module LivenessAnalysis(livenessAnalysis) where import Data.List import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import DataFlow livenessAnalysis :: (Ord id, Ord var) -- | The basic blocks, containing a list of statements and -- a list of possible subsequent blocks => Map.Map id ([stmt], [id]) -- | The blocks that can exit the program -> [id] -- | The gen set for a statement: the variables required -- to be live right before the statement -> (stmt -> [var]) -- | The kill set for a statement: the variables that are -- assigned a new value in the statement; note that -- a variable may be in both the gen and kill sets, in -- which case the kill entry is ignored -> (stmt -> [var]) -- | The list of live variables before and after each -- statement; if a block contains n statements, then its -- entry in the returned map contains (n+1) lists of -- variables. These lists are to be placed in between the -- n statements. -> Map.Map id [[var]] livenessAnalysis cfg exitNodes genF killF = let cfg' = snd cfg stmtTransF lives stmt = (lives \\ nub (killF stmt)) `union` nub (genF stmt) gkMap = Map.fromList [(i, (g, k)) | (i, (stmts, _)) <- Map.assocs cfg , let (g, k) = foldl' (\(g1, k1) stmt -> let (g2, k2) = (genF stmt, killF stmt) in (k1 `union` k2, (g1 \\ k1) `union` g2)) ([], []) (reverse stmts)] genF' = fst . (gkMap Map.!) killF' = snd . (gkMap Map.!) blockEnds = liveness cfg' exitNodes genF' killF' in Map.mapWithKey (\i endLives -> scanl stmtTransF endLives (fst $ cfg Map.! i)) blockEnds data LivenessLattice var = Lives { getLives :: [var] } instance Ord var => Eq (LivenessLattice var) where Lives v1 == Lives v2 = sort v1 == sort v2 instance Ord var => Lattice (LivenessLattice var) where bottom = Lives [] Lives v1 `join` Lives v2 = Lives (union v1 v2) liveness :: (Ord id, Ord var) -- | The control flow graph of basic blocks => Map.Map id [id] -- | The blocks that can exit the program -> [id] -- | The gen set for a basic block -> (id -> [var]) -- | The kill set for a basic block -> (id -> [var]) -- | The list of live variables at the end of the blocks -> Map.Map id [var] liveness cfg exitNodes genF killF = -- Nothing is considered to be live at the end of the program, so -- exitValue is bottom let exitValue = bottom genMap = Map.mapWithKey (\k _ -> nub (genF k)) cfg killMap = Map.mapWithKey (\k _ -> nub (killF k)) cfg transF (Lives vars) i = Lives $ (vars \\ (killMap Map.! i)) `union` (genMap Map.! i) in (getLives . snd) $ dataFlowAnalysis Backwards cfg exitNodes exitValue transF