); bounds.top = min(bounds.top, y); bounds.bottom = max(bounds.bottom, y); } } } return bounds; } void Board::write(ostream &os) const { Bounds bounds = computeBounds(); for (int y = bounds.top; y <= bounds.bottom; y++) { for (int x = bounds.left; x <= bounds.right; x++) { if (x != bounds.left) os << ' '; int idx = BSZ * y + x; if (bd[idx] != 0) os << Stone(bd[idx]); else if (checkEdge(idx)) os << EDGE_STR; else os << OPEN_STR; } os << endl; } os << "Bag:"; for (uint8_t clr = 1; clr <= NC; clr++) { os << ' ' << bag.numLeft(clr); } os << " / " << bag.totalLeft() << endl; } ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, Stone stone) { static const char *alphabet[] = { "\x1B[1;31mR\x1B[0m", "\x1B[1;34mB\x1B[0m", "\x1B[1;33mY\x1B[0m", }; static_assert( NC <= sizeof(alphabet) / sizeof(alphabet[0]), "Increase alphabet in Board::write"); uint8_t clr = stone.clr; assert(1 <= clr && clr <= NC); return os << alphabet[clr - 1]; } ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const Board &bd) { bd.write(os); return os; }