{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDeriving #-} -- I don't want a warning for 'head' and 'tail' in this file. But I also don't -- want GHCs before 9.8 to complain that they don't know the x-partial warning. {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-warning-flags -Wno-x-partial #-} module HSVIS.Parser ( StageParsed, parse, -- * Staged AST synonyms PProgram, PDataDef, PFunDef, PTypeSig, PFunEq, PKind, PType, PPattern, PRHS, PExpr, E(NoTypeSig, TForallP), ) where -- import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Chronicle import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State.Lazy import Data.Char import Data.Bifunctor (second) import Data.Either (partitionEithers) import Data.Foldable import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import Data.These -- import Debug.Trace import Control.FAlternative import Data.Bag import Data.List.NonEmpty.Util import HSVIS.AST import HSVIS.Diagnostic import HSVIS.Pretty -- | The stage for the parser data StageParsed type instance X DataDef StageParsed = Range type instance X DataField StageParsed = () type instance X FunDef StageParsed = Range type instance X TypeSig StageParsed = () type instance X FunEq StageParsed = Range type instance X Kind StageParsed = () type instance X Type StageParsed = Range type instance X Pattern StageParsed = Range type instance X RHS StageParsed = Range type instance X Expr StageParsed = Range data instance E TypeSig StageParsed = NoTypeSig deriving (Show) data instance E Type StageParsed = TForallP Name (Maybe PKind) PType deriving (Show) data instance E Kind StageParsed deriving (Show) type PProgram = Program StageParsed type PDataDef = DataDef StageParsed type PFunDef = FunDef StageParsed type PTypeSig = TypeSig StageParsed type PFunEq = FunEq StageParsed type PKind = Kind StageParsed type PType = Type StageParsed type PPattern = Pattern StageParsed type PRHS = RHS StageParsed type PExpr = Expr StageParsed -- Positions are zero-based in both dimensions. -- See 'isInsideBlock' and 'isAtBlockLeft' for the two relevant "inside the -- block" conditions. data PS = PS { psBlk :: Pos -- ^ Start of current layout block , psCur :: Pos -- ^ Current parsing position , psRest :: String -- ^ Rest of the input } deriving (Show) data Context = Context { ctxFile :: FilePath , ctxLines :: [String] -- ^ The file contents, split up in lines , ctxStack :: [String] -- ^ Stack of syntax scopes, for error reporting } deriving (Show) type family BacktrackPath fail r where BacktrackPath 'Fallible r = r BacktrackPath 'Infallible r = () newtype Parser fail a = Parser { runParser :: forall r. Context -> PS -> (PS -> Bag Diagnostic -> a -> r) -- ^ OK: some diagnostics, but parsing succeeded -> (Bag Diagnostic -> r) -- ^ Fatal: error that prevented parsing from proceeding -> BacktrackPath fail r -- ^ Backtrack: alternative was exhausted without success -> r } type IParser = Parser 'Infallible type FParser = Parser 'Fallible instance Functor (Parser fail) where fmap f (Parser g) = Parser (\ctx ps kok kfat kbt -> g ctx ps (\ps' errs x -> kok ps' errs (f x)) kfat kbt) instance Applicative (Parser fail) where pure x = Parser (\_ ps kok _ _ -> kok ps mempty x) (<*>) = ap instance Monad (Parser fail) where Parser g >>= f = Parser $ \ctx ps kok kfat kbt -> g ctx ps (\ps1 errs x -> x `seq` runParser (f x) ctx ps1 (\ps2 errs' y -> kok ps2 (errs <> errs') y) (\errs' -> kfat (errs <> errs')) kbt) (\errs -> kfat errs) kbt instance FAlternative Parser where faempty = Parser (\_ _ _ _ kbt -> kbt) Parser f <|>> Parser g = Parser $ \ctx ps kok kfat kbt -> f ctx ps kok kfat (g ctx ps kok kfat kbt) noFail (Parser f) = Parser $ \ctx ps kok kfat _ -> f ctx ps kok kfat () instance MonadState PS (Parser fail) where state f = Parser $ \_ ps kok _ _ -> let (x, ps') = f ps in kok ps' mempty x instance MonadReader Context (Parser fail) where reader f = Parser $ \ctx ps kok _ _ -> kok ps mempty (f ctx) local f (Parser g) = Parser (\ctx -> g (f ctx)) instance KnownFallible fail => MonadChronicle (Bag