{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} module Data.Expr.SharingRecovery.Internal where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict import Data.Bifunctor (first, second) import Data.Char (chr, ord) import Data.Functor.Const import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.Functor.Product import Data.Hashable import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.List (sortBy, intersperse) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.Some import Data.Type.Equality import GHC.StableName import Numeric.Natural import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce) -- import Debug.Trace import Data.StableName.Extra -- TODO: This implementation needs extensive documentation. 1. It is written -- quite generically, meaning that the actual algorithm is easily obscured to -- all but the most willing readers; 2. the original paper leaves something to -- be desired in the domain of effective explanation for programmers, and this -- is a good opportunity to try to do better. withMoreState :: Functor m => b -> StateT (s, b) m a -> StateT s m (a, b) withMoreState b0 (StateT f) = StateT $ \s -> (\(x, (s2, b)) -> ((x, b), s2)) <$> f (s, b0) withLessState :: Functor m => (s -> (s', b)) -> (s' -> b -> s) -> StateT s' m a -> StateT s m a withLessState split restore (StateT f) = StateT $ \s -> let (s', b) = split s in second (flip restore b) <$> f s' -- | 'Functor' on the second-to-last type parameter. class Functor1 f where fmap1 :: (forall b. g b -> h b) -> f g a -> f h a default fmap1 :: Traversable1 f => (forall b. g b -> h b) -> f g a -> f h a fmap1 f x = runIdentity (traverse1 (Identity . f) x) -- | 'Traversable' on the second-to-last type parameter. class Functor1 f => Traversable1 f where traverse1 :: Applicative m => (forall b. g b -> m (h b)) -> f g a -> m (f h a) -- | Expression in parametric higher-order abstract syntax form. -- -- * @typ@ should be a singleton GADT that describes the @t@ type parameter. It -- should implement 'TestEquality'. For example, for a simple language with -- only @Int@, pairs and functions as types, the following would suffice: -- -- @ -- data Typ t where -- TInt :: Typ Int -- TPair :: Typ a -> Typ b -> Typ (a, b) -- TFun :: Typ a -> Typ b -> Typ (a -> b) -- @ -- -- * @v@ is the type of variables in the expression. A PHOAS expression is -- required to be parametric in the @v@ parameter; the only place you will -- obtain a @v@ is inside a @PHOASLam@ function body. -- -- * @f@ should be your type of operations for your language. It is indexed by -- the type of subexpressions and the result type of the operation; thus, it -- is a "base functor" indexed by one additional parameter (@t@). For -- example, for a simple language that supports only integer constants, -- integer addition, lambda abstraction and function application: -- -- @ -- data Oper r t where -- OConst :: Int -> Oper r Int -- OAdd :: r Int -> r Int -> Oper r Int -- OApp :: r (a -> b) -> r a -> Oper r b -- @ -- -- Note that lambda abstraction is not an operation, because 'PHOASExpr' -- already represents lambda abstraction as 'PHOASLam'. The reason lambdas -- are part of 'PHOASExpr' is that 'sharingRecovery' must be able to inspect -- lambdas and analyse their bodies. -- -- Note furthermore that @Oper@ is /not/ a recursive type. Subexpressions -- are again 'PHOASExpr's, and 'sharingRecovery' needs to be able to see -- them. Hence, you should call back to @r@ instead of recursing -- manually. -- -- * @t@ is the result type of this expression. data PHOASExpr