module Intermediate where import Data.List import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Maybe import AST data IRProgram = IRProgram [BB] (Map.Map Name GlobFuncDef) [Value] -- data table data GlobFuncDef = GlobFuncDef Int -- BB id of implementation Int -- number of arguments [Name] -- closure slots data BB = BB Int [Instruction] Terminator type Instruction = (Ref, InsCode) data Ref = RConst Int | RTemp Int | RSClo Name -- static closure object of a function | RNone deriving Eq data InsCode = IAssign Ref | IParam Int -- first param is self-recurse link | IClosure Int | IData Int | ICallC Ref [Ref] | IAllocClo Name [Ref] | IDiscard Ref deriving Eq data Terminator = IBr Ref Int Int | IJmp Int | IRet Ref | ITailC Ref [Ref] | IExit | IUnknown deriving Eq bidOf :: BB -> Int bidOf (BB i _ _) = i inssOf :: BB -> [Instruction] inssOf (BB _ i _) = i termOf :: BB -> Terminator termOf (BB _ _ t) = t class AllRefs a where allRefs :: a -> [Ref] instance AllRefs InsCode where allRefs (IAssign r) = [r] allRefs (IParam _) = [] allRefs (IClosure _) = [] allRefs (IData _) = [] allRefs (ICallC r rs) = r : rs allRefs (IAllocClo _ rs) = rs allRefs (IDiscard r) = [r] instance AllRefs Terminator where allRefs (IBr r _ _) = [r] allRefs (IJmp _) = [] allRefs (IRet r) = [r] allRefs (ITailC r rs) = r : rs allRefs IExit = [] allRefs IUnknown = [] instance Show IRProgram where show (IRProgram bbs gfds datas) = intercalate "\n" $ ["IRPROGRAM", "Data Table:"] ++ map (("- " ++) . show) datas ++ ["Global functions:"] ++ map (\(n, gfd) -> "- " ++ n ++ ": " ++ show gfd) (Map.assocs gfds) ++ ["Blocks:"] ++ [intercalate "\n" (map (genericShowBB icshow termshow) bbs)] where annotate s "" = s annotate s a = s ++ " ; " ++ a refAnnot rs = intercalate ", " . catMaybes $ [case Map.lookup name gfds of Nothing -> Nothing Just (GlobFuncDef i _ _) -> Just (name ++ " = BB " ++ show i) | RSClo name <- nub rs] safeIndex l i = if 0 <= i && i < length l then Just (l !! i) else Nothing icshow ins@(IData n) = annotate (show ins) (maybe "??" show (datas `safeIndex` n)) icshow ins = annotate (show ins) (refAnnot (allRefs ins)) termshow term = annotate (show term) (refAnnot (allRefs term)) instance Show GlobFuncDef where show (GlobFuncDef bbid na []) = "BB " ++ show bbid ++ " (" ++ show na ++ ")" show (GlobFuncDef bbid na cs) = "BB " ++ show bbid ++ " (" ++ show na ++ ") (closure slots: " ++ intercalate ", " cs ++ ")" instance Show BB where show = genericShowBB show show instance Show Ref where show (RConst n) = show n show (RTemp n) = "t" ++ show n show (RSClo name) = "SC(\"" ++ name ++ "\")" show RNone = "<>" instance Show InsCode where show (IAssign r) = "assign " ++ show r show (IParam n) = "param " ++ show n show (IClosure n) = "closure " ++ show n show (IData n) = "data " ++ show n show (ICallC r as) = "callc " ++ show r ++ " " ++ show as show (IAllocClo name vs) = "alloc-closure \"" ++ name ++ "\" " ++ show vs show (IDiscard r) = "discard " ++ show r instance Show Terminator where show (IBr r b1 b2) = "br " ++ show r ++ " " ++ show b1 ++ " " ++ show b2 show (IJmp b) = "jmp " ++ show b show (IRet r) = "ret " ++ show r show (ITailC r as) = "tailc " ++ show r ++ " " ++ show as show IExit = "exit" show IUnknown = "<>" genericShowBB :: (InsCode -> String) -> (Terminator -> String) -> BB -> String genericShowBB icshow termshow (BB i inss term) = "BB " ++ show i ++ concatMap (\(r, ic) -> case r of RNone -> "\n " ++ icshow ic _ -> "\n " ++ show r ++ " <- " ++ icshow ic) inss ++ "\n " ++ termshow term