Diagnostic) (Parser fail) where dictate errs = Parser $ \_ ps kok _ _ -> kok ps errs () confess errs = Parser $ \_ _ _ kfat _ -> kfat errs memento (Parser f) = Parser $ \ctx ps kok _ kbt -> f ctx ps (\ps' errs x -> kok ps' errs (Right x)) (\errs -> kok ps mempty (Left errs)) kbt absolve def (toFallible -> Parser f) = Parser $ \ctx ps kok _ _ -> f ctx ps kok (\_ -> kok ps mempty def) (kok ps mempty def) condemn (Parser f) = Parser $ \ctx ps kok kfat kbt -> f ctx ps (\ps' errs x -> if null errs then kok ps' mempty x else kfat errs) kfat kbt retcon g (Parser f) = Parser $ \ctx ps kok kfat kbt -> f ctx ps (\ps' errs x -> kok ps' (g errs) x) (\errs -> kfat (g errs)) kbt chronicle th = case th of This errs -> Parser (\_ _ _ kfat _ -> kfat errs) That res -> Parser (\_ ps kok _ _ -> kok ps mempty res) These errs res -> Parser (\_ ps kok _ _ -> kok ps errs res) parse :: FilePath -> String -> ([Diagnostic], Maybe PProgram) parse fp source = runParser pProgram (Context fp (lines source) []) (PS (Pos 0 0) (Pos 0 0) source) (\_ errs res -> if null errs then ([], Just res) else (toList errs, Just res)) (\errs -> (toList errs, Nothing)) () -- the program parser cannot fail! :D pProgram :: IParser PProgram pProgram = do defs <- pTopDefs let (datadefs, fundefs) = partitionEithers defs skipWhiteComment assertEOF Error return (Program datadefs fundefs) pTopDefs :: IParser [Either PDataDef PFunDef] pTopDefs = do faoptional pTopDef >>= \case Nothing -> do skipWhiteComment faoptional eof >>= \case Nothing -> do raise Error "Unparseable content" readWhileInline (const True) pTopDefs -- will skip the possible newline Just () -> return [] Just defs -> do defs2 <- pTopDefs return (defs ++ defs2) pTopDef :: FParser [Either PDataDef PFunDef] pTopDef = do noFail skipWhiteComment noFail isAtBlockLeft >>= \case True -> map Left <$> pDataDef0 <|>> map Right <$> pFunDef0 False -> do raise Error "Skipping unparseable content" noFail $ readWhileInline (const True) pTopDef pDataDef0 :: FParser [PDataDef] pDataDef0 = do pos1 <- gets psCur pKeyword "data" noFail $ do inlineWhite faoptional (pIdentifier0 InBlock Uppercase WCAssume) >>= \case Nothing -> do raise Error "Expected data declaration after 'data'" return [] Just name -> do params <- famany (inlineWhite >> ranged (pIdentifier0 InBlock Lowercase WCBacktrack)) cons <- pDatacons "=" pos2 <- gets psCur return [DataDef (Range pos1 pos2) name params (map (second (map (DataField ()))) cons)] where pDatacons :: String -> IParser [(Name, [PType])] pDatacons leader = do inlineWhite facatch (return []) $ do pKeySym0 leader inlineWhite name <- pIdentifier0 InBlock Uppercase WCAssume fields <- noFail $ famany pTypeAtom rest <- noFail $ pDatacons "|" return ((name, fields) : rest) data FunEqContext = FirstLine | WithTypeSig Name | Continue Name deriving (Show) pFunDef0 :: FParser [PFunDef] pFunDef0 = faasum' [do (sigrange, (name, typ)) <- ranged pStandaloneTypesig0 noFail $ do faoptional (pFunEq (WithTypeSig name)) >>= \case Just (clause1 : clauses1) -> do clauses <- concat <$> famany (pFunEq (Continue name)) let clauses' = clause1 :| clauses1 ++ clauses let rng = sigrange <> foldMapne extOf clauses' return [FunDef rng name (TypeSig () typ) clauses'] _ -> do pos <- gets psCur raise Error $ "Expected function equation for " ++ pretty name ++ " after type signature" let rng = Range pos pos return [FunDef sigrange name (TypeSig () typ) (FunEq rng name [] (Plain rng (EError rng)) :| [])] ,do pFunEq FirstLine >>= \case clause1@(FunEq _ name _ _) : clauses1 -> noFail $ do clauses <- concat <$> famany (pFunEq (Continue name)) let clauses' = clause1 :| clauses1 ++ clauses let rng = foldMapne extOf clauses' return [FunDef rng name (TypeSigExt () NoTypeSig) clauses'] [] -> faempty] -- | Given the name from the type signature or a previous clause, if any. pFunEq :: FunEqContext -> FParser [PFunEq] pFunEq fectx = do noFail skipWhiteComment faguardM isAtBlockLeft pushLocatedContext "function equation" $ do pos1 <- gets psCur name <- pIdentifier0 AtLeft Lowercase WCAssume -- We want to