use std::char; use std::ffi::{self, CStr}; use std::io; use libc; mod bindings; // #[cfg(test)] // mod tests { // #[test] // fn it_works() { // assert_eq!(2 + 2, 4); // } // } // All positions are represented using a tuple (x, y): (u32, u32). // Positions are zero-based. pub const KEY_TAB: i32 = bindings::KEY_TAB as i32; pub const KEY_LF: i32 = bindings::KEY_LF as i32; pub const KEY_CR: i32 = bindings::KEY_CR as i32; pub const KEY_ESC: i32 = bindings::KEY_ESC as i32; pub const KEY_BACKSPACE: i32 = bindings::KEY_BACKSPACE as i32; pub const KEY_RIGHT: i32 = bindings::KEY_RIGHT as i32; pub const KEY_UP: i32 = bindings::KEY_UP as i32; pub const KEY_LEFT: i32 = bindings::KEY_LEFT as i32; pub const KEY_DOWN: i32 = bindings::KEY_DOWN as i32; pub const KEY_PAGEUP: i32 = bindings::KEY_PAGEUP as i32; pub const KEY_PAGEDOWN: i32 = bindings::KEY_PAGEDOWN as i32; pub const KEY_DELETE: i32 = bindings::KEY_DELETE as i32; pub const KEY_SHIFTTAB: i32 = bindings::KEY_SHIFTTAB as i32; pub const KEY_CTRL: i32 = bindings::KEY_CTRL as i32; pub const KEY_SHIFT: i32 = bindings::KEY_SHIFT as i32; pub const KEY_ALT: i32 = bindings::KEY_ALT as i32; pub const KEY_CTRLALT: i32 = bindings::KEY_CTRLALT as i32; pub const KEY_CTRLSHIFT: i32 = bindings::KEY_CTRLSHIFT as i32; #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct Size { pub w: u32, pub h: u32, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct Style { pub fg: u8, // 0-7, 9 pub bg: u8, // 0-7, 9 pub bold: bool, pub ul: bool } pub fn init_keyboard(nosigkeys: bool) { unsafe { bindings::initkeyboard(nosigkeys); } } pub fn end_keyboard() { unsafe { bindings::endkeyboard(); } } pub fn init_screen() { unsafe { bindings::initscreen(); } } pub fn end_screen() { unsafe { bindings::endscreen(); } } pub fn install_cl_handler(install: bool) { unsafe { bindings::installCLhandler(install); } } pub fn install_redraw_handler(handler: extern "C" fn(full_redraw: bool)) { unsafe { bindings::installredrawhandler(Some(handler)); } } pub fn clear_screen() { unsafe { bindings::clearscreen(); } } pub fn get_term_size() -> Size { let sz = unsafe { bindings::gettermsize() }; Size { w: sz.w as u32, h: sz.h as u32 } } pub fn set_style(style: Style) { let sty = bindings::Style { fg: style.fg as i32, bg: as i32, bold: style.bold, ul: style.ul, }; unsafe { bindings::setstyle(&sty as *const bindings::Style); } } pub fn set_fg(fg: u8) { unsafe { bindings::setfg(fg as i32); } } pub fn set_bg(bg: u8) { unsafe { bindings::setbg(bg as i32); } } pub fn set_bold(bold: bool) { unsafe { bindings::setbold(bold); } } pub fn set_ul(ul: bool) { unsafe { bindings::setul(ul); } } pub fn putc(c: char) { unsafe { bindings::tputc(c as i32); } } pub fn print(s: &str) { unsafe { bindings::tprintf( "%s".as_bytes().as_ptr() as *const i8, s.as_bytes().as_ptr() as *const i8); } } pub fn fillrect(lefttop: (u32, u32), size: (u32, u32), c: char) { unsafe { bindings::fillrect( lefttop.0 as i32, lefttop.1 as i32, size.0 as i32, size.1 as i32, c as i32); } } pub fn redraw() { unsafe { bindings::redraw(); } } pub fn redraw_full() { unsafe { bindings::redrawfull(); } } pub fn scroll_term(lefttop: (u32, u32), size: (u32, u32), c: char) { unsafe { bindings::scrollterm( lefttop.0 as i32, lefttop.1 as i32, size.0 as i32, size.1 as i32, c as i32); } } pub fn get_buffer_char(pos: (u32, u32)) -> char { unsafe { char::from_u32( bindings::getbufferchar(pos.0 as i32, pos.1 as i32) as u32 ).unwrap() } } pub fn move_to(pos: (u32, u32)) { unsafe { bindings::moveto(pos.0 as i32, pos.1 as i32); } } pub fn push_cursor() { unsafe { bindings::pushcursor(); } } pub fn pop_cursor() { unsafe { bindings::popcursor(); } } pub fn bel() { unsafe { bindings::bel(); } } pub fn cursor_visible(visible: bool) { unsafe { bindings::cursorvisible(visible); } } // None on EOF, otherwise a combination of the KEY_* constants pub fn get_key() -> io::Result> { match unsafe { bindings::tgetkey() } { -2 => Err(io::Error::last_os_error()), -1 => Ok(None), value => Ok(Some(value)), } } pub fn get_line() -> Option { let ptr = unsafe { bindings::tgetline() }; if ptr.is_null() { None } else { let bytes = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ptr).to_bytes() }; let res = Some(String::from_utf8(bytes.to_vec()).unwrap()); unsafe { libc::free(ptr as *mut ffi::c_void); } res } }