typ v f t where PHOASOp :: typ t -> f (PHOASExpr typ v f) t -> PHOASExpr typ v f t PHOASLam :: typ (a -> b) -> typ a -> (v a -> PHOASExpr typ v f b) -> PHOASExpr typ v f (a -> b) PHOASVar :: typ t -> v t -> PHOASExpr typ v f t newtype Tag t = Tag Natural deriving (Show, Eq) deriving (Hashable) via Natural newtype NameFor typ f t = NameFor (StableName (PHOASExpr typ Tag f t)) deriving (Eq) deriving (Hashable) via (StableName (PHOASExpr typ Tag f t)) instance TestEquality (NameFor typ f) where testEquality (NameFor n1) (NameFor n2) | eqStableName n1 n2 = Just unsafeCoerceRefl | otherwise = Nothing where unsafeCoerceRefl :: a :~: b -- restricted version of unsafeCoerce that only allows punting proofs unsafeCoerceRefl = unsafeCoerce Refl -- | Pruned expression. -- -- Note that variables do not, and will never, have a name: we don't bother -- detecting sharing for variable references, because that would only introduce -- a redundant variable indirection. -- -- This is defined as a base functor; @r@ is the recursive position. data PExpr r typ f t where PStub :: NameFor typ f t -> typ t -> PExpr r typ f t POp :: NameFor typ f t -> typ t -> f (r typ f) t -> PExpr r typ f t PLam :: NameFor typ f (a -> b) -> typ (a -> b) -> typ a -> Tag a -> r typ f b -> PExpr r typ f (a -> b) PVar :: typ a -> Tag a -> PExpr r typ f a -- | Fixpoint of 'PExpr' newtype PExpr0 typ f t = PExpr0 (PExpr PExpr0 typ f t) data SomeNameFor typ f = forall t. SomeNameFor {-# UNPACK #-} !(NameFor typ f t) instance Eq (SomeNameFor typ f) where SomeNameFor (NameFor n1) == SomeNameFor (NameFor n2) = eqStableName n1 n2 instance Hashable (SomeNameFor typ f) where hashWithSalt salt (SomeNameFor name) = hashWithSalt salt name prettyPExpr0 :: Traversable1 f => Int -> PExpr0 typ f t -> ShowS prettyPExpr0 d (PExpr0 ex) = prettyPExpr prettyPExpr0 d ex prettyPExpr :: Traversable1 f => (forall a. Int -> r typ f a -> ShowS) -> Int -> PExpr r typ f t -> ShowS prettyPExpr recur d = \case PStub (NameFor name) _ -> showString (showStableName name) POp (NameFor name) _ args -> let (argslist, _) = traverse1 (\arg -> ([Some arg], Const ())) args argslist' = map (\(Some arg) -> recur 0 arg) argslist in showParen (d > 10) $ showString ("<" ++ showStableName name ++ ">(") . foldr (.) id (intersperse (showString ", ") argslist') . showString ")" PLam (NameFor name) _ _ (Tag tag) body -> showParen (d > 0) $ showString ("λ" ++ showStableName name ++ " x" ++ show tag ++ ". ") . recur 0 body PVar _ (Tag tag) -> showString ("x" ++ show tag) -- | For each name: -- -- 1. The number of times the name is visited in a preorder traversal of the -- PHOAS expression, excluding children of nodes upon second or later visit. -- That is to say: only the nodes that are visited in a preorder traversal -- that skips repeated subtrees, are counted. -- 2. The height of the expression indicated by the name. -- -- Missing names have not been seen yet, and have unknown height. type OccMap typ f = HashMap (SomeNameFor typ f) (Natural, Natural) pruneExpr :: Traversable1 f => (forall v. PHOASExpr typ v f t) -> (OccMap typ f, PExpr0 typ f t) pruneExpr term = let ((term', _), (_, mp)) = runState (pruneExpr' term) (0, mempty) in (mp, term') -- | Returns pruned expression with its height. -- State: (ID generator, occurrence map being accumulated) pruneExpr' :: Traversable1 f => PHOASExpr typ Tag f t -> State (Natural, OccMap typ f) (PExpr0 typ f t, Natural) pruneExpr' = \case orig@(PHOASOp ty args) -> do let name = makeStableName' orig mheight <- gets (fmap snd . HM.lookup (SomeNameFor (NameFor name)) . snd) case mheight of -- already visited Just height -> do modify (second (HM.adjust (first (+1)) (SomeNameFor (NameFor name)))) pure (PExpr0 (PStub (NameFor name) ty), height) -- first visit Nothing -> do -- Traverse the arguments, collecting the maximum height in an -- additional piece of state. (args', maxhei) <- withMoreState 0 $ traverse1 (\arg -> do -- drop the extra state for the recursive call (arg', hei) <- withLessState id (,) (pruneExpr' arg) modify (second (hei `max`)) -- modify the extra state return arg') args -- Record this node modify (second (HM.insert (SomeNameFor (NameFor name)) (1, 1 + maxhei))) pure (PExpr0 (POp (NameFor name) ty args'), 1 + maxhei) orig@(PHOASLam tyf tyarg f) -> do let name = makeStableName' orig mheight <- gets (fmap snd . HM.lookup (SomeNameFor (NameFor name)) . snd) case mheight of -- already visited Just height -> do modify (second (HM.adjust (first (+1)) (SomeNameFor (NameFor name)))) pure (PExpr0 (PStub (NameFor name) tyf), height) -- first visit Nothing -> do tag <- Tag <$> gets fst modify (first (+1)) let body = f tag (body', bodyhei) <- pruneExpr' body modify (second (HM.insert (SomeNameFor (NameFor name)) (1, 1 + bodyhei))) pure (PExpr0 (PLam (NameFor name) tyf tyarg tag body'), 1 + bodyhei) PHOASVar ty tag -> pure (PExpr0 (PVar ty tag), 1) -- | Floated expression: again a 'PExpr' (it's a fixpoint over the same base -- functor), but now with a bunch of to-be let bound expressions on top of -- every node. data LExpr typ f t = LExpr [Some (LExpr typ f)] (PExpr LExpr typ f t) prettyLExpr :: Traversable1 f => Int -> LExpr typ f t -> ShowS prettyLExpr d (LExpr [] e) = prettyPExpr prettyLExpr d e prettyLExpr d (LExpr floated e) = showString "[" . foldr (.) id (intersperse (showString ", ") (map (\(Some e') -> prettyLExpr 0 e') floated)) . showString "] " . prettyPExpr prettyLExpr d e floatExpr :: Traversable1 f => OccMap typ f -> PExpr0 typ f t -> LExpr typ f t floatExpr totals term = snd (floatExpr' totals term) newtype FoundMap typ f = FoundMap (HashMap (SomeNameFor typ f) (Natural -- how many times seen ,Maybe (Some (LExpr typ f), Natural))) -- the floated subterm with its height (once seen) instance Semigroup (FoundMap typ f) where FoundMap m1 <> FoundMap m2 = FoundMap $ HM.unionWith (\(n1, me1) (n2, me2) -> (n1 + n2, me1 <|> me2)) m1 m2 instance Monoid (FoundMap typ f) where mempty = FoundMap HM.empty floatExpr' :: Traversable1 f => OccMap typ f -> PExpr0 typ f t -> (FoundMap typ f, LExpr typ f t) floatExpr' totals (PExpr0 term) = case term of PStub name ty -> -- trace ("Found stub: " ++ (case name of NameFor n -> showStableName n)) $ (FoundMap $ HM.singleton (SomeNameFor name) (1, Nothing) ,LExpr [] (PStub name ty)) PVar ty tag -> -- trace ("Found var: " ++ show tag) $ (mempty, LExpr [] (PVar ty tag)) _ -> let (FoundMap foundmap, name, termty, term') = case term of POp n ty args -> let (fm, args') = traverse1 (floatExpr' totals) args in (fm, n, ty, POp n ty args') PLam n tyf tyarg tag body -> let (fm, body') = floatExpr' totals body in (fm, n, tyf, PLam n tyf tyarg tag body') -- TODO: perhaps this HM.toList together with the foldr HM.delete can be a single traversal of the HashMap saturated = [case mterm of Just t -> (nm, t) Nothing -> case nm of SomeNameFor (NameFor n) -> error $ "Name saturated (count=" ++ show count ++ ", totalcount=" ++ show totalcount ++ ") but no term found: " ++ showStableName n | (nm, (count, mterm)) <- HM.toList foundmap , let totalcount = fromMaybe 0 (fst <$> HM.lookup nm totals) , count == totalcount] foundmap' = foldr HM.delete foundmap (map fst saturated) lterm = LExpr (map fst (sortBy (comparing snd) (map snd saturated))) term' in case HM.findWithDefault (0, undefined) (SomeNameFor name) totals of (1, _) -> (FoundMap foundmap', lterm) (tot, height) | tot > 1 -> -- trace ("Inserting " ++ (case name of NameFor n -> showStableName n) ++ " into foundmap") $ (FoundMap (HM.insert (SomeNameFor name) (1, Just (Some lterm, height)) foundmap') ,LExpr [] (PStub name termty)) | otherwise -> error "Term does not exist, yet we have it in hand" -- | Untyped De Bruijn expression. No more names: there are lets now, and -- variable references are De Bruijn indices. These indices are not type-safe -- yet, though. data UBExpr typ f t where UBOp :: typ t -> f (UBExpr typ f) t -> UBExpr typ f t UBLam :: typ (a -> b) -> typ a -> UBExpr typ f b -> UBExpr typ f (a -> b) UBLet :: typ a -> UBExpr typ f a -> UBExpr typ f b -> UBExpr typ f b -- | De Bruijn index UBVar :: typ t -> Int -> UBExpr typ f t lowerExpr :: Functor1 f => LExpr typ f t -> UBExpr typ f t lowerExpr = lowerExpr' mempty mempty 0 data SomeTag = forall t. SomeTag (Tag t) instance Eq SomeTag where SomeTag (Tag n) == SomeTag (Tag m) = n == m instance Hashable SomeTag where hashWithSalt salt (SomeTag tag) = hashWithSalt salt tag lowerExpr' :: forall typ f t. Functor1 f => HashMap (SomeNameFor typ f) Int -- ^ node |-> De Bruijn level of defining binding -> HashMap SomeTag Int -- ^ tag |-> De Bruijn level of defining binding -> Int -- ^ Number of variables already in scope -> LExpr typ f t -> UBExpr typ f t lowerExpr' namelvl taglvl curlvl (LExpr floated ex) = let (namelvl', prefix) = buildPrefix namelvl curlvl floated curlvl' = curlvl + length floated in prefix $ case ex of PStub name ty -> case HM.lookup (SomeNameFor name) namelvl' of Just lvl -> UBVar ty (curlvl - lvl - 1) Nothing -> error "Name variable out of scope" POp _ ty args -> UBOp ty (fmap1 (lowerExpr' namelvl' taglvl curlvl') args) PLam _ tyf tyarg tag body -> UBLam tyf tyarg (lowerExpr' namelvl' (HM.insert (SomeTag tag) curlvl' taglvl) (curlvl' + 1) body) PVar ty tag -> case HM.lookup (SomeTag tag) taglvl of Just lvl -> UBVar ty (curlvl - lvl - 1) Nothing -> error "Tag variable out of scope" where buildPrefix :: forall b. HashMap (SomeNameFor typ f) Int -> Int -> [Some (LExpr typ f)] -> (HashMap (SomeNameFor typ f) Int, UBExpr typ f b -> UBExpr typ f b) buildPrefix namelvl' _ [] = (namelvl', id) buildPrefix namelvl' lvl (Some rhs@(LExpr _ rhs') : rhss) = let name = case rhs' of PStub n _ -> n POp n _ _ -> n PLam n _ _ _ _ -> n PVar _ _ -> error "Recovering sharing of a tag is useless" ty = case rhs' of PStub{} -> error "Recovering sharing of a stub is useless" POp _ t _ -> t PLam _ t _ _ _ -> t PVar t _ -> t prefix = UBLet ty (lowerExpr' namelvl' taglvl lvl rhs) in second (prefix .) $ buildPrefix (HM.insert (SomeNameFor name) lvl namelvl') (lvl + 1) rhss -- | A typed De Bruijn index. data Idx env t where IZ :: Idx (t : env) t IS :: Idx env t -> Idx (s : env) t deriving instance Show (Idx env t) data Env env f where ETop :: Env '[] f EPush :: Env env f -> f t -> Env (t : env) f envLookup :: Idx env t -> Env env f -> f t envLookup IZ (EPush _ x) = x envLookup (IS i) (EPush e _) = envLookup i e -- | Untyped lookup in an 'Env'. envLookupU :: Int -> Env env f -> Maybe (Some (Product f (Idx env))) envLookupU = go id where go :: (forall a. Idx env a -> Idx env' a) -> Int -> Env env f -> Maybe (Some (Product f (Idx env'))) go !_ !