do various checks with what came before, and there are -- multiple branches where we decide to continue parsing this equation. To -- avoid code duplication or an early exit monad, we use a boolean here. success <- case fectx of FirstLine -> return True WithTypeSig checkName | name == checkName -> return True | otherwise -> noFail $ do raise Error $ "Name of function clause does not correspond with type signature: " ++ pretty checkName return False Continue checkName -> do faguard (name == checkName) -- this can still backtrack out of pFunEq return True noFail $ if success then do pats <- famany (pPattern 11) rhs <- pRHS "=" pos2 <- gets psCur return [FunEq (Range pos1 pos2) name pats rhs] else return [] -- | Pass "=" for function definitions and "->" for case clauses. pRHS :: String -> IParser PRHS pRHS sepsym = do -- TODO: parse guards inlineWhite pKeySym0 sepsym <|>> raise Error ("Expected " ++ show sepsym) expr <- pExpr <|>> expectedExpression return (Plain (extOf expr) expr) pPattern :: Int -> FParser PPattern pPattern d = inlineWhite >> pPattern0 d pPattern0 :: Int -> FParser PPattern pPattern0 d = do pos1 <- gets psCur p0 <- pPatExprAtom0 (max 10 d) climbRight pPattern (pInfixOp Uppercase) POp d pos1 p0 Nothing pExpr :: FParser PExpr pExpr = do inlineWhite -- basics: lit, list, var, con, tup -- expression atom: application of basics -- expression parser: op -- around: let, case, if pushLocatedContext "expression" $ do faasum' [pELet0 ,pECase0 ,pEIf0 ,pExprOpExpr0 0] pPatExprAtom0 :: Int -> FParser PPattern pPatExprAtom0 d = faasum' [pPatWildcard0 ,pPatVarOrAs0 ,pPatCon0 ,pPatList0 ,pPatParens0] where pPatWildcard0 = PWildcard <$> ranged' (pKeySym0 "_") pPatVarOrAs0 = do (varrng@(Range pos1 _), var) <- ranged $ pIdentifier0 InBlock Lowercase WCBacktrack facatch (return (PVar varrng var)) $ do inlineWhite pKeySym0 "@" noFail $ do pos <- gets psCur facatch (do raise Error "Expected pattern after '@'" return (PWildcard (Range pos pos))) $ do pat <- pPattern 11 pos2 <- gets psCur return (PAs (Range pos1 pos2) var pat) pPatCon0 = do (conrng@(Range pos1 _), con) <- ranged $ pIdentifier0 InBlock Uppercase WCBacktrack noFail $ if d > 10 then return (PCon conrng con []) else do args <- famany (pPattern 11) pos2 <- gets psCur return (PCon (Range pos1 pos2) con args) pPatList0 = do pos1 <- gets psCur char '[' -- special syntax, no need for pKeySym noFail $ do ps <- pPattern 0 `sepBy` (inlineWhite >> char ',') inlineWhite char ']' <|>> raise Error "Expected ']'" pos2 <- gets psCur return (PList (Range pos1 pos2) ps) pPatParens0 = do pos1 <- gets psCur char '(' inlineWhite faasum' [do char ')' pos2 <- gets psCur return (PTup (Range pos1 pos2) []) ,do p <- pPattern0 0 inlineWhite faasum' [do char ')' return p ,do char ',' ps <- pPattern 0 `sepBy1` (inlineWhite >> char ',') inlineWhite char ')' <|>> raise Error "Expected ')'" pos2 <- gets psCur return (PTup (Range pos1 pos2) (p : ps))]] pELet0 :: FParser PExpr pELet0 = do pos1 <- gets psCur pKeyword "let" noFail $ do inlineWhite defss <- startLayoutBlock $ do -- The first occurrence is also going to skip whitespace in front, -- which is redundant -- but not harmful. famany $ do noFail skipWhiteComment -- Note: now not necessarily in the indented block. Which is -- precisely what we need here. If we see "in", let the 'many' -- choice fail so that the defs loop ends. But let it fail outside -- this asum so that it is the many that picks it up, not this -- asum. res <- faasum' [Nothing <$ pKeyword "in" -- note: will be dropped due to the empty backtrack ,Just <$> pFunDef0] case res of Nothing -> faempty Just defs -> return defs let defs = concat defss inlineWhite facatch (do pos2 <- gets psCur raise Error "Expected 'in' after 'let'" return (ELet (Range pos1 pos2) defs (EError (Range pos2 pos2)))) $ do pKeyword "in" noFail $ do inlineWhite body <- pExpr <|>> expectedExpression pos2 <- gets psCur return (ELet (Range pos1 pos2) defs body) pECase0 :: FParser PExpr pECase0 = do pos1 <- gets psCur pKeyword "case" noFail $ do e <- pExpr <|>> expectedExpression inlineWhite facatch (do pos2 <- gets psCur raise Error "Expected 'of' after 'case'" return (ECase (Range pos1 pos2) e [])) $ do pKeyword "of" noFail $ do inlineWhite startLayoutBlock $ do -- The first clause is going to skip whitespace, but that's harmless -- (though redundant). let pClause = do noFail $ skipWhiteComment whenM (noFail $ not <$> isInsideBlock) (() <$ faempty) pat <- pPattern0 0 noFail $ do rhs <- pRHS "->" return (pat, rhs) clauses <- famany pClause pos2 <- gets psCur return (ECase (Range pos1 pos2) e clauses) pEIf0 :: FParser PExpr pEIf0 = do pos1 <- gets psCur pKeyword "if" noFail $ do e1 <- pExpr <|>> expectedExpression inlineWhite facatch (do pos2 <- gets psCur raise Error "Expected 'then' after 'if'" let rng = Range pos2 pos2 return (EIf (Range pos1 pos2) e1 (EError rng) (EError rng))) $ do pKeyword "then" noFail $ do e2 <- pExpr <|>> expectedExpression inlineWhite facatch (do pos2 <- gets psCur raise Error "Expected else after 'then'" let rng = Range pos2 pos2 return (EIf (Range pos1 pos2) e1 e2 (EError rng))) $ do pKeyword "else" noFail $ do e3 <- pExpr <|>> expectedExpression pos2 <- gets psCur return (EIf (Range pos1 pos2) e1 e2 e3) pExprOpExpr :: Int -> FParser PExpr pExprOpExpr d = inlineWhite >> pExprOpExpr0 d pExprOpExpr0 :: Int -> FParser PExpr pExprOpExpr0 d = do pos1 <- gets psCur e0 <- pEApp0 climbRight pExprOpExpr (snd <$> pInfixOp Don'tCare) EOp d pos1 e0 Nothing climbRight :: (Int -> FParser e) -- ^ Parse an expression at the given precedence level -> FParser ParsedOperator -- ^ Parse an operator -> (Range -> e -> Operator -> e -> e) -- ^ Build an operator application experssion -> Int -- ^ Ambient precedence level: minimum precedence of top-level operator in result -> Pos -- ^ Start of lhs -> e -- ^ lhs: Initial non-operator expression already parsed -> Maybe ParsedOperator -- ^ Top-level operator in lhs (initialise with Nothing) -> FParser e climbRight pExpr' pOper makeOp d lhspos lhs mlhsop = facatch (return lhs) $ do paop@(PaOp op d2 a2 _) <- pOper faguard (d2 >= d) -- respect global minimum precedence case mlhsop of -- check operator compatibility Just (PaOp _ d1 a1 _) -> faguard (d1 > d2 || (d1 == d2 && a1 == a2 && a1 /= AssocNone)) Nothing -> return () let oprhsd = case a2 of AssocRight -> d2 ; _ -> d2 + 1 rhs <- pExpr' oprhsd pos2 <- gets psCur climbRight pExpr' pOper makeOp d lhspos (makeOp (Range lhspos pos2) lhs op rhs) (Just paop) pEApp0 :: FParser PExpr pEApp0 = do pos1 <- gets psCur e1 <- pEAtom0 es <- noFail $ famany (inlineWhite >> pEAtom0) pos2 <- gets psCur case es of [] -> return e1 _ -> return (EApp (Range pos1 pos2) e1 es) pEAtom0 :: FParser PExpr pEAtom0 = faasum' [uncurry ELit <$> ranged pLiteral0 ,pEList0 ,pEVarOrCon0 ,pEParens0] pLiteral0 :: FParser Literal pLiteral0 = faasum' [do as <- toList <$> fasome (satisfy isDigit) let a = read as :: Integer facatch (return (LInt a)) $ do char '.' bs <- toList <$> fasome (satisfy isDigit) let b = read bs :: Integer cs <- noFail $ faoptional $ do char 'e' cs <- toList <$> fasome (satisfy isDigit) return cs let c = maybe 0 read cs :: Integer return (LFloat ((fromIntegral a + fromIntegral b / 10 ^ length bs) * 10 ^ c)) ,do char '\'' facatch (raise Error "Unclosed character literal" >> return (LChar '?')) $ do cs <- noFail $ famany pStringChar char '\'' noFail $ do c <- case cs of [c] -> return c _ -> raise Error "Character literal must contain one character" >> return '?' return (LChar c) ,do char '"' noFail $ do s <- famany pStringChar char '"' <|>> raise Error "Unclosed string literal" return (LString s)] pStringChar :: FParser Char pStringChar = faasum' [do char '\\' char 'x' let hexdig = do c <- satisfy $ \c' -> let c = toLower c' in 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' || '0' <= c && c <= '9' return $ if 'a' <= c then 10 + ord c - ord 'a' else ord c - ord '0' digs <- toList <$> fasome hexdig return (chr (sum (zipWith (*) (reverse digs) (iterate (*16) 1)))) ,do char '\\' satisfy (const True) >>= \case 'n' -> return '\n' 'r' -> return '\r' 