#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include //A bigint implementation based on unsigned 32-bit digits. //The implementation relies on having native 64-bit arithmetic (or specifically, //(2*digit_bits)-bit arithmetic). class Bigint{ public: typedef uint32_t digit_t; typedef int32_t sdigit_t; //signed version typedef uint64_t longdigit_t; //should be twice as large as digit_t typedef int64_t slongdigit_t; //signed version static const int digit_bits=8*sizeof(digit_t); private: std::vector digits; //little-endian order int sign; //-1 for negative, 1 for positive; -0 is not a valid state static void add(Bigint&,const Bigint&); //ignores sign of arguments static void subtract(Bigint&,const Bigint&); //ignores sign of arguments static Bigint product(const Bigint&,const Bigint&); void shrink(); //prune unnecessary zero digits on top void normalise(); //make sure -0 doesn't occur //This function is called from all relevant return points of the member functions. It's //basically a debug check, but it can't hurt to have it since it takes few cpu cycles. void checkconsistent(); static std::pair divmod(Bigint a,const Bigint &div,int maxdepth); //ignores all signs public: Bigint(); Bigint(const Bigint&)=default; Bigint(Bigint&&); explicit Bigint(const std::string&); //Initialise with a large value explicit Bigint(sdigit_t); //Initialise with a small value explicit Bigint(digit_t); explicit Bigint(slongdigit_t); explicit Bigint(longdigit_t); Bigint& operator=(const Bigint&)=default; Bigint& operator=(Bigint&&); Bigint& operator=(slongdigit_t); Bigint& operator=(longdigit_t); Bigint& operator=(sdigit_t); Bigint& operator=(digit_t); Bigint& operator+=(const Bigint&); Bigint& operator-=(const Bigint&); Bigint& operator*=(const Bigint&); Bigint& operator+=(slongdigit_t); Bigint& operator-=(slongdigit_t); Bigint& operator*=(slongdigit_t); Bigint& operator<<=(int); Bigint& operator>>=(int); Bigint& negate(); //Division and modulo operators are explicitly NOT included, to promote clever usage //of the divmod function, which combines both. Bigint operator+(const Bigint&) const; Bigint operator-(const Bigint&) const; Bigint operator*(const Bigint&) const; Bigint operator+(slongdigit_t) const; Bigint operator-(slongdigit_t) const; Bigint operator*(slongdigit_t) const; Bigint operator<<(int) const; Bigint operator>>(int) const; //Uses *mathematical* division-with-remainder. //If we look at {q,r} = x.divmod(y), then x = q*y + r, and 0<=r<|q|. This is *not* compatible with many other //programming languages (and, for that matter, the C++ built-in behaviour). std::pair divmod(const Bigint&) const; bool operator==(const Bigint&) const; bool operator!=(const Bigint&) const; bool operator<(const Bigint&) const; bool operator>(const Bigint&) const; bool operator<=(const Bigint&) const; bool operator>=(const Bigint&) const; bool operator==(slongdigit_t) const; bool operator!=(slongdigit_t) const; bool operator<(slongdigit_t) const; bool operator>(slongdigit_t) const; bool operator<=(slongdigit_t) const; bool operator>=(slongdigit_t) const; int compare(const Bigint&) const; //-1: <; 0: ==; 1: > int compare(slongdigit_t) const; int compareAbs(const Bigint&) const; //-1: <; 0: ==; 1: >; disregards sign int compareAbs(slongdigit_t) const; int bitcount() const; slongdigit_t lowdigits() const; bool even() const; bool odd() const; std::string serialiseMantissa() const; //stores everything but the sign void deserialiseMantissa(const std::string&); //restores non-negative number; can throw invalid_argument std::vector bits() const; //Stores bits in little-endian order friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&,Bigint&); friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&,Bigint); static Bigint mone; //Some small values to save a constructor call static Bigint zero; static Bigint one; static Bigint two; }; std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&,Bigint&); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&,Bigint); //The output operator supports the `hex` modifier