_ ETop = Nothing go f 0 (EPush _ t) = Just (Some (Pair t (f IZ))) go f i (EPush e _) = go (f . IS) (i - 1) e -- | Typed De Bruijn expression. This is the result of sharing recovery. It is -- not higher-order any more, and furthermore has explicit let-bindings ('BLet') -- that denote the sharing inside the term. This is a normal AST. -- -- * @env@ is a type-level list containing the types of all variables in scope -- in the expression. The bottom-most variable (i.e. the one defined most -- recently) is at the head of the list. 'Idx' is a De Bruijn index that -- indexes into this list, to ensure that the whole expression is well-typed -- and well-scoped. -- -- * @typ@, @f@ and @t@ are exactly as in 'PHOASExpr'. data BExpr typ env f t where BOp :: typ t -> f (BExpr typ env f) t -> BExpr typ env f t BLam :: typ (a -> b) -> typ a -> BExpr typ (a : env) f b -> BExpr typ env f (a -> b) BLet :: typ a -> BExpr typ env f a -> BExpr typ (a : env) f b -> BExpr typ env f b BVar :: typ t -> Idx env t -> BExpr typ env f t deriving instance (forall a. Show (typ a), forall a r. (forall b. Show (r b)) => Show (f r a)) => Show (BExpr typ env f t) prettyBExpr :: (forall m env' a. Monad m => (forall b. Int -> BExpr typ env' f b -> m ShowS) -> Int -> f (BExpr typ env' f) a -> m ShowS) -> BExpr typ '[] f t -> String prettyBExpr prettyOp e = evalState (prettyBExpr' prettyOp ETop 0 e) 0 "" prettyBExpr' :: (forall m env' a. Monad m => (forall b. Int -> BExpr typ env' f b -> m ShowS) -> Int -> f (BExpr typ env' f) a -> m ShowS) -> Env env (Const String) -> Int -> BExpr typ env f t -> State Int ShowS prettyBExpr' prettyOp env d = \case BOp _ args -> prettyOp (prettyBExpr' prettyOp env) d args BLam _ _ body -> do name <- genName body' <- prettyBExpr' prettyOp (EPush env (Const name)) 0 body return $ showParen (d > 0) $ showString ("λ" ++ name ++ ". ") . body' BLet _ rhs body -> do name <- genName rhs' <- prettyBExpr' prettyOp env 0 rhs body' <- prettyBExpr' prettyOp (EPush env (Const name)) 0 body return $ showParen (d > 0) $ showString ("let " ++ name ++ " = ") . rhs' . showString " in " . body' BVar _ idx -> return $ showString (getConst (envLookup idx env)) where genName = do i <- state (\i -> (i, i + 1)) return $ if i < 26 then [chr (ord 'a' + i)] else 'x' : show i retypeExpr :: (Functor1 f, TestEquality typ) => UBExpr typ f t -> BExpr typ '[] f t retypeExpr = retypeExpr' ETop retypeExpr' :: (Functor1 f, TestEquality typ) => Env env typ -> UBExpr typ f t -> BExpr typ env f t retypeExpr' env (UBOp ty args) = BOp ty (fmap1 (retypeExpr' env) args) retypeExpr' env (UBLam tyf tyarg body) = BLam tyf tyarg (retypeExpr' (EPush env tyarg) body) retypeExpr' env (UBLet ty rhs body) = BLet ty (retypeExpr' env rhs) (retypeExpr' (EPush env ty) body) retypeExpr' env (UBVar ty idx) = case envLookupU idx env of Just (Some (Pair defty tidx)) -> case testEquality ty defty of Just Refl -> BVar ty tidx Nothing -> error "Type mismatch in untyped De Bruijn expression" Nothing -> error "Untyped De Bruijn index out of range" -- | By observing internal sharing using 'StableName's (in -- 'System.IO.Unsafe.unsafePerformIO'), convert an expression in higher-order -- abstract syntax form to a well-typed well-scoped De Bruijn expression with -- explicit let-bindings. sharingRecovery :: (Traversable1 f, TestEquality typ) => (forall v. PHOASExpr typ v f t) -> BExpr typ '[] f t sharingRecovery e = let (occmap, pexpr) = pruneExpr e lexpr = floatExpr occmap pexpr ubexpr = lowerExpr lexpr in -- trace ("PExpr: " ++ prettyPExpr 0 pexpr "") $ -- trace ("LExpr: " ++ prettyLExpr 0 lexpr "") $ retypeExpr ubexpr