't' -> return '\t' 'a' -> return '\a' 'b' -> return '\b' '\'' -> return '\'' '\"' -> return '\"' '0' -> return '\0' c -> do raise Error $ "Invalid escape sequence: \\" ++ [c] return '?' ,do satisfy (\c -> c `notElem` "\n\r\\\'")] pEList0 :: FParser PExpr pEList0 = do pos1 <- gets psCur char '[' -- special syntax, no need for pKeySym noFail $ do es <- sepBy pExpr (inlineWhite >> char ',') inlineWhite char ']' <|>> raise Error "Expected closing ']'" pos2 <- gets psCur return (EList (Range pos1 pos2) es) pEVarOrCon0 :: FParser PExpr pEVarOrCon0 = ranged (pIdentifier0 InBlock Don'tCare ()) >>= \case (rng, (Lowercase, name)) -> return (EVar rng name) (rng, (Uppercase, name)) -> return (ECon rng name) pEParens0 :: FParser PExpr pEParens0 = do char '(' noFail $ do e <- pExpr <|>> expectedExpression inlineWhite char ')' <|>> raise Error "Expected closing ')'" return e expectedExpression :: IParser PExpr expectedExpression = do pos <- gets psCur raise Error "Expected expression" return (EError (Range pos pos)) data Associativity = AssocLeft | AssocRight | AssocNone deriving (Show, Eq) data ParsedOperator = PaOp Operator Int Associativity Range deriving (Show) pInfixOp :: Case care -> FParser (WithCaseOutput care ParsedOperator) pInfixOp cs = do inlineWhite case cs of Lowercase -> pLowerInfixOp0 Uppercase -> pUpperInfixOp0 Don'tCare -> faasum' [(Lowercase,) <$> pLowerInfixOp0 ,(Uppercase,) <$> pUpperInfixOp0] pLowerInfixOp0 :: FParser ParsedOperator pLowerInfixOp0 = faasum' [PaOp OEqu 4 AssocNone <$> ranged' (pKeySym0 "==") ,PaOp OAdd 6 AssocLeft <$> ranged' (pKeySym0 "+") ,PaOp OSub 6 AssocLeft <$> ranged' (pKeySym0 "-") ,PaOp OMul 7 AssocLeft <$> ranged' (pKeySym0 "*") ,PaOp ODiv 7 AssocLeft <$> ranged' (pKeySym0 "/") ,PaOp OMod 7 AssocLeft <$> ranged' (pKeySym0 "%") ,PaOp OPow 8 AssocRight <$> ranged' (pKeySym0 "^") ] pUpperInfixOp0 :: FParser ParsedOperator pUpperInfixOp0 = faasum' [PaOp OCons 5 AssocRight <$> ranged' (pKeySym0 ":")] pStandaloneTypesig0 :: FParser (Name, PType) pStandaloneTypesig0 = do name <- pIdentifier0 AtLeft Lowercase WCBacktrack inlineWhite pKeySym0 "::" ty <- pType <|>> (raise Error "Expected type" >> faempty) return (name, ty) pType :: FParser PType pType = do pos1 <- gets psCur ty1 <- pTypeApp facatch (return ty1) $ do inlineWhite pKeySym0 "->" noFail $ do pos2 <- gets psCur ty2 <- pType <|>> (raise Error "Expected type" >> return (TTup (Range pos2 pos2) [])) return (TFun (Range pos1 pos2) ty1 ty2) pTypeApp :: FParser PType pTypeApp = do pos1 <- gets psCur ts <- fasome pTypeAtom pos2 <- gets psCur case ts of t :| [] -> return t t :| ts' -> return (TApp (Range pos1 pos2) t ts') pTypeAtom :: FParser PType pTypeAtom = faasum' [pTypeParens, pTypeList, pTypeName] where pTypeParens = do inlineWhite pos1 <- gets psCur char '(' faasum' [do inlineWhite char ')' pos2 <- gets psCur return (TTup (Range pos1 pos2) []) ,do ty1 <- pType noFail $ do ty2s <- famany $ do inlineWhite char ',' pos <- gets psCur noFail $ pType <|>> (raise Error "Expected type" >> return (TTup (Range pos pos) [])) inlineWhite char ')' <|>> raise Error "Expected closing ')'" pos2 <- gets psCur case ty2s of [] -> return ty1 _ -> return (TTup (Range pos1 pos2) (ty1 : ty2s))] pTypeList = do inlineWhite pos1 <- gets psCur char '[' ty <- pType noFail $ char ']' <|>> raise Error "Expected closing ']'" pos2 <- gets psCur return (TList (Range pos1 pos2) ty) pTypeName = do inlineWhite (rng, (cs, name)) <- ranged $ pIdentifier0 InBlock Don'tCare () case cs of Uppercase -> return (TCon rng name) Lowercase -> return (TVar rng name) -- | Parse the given name-like keyword, ensuring that it is the entire word. pKeyword :: String -> FParser () pKeyword s = do string s -- traceM $ "pKeyword: parsed " ++ show s notFollowedBy (() <$ satisfy isNameContChar) -- | Parse the given symbol-like keyword, ensuring that it is the entire symbol. pKeySym0 :: String -> FParser () pKeySym0 s = do string s notFollowedBy (() <$ satisfy isSymbolChar) ranged :: Parser fail a -> Parser fail (Range, a) ranged p = do pos1 <- gets psCur