{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Liveness ( livenessAnalysis ) where import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Set (Set) class IntoSet s where intoSet :: Ord a => s a -> Set a instance IntoSet [] where intoSet = Set.fromList instance IntoSet Set where intoSet = id livenessAnalysis :: forall bbid bb ins var set. (Ord bbid, Ord var, IntoSet set) => [bb] -- basic blocks -> (bb -> bbid) -- ID of the basic block; should probably be Int -> (bb -> [ins]) -- instructions in the basic block -> (bb -> [bbid]) -- control flow graph: subsequents of a basic block -> (ins -> set var) -- read set (variables required to be live when entering this instruction) -> (ins -> set var) -- write set (variables made available after this instruction) -> [[Set var]] -- variables live at the start of that instruction livenessAnalysis bblocks bidOf bbInss bbNexts fread fwrite = let bbEndLive = computeFlow (Map.fromList (map (,Set.empty) bids)) in zipWith (\fs endlive -> init (scanr id endlive fs)) (mapToList insTransFs) (mapToList bbEndLive) where mapToList m = map (m Map.!) bids bids = map bidOf bblocks bidInss = Map.fromList (zip bids (map bbInss bblocks)) bidNexts = Map.fromList (zip bids (map bbNexts bblocks)) rwSets = Map.map (map (\ins -> (intoSet (fread ins), intoSet (fwrite ins)))) bidInss insTransFs = Map.map (map (\(rs, ws) live -> (live Set.\\ ws) <> rs)) rwSets bbTransFs = Map.map (foldr (.) id) insTransFs computeFlow state = let l = iterate flowStep state in fst . head . dropWhile (uncurry (/=)) $ zip l (tail l) flowStep state = foldl updateFlow state bids updateFlow state bid = Map.insert bid ((bbTransFs Map.! bid) (Set.unions (map (state Map.!) (bidNexts Map.! bid)))) state