res <- p pos2 <- gets psCur return (Range pos1 pos2, res) ranged' :: Parser fail () -> Parser fail (Range) ranged' p = fst <$> ranged p data Case care where Uppercase :: Case 'True Lowercase :: Case 'True Don'tCare :: Case 'False deriving instance Show (Case care) type family WithCaseOutput care a where WithCaseOutput 'True a = a WithCaseOutput 'False a = (Case 'True, a) data WrongCaseBacktrack = WCBacktrack -- ^ If a word was found but it had the wrong case, fail and backtrack. | WCAssume -- ^ Be certain that this case is expected here, and assume incorrect -- case is a typo. deriving (Show) -- | Consumes an identifier (word or parenthesised operator) at the current -- position. The `var` production in Haskell2010. -- var -> varid | "(" varsym ")" pIdentifier0 :: BlockPos -> Case care -> If care WrongCaseBacktrack () -> FParser (WithCaseOutput care Name) pIdentifier0 bpos cs wrongcase = pAlphaName0 bpos cs wrongcase <|>> pParens0 (pSymbol0 bpos cs) where -- | Parser between parens, with the opening paren at the current position. pParens0 :: FParser a -> FParser a pParens0 p = do char '(' inlineWhite res <- p inlineWhite char ')' return res -- | Consumes a word-like name at the current position with the given case. The -- `varid` production in Haskell2010 for 'Lowercase', `conid' for 'Uppercase'. -- -- > varid -> (small {small | large | digit | "'"}) without reservedid pAlphaName0 :: BlockPos -> Case care -> If care WrongCaseBacktrack () -> FParser (WithCaseOutput care Name) pAlphaName0 bpos cs wrongcase = do startPos <- gets psCur (_, s) <- readToken bpos (\atfst mc -> case (atfst, mc) of (True , Just c) | isNameHeadChar c -> Just (Right False) (True , _ ) -> Nothing (False, Just c) | isNameContChar c -> Just (Right False) (False, _ ) -> Just (Left ())) True faguard (s `notElem` ["case", "class", "data", "default", "deriving", "do", "else" ,"foreign", "if", "import", "in", "infix", "infixl" ,"infixr", "instance", "let", "module", "newtype", "of" ,"then", "type", "where", "_"]) (name, adjoin) <- case cs of Uppercase | isLower (head s) -> case wrongcase of WCBacktrack -> faempty WCAssume -> noFail $ do raiseAt startPos Error "Unexpected uppercase word at this position, assuming typo" return (toUpper (head s) : tail s, id) | otherwise -> return (s, id) Lowercase | isUpper (head s) -> case wrongcase of WCBacktrack -> faempty WCAssume -> noFail $ do raiseAt startPos Error "Unexpected lowercase word at this position, assuming typo" return (toLower (head s) : tail s, id) | otherwise -> return (s, id) Don'tCare | isLower (head s) -> return (s, (Lowercase,)) | otherwise -> return (s, (Uppercase,)) return (adjoin (Name name)) isNameHeadChar :: Char -> Bool isNameHeadChar c = isLetter c || c == '_' isNameContChar :: Char -> Bool isNameContChar c = isNameHeadChar c || isDigit c || c == '\'' -- | Consumes a symbol at the current position. The `varsym` production in -- Haskell2010 for 'Lowercase', `consym` otherwise, and either if 'Don'tCare'. -- -- > varsym -> ((symbol without ":") {symbol}) without (reservedop | dashes) -- > consym -> (":" {symbol}) without reservedop -- > symbol -> ascSymbol | uniSymbol without (special | "_" | "\"" | "'") -- > ascSymbol -> ```!#$%&⋆+./<=>?@^|-~:``` -- > uniSymbol -> unicode symbol or punctuation -- > dashes -> "--" {"-"} -- > special -> ```(),;[]`{}``` -- > reservedop -> ".." | ":" | "::" | "=" | "\" | "|" | "<-" | "->" | "@" | "~" | "=>" pSymbol0 :: BlockPos -> Case care -> FParser (WithCaseOutput care Name) pSymbol0 bpos cs = do case bpos of AtLeft -> whenM (noFail $ not <$> isAtBlockLeft) (() <$ faempty) InBlock -> whenM (noFail $ not <$> isInsideBlock) faempty (c1, adjoin) <- case cs of Lowercase -> (,id) <$> satisfy (\c -> isSymbolChar c && c /= ':') Uppercase -> (,id) <$> satisfy (== ':') Don'tCare -> do c1 <- satisfy (\c -> isSymbolChar c) return (c1, if c1 == ':' then (Uppercase,) else (Lowercase,)) crest <- noFail $ famany (satisfy isSymbolChar) let name = c1 : crest faguard (name `notElem` ["..", ":", "::", "=", "\\", "|", "<-", "->", "@", "~", "=>"]) faguard (take 2 name /= "--") return (adjoin (Name name)) isSymbolChar :: Char -> Bool isSymbolChar c = (isAscSymbol || isUniSymbol) && not isSpecialExt where isSpecialExt = c `elem` "(),;[]`{}_\"'" isAscSymbol = c `elem` "!#$%&⋆+./<=>?@^|-~:" isUniSymbol = ord c > 127 && (isSymbol c || isPunctuation c) sepBy1 :: FParser a -> FParser sep -> FParser [a] sepBy1 p psep = do x1 <- p (psep >> (x1 :) <$> sepBy1 p psep) <|>> pure [x1] sepBy :: FParser a -> FParser sep -> IParser [a] sepBy p psep = sepBy1 p psep <|>> pure [] -- | Start a new layout block at the current position. The old layout block is -- restored after completion of this subparser. startLayoutBlock :: IParser a -> IParser a startLayoutBlock p = do ps0 <- get put (ps0 { psBlk = psCur ps0 }) res <- p modify (\ps -> ps { psBlk = psBlk ps0 }) return res data Fatality fatal where Error :: Fatality 'False -- Fatal :: Fatality 'True deriving instance Show (Fatality fatal) type family FatalCtx fatal a where FatalCtx 'False a = a ~ () FatalCtx 'True a = () raise_ :: KnownFallible fail => Fatality fatal -> String -> Parser fail () raise_ Error = raise Error -- raise_ Fatal = raise Fatal raise :: (KnownFallible fail, FatalCtx fatal a) => Fatality fatal -> String -> Parser fail a raise fat msg = gets psCur >>= \pos -> raiseAt pos fat msg -- | Raise an error with the given fatality and description. raiseAt :: (KnownFallible fail, FatalCtx fatal a) => Pos -> Fatality fatal -> String -> Parser fail a raiseAt pos fat msg = do Context { ctxFile = fp , ctxStack = stk, ctxLines = srcLines } <- ask let err = Diagnostic SError fp (Range pos pos) stk (srcLines !! posLine pos) msg case fat of Error -> dictate (pure err) -- Fatal -> confess (pure err) describeLocation :: IParser String describeLocation = do fp <- asks ctxFile cur <- gets psCur return $ fp ++ ":" ++ show (posLine cur + 1) ++ ":" ++ show (posCol cur + 1) -- | Registers a scope description on the stack for error reporting. pushContext :: String -> Parser fail a -> Parser fail a pushContext descr = local (\c -> c { ctxStack = descr : ctxStack c }) -- | Registers a scope description on the stack for error reporting, suffixed -- with the current parsing location. pushLocatedContext :: String -> Parser fail a -> Parser fail a pushLocatedContext descr p = do loc <- noFail describeLocation pushContext (descr ++ " at " ++ loc) p data BlockPos = AtLeft | InBlock deriving (Show) -- | Consumes a token at the current position, asserting that we are -- in the position indicated by the 'BlockPos' argument. The token is defined -- by a pure stateful parser. If encountering a newline or EOF, the parser is -- run on this character ('Nothing' for EOF); if this produces a result, the -- result is returned; otherwise, the parser fails. The newline is not consumed. readToken :: BlockPos -> (s -> Maybe Char -> Maybe (Either r s)) -> s -> FParser (r, String) readToken bpos f s0 = do case bpos of AtLeft -> whenM (noFail $ not <$> isAtBlockLeft) (() <$ faempty) InBlock -> whenM (noFail $ not <$> isInsideBlock) faempty let loop :: (s -> Maybe Char -> Maybe (Either r s)) -> s -> FParser (r, String) loop f' st = do ps <- get case psRest ps of [] | Just (Left res) <- f' st Nothing -> return (res, "") | otherwise -> faempty '\n' : _ | Just (Left res) <- f' st (Just '\n') -> return (res, "") c : cs -> case f' st (Just c) of Nothing -> faempty Just (Left res) -> return (res, "") Just (Right st') -> do let Pos line col = psCur ps put (ps { psCur = Pos line (col + 1), psRest = cs }) fmap (c :) <$> loop f' st' loop f s0 -- | Consumes all whitespace and comments (including newlines), but only if -- this then leaves the parser inside the current block. If not, succeeds and -- consumes nothing. inlineWhite :: Parser fail () inlineWhite = do ps <- get noFail skipWhiteComment whenM (noFail $ not <$> isInsideBlock) $ put ps -- | Consumes all whitespace and comments (including newlines). Note: this may -- end outside the current block. skipWhiteComment :: IParser () skipWhiteComment = do inlineSpaces _ <- famany (blockComment >> noFail inlineSpaces) optional_ lineComment0 optional_ (consumeNewline >> noFail skipWhiteComment) where -- | Consumes some inline whitespace. Stops before newlines. inlineSpaces :: IParser () inlineSpaces = readWhileInline isSpace -- | Consumes an delimited comment including both end markers. Note: this may -- end outside the current block. blockComment :: FParser () blockComment = do string "{-" -- no need for pKeySym here let loop = do faasum [string "-}" ,eof >> raise Error "Unfinished {- -} comment at end of file" ,blockComment >> noFail loop ,consumeNewline >> noFail loop] (readWhileInline (`notElem` "{-")) -- "-}" also starts with '-' noFail loop -- | Consumes a line comment marker and the rest of the line, excluding -- newline. lineComment0 :: FParser () lineComment0 = do -- '--!' is an operator, so we need to parse a whole symbol here. pKeySym0 "--" noFail $ readWhileInline (const True) -- | Raises an error if we're not currently at EOF. assertEOF :: Fatality fatal -> IParser () assertEOF fat = gets psRest >>= \case [] -> return () _ -> raise_ fat "Unexpected stuff" -- | Returns whether the current position is _within_ the current block, for -- soft-wrapping content. This means that col > blkCol. isInsideBlock :: IParser Bool isInsideBlock = do PS { psCur = cur, psBlk = blk } <- get return $ posLine cur >= posLine blk && posCol cur > posCol blk -- | Returns whether the current position is at the left border of the block; -- this is for list content such as function definitions or let bindings. This -- means that col == blkCol. isAtBlockLeft :: IParser Bool isAtBlockLeft = do PS { psCur = cur, psBlk = blk } <- get return $ posLine cur >= posLine blk && posCol cur == posCol blk -- | Consumes characters while the predicate holds or until (and excluding) -- a newline, whichever comes first. readWhileInline :: (Char -> Bool) -> IParser () readWhileInline p = do (taken, rest) <- span (\c -> p c && c /= '\n') <$> gets psRest modify (\ps -> ps { psCur = let Pos line col = psCur ps in Pos line (col + length taken) , psRest = rest }) -- | Consumes exactly one newline at the current position. consumeNewline :: FParser () consumeNewline = gets psRest >>= \case '\n' : rest -> modify (\ps -> ps { psCur = Pos (posLine (psCur ps) + 1) 0 , psRest = rest }) _ -> faempty -- | Consumes exactly one character, unequal to newline, at the current position. satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> FParser Char satisfy p = do -- traceM "entering satisfy" r <- gets psRest -- traceM "got rest" r `seq` return () -- traceM "seqd rest" -- traceM ("rest is " ++ show r) case r of c : rest | c /= '\n', p c -> do modify (\ps -> let Pos line col = psCur ps in ps { psCur = Pos line (col + 1) , psRest = rest }) return c _ -> faempty -- | Consumes exactly this character at the current position. Must not be a -- newline. char :: Char -> FParser () char c = string [c] -- | Consumes exactly this string at the current position. The string must not -- contain a newline. string :: String -> FParser () string s | any (== '\n') s = error "Newline in 'string' argument" string s = do ps <- get let Pos line col = psCur ps if take (length s) (psRest ps) == s then put (ps { psCur = Pos line (col + length s) , psRest = drop (length s) (psRest ps) }) else faempty -- lookAhead :: FParser a -> FParser a -- lookAhead p = do -- ps <- get -- success <- (Just <$> p) <|>> pure Nothing -- put ps -- restore state, as if nothing happened -- case success of -- Nothing -> faempty -- Just x -> return x notFollowedBy :: FParser () -> FParser () notFollowedBy p = do ps <- get success <- (False <$ p) <|>> pure True put ps -- restore state, as if nothing happened when (not success) faempty -- | Only succeeds at EOF. eof :: FParser () eof = gets psRest >>= \case [] -> return () _ -> faempty whenM :: (Monad m, Monoid a) => m Bool -> m a -> m a whenM mb mx = mb >>= \b -> if b then mx else return mempty optional_ :: FAlternative f => f 'Fallible a -> f 'Infallible () optional_ a = (() <$ a) <|>> pure ()