# tomsg protocol (version 1)

The underlying transport of the protocol is a plain TCP socket. The individual
messages are all line-based; this means that a single message, both
client->server and server->client, always ends with a newline (ASCII 10)

Preliminary definitions:
- A _string_ is a series of non-zero bytes. To allow for clients written in
  languages that automatically parse strings as UTF-8, argument strings should
  always be valid UTF-8. However, the server currently does not care.
- A _word_ is a string without spaces (ASCII 32) or newlines. Note that the
  empty string is also a valid word.

There are three kinds of messages: commands from the client, command responses
from the server, and push messages from the server (not to be confused with push
_notifications_). These three kinds are described below.

Note that the first message the client must send is the `version` command, with
which server and client can agree (or not) on a protocol version; if a `version`
message has not yet been replied to with an `ok` response, no other commands are
valid. See the definition of the `version` command for more information.

In the syntax descriptions below, `<name>` indicates an argument called "name";
the angle brackets are not part of the syntax. The type of the argument may be
indicated with the notation `<name:type>`; possible types are `i64` (a 64-bit
signed integer in decimal notation), `word` (a word), and `string...` (a string
stretching until the end of the line).

A message from client to server consists of a _tag_, a space, the command name,
a space, and finally the arguments to the command. The tag is a word, and may be
arbitrarily chosen by the client; it will be returned by the server in its
response to the client's message, so that the client can easily link requests
and responses.

All client commands, if not syntactically invalid, will be replied to with a
server response.

A _response_ from the server will be in one of the following forms:
- `<tag> ok`
  - The message from the client was successfully processed.
- `<tag> number <num:i64>`
  - A numeric value was returned.
- `<tag> error <message:string...>`
  - The client's message was successfully parsed, but handling resulted in an
    error described in the message.
- `<tag> name <name:word>`
  - A name was returned, probably the name of the room in `create_room`.
- `<tag> list <count:i64> words...`
  - A list of words was returned. The number of words returned is given in
    `<count>`; the words themselves are space-separated further arguments to
- `<tag> pong`
  - Response to the client's `ping` command.
- `<tag> history <count:i64>`
  - Response to the client's `history` command; is followed by exactly `<count>`
    messages of type `history_message` with the same tag. The messages are
    returned in reverse chronological order (newest first).
- `<tag> history_message <index:i64> <roomname:word> <user:word> <timestamp:i64> <msgid:i64> <message:string...>`
  - Part of the response to the client's `history` command. Index 0 is the
    newest message; index (`<count>` - 1) (from the `history` response) is the
    oldest message in the fragment requested. Timestamps are microseconds since
    the UNIX epoch. The message id for each message is globally unique for the
    entire server.

A command is identified by its name, which can be found in the list below. Its
arguments are zero or more words, except if for the command in question the last
argument is of type `string...` (in which case it may contain spaces and
ranges until the end of the line).

- `<tag> version <version:word>`
  - Indicates that the client wishes to speak the protocol with the specified
    version. For the version of the protocol described in this document, see the
    header at the top of the file.

    After the server has replied to this command with `ok`, the rest of the
    protocol of (only) the specified version may be used. Before that, or if the
    server replies with `error`, no commands other than `version` are valid.

    If the client sends subsequent `version` messages after the first one, the
    server may choose to handle those subsequent messages and switch versions,
    or always return `error`, or some arbitrary mix. However, sending multiple
    `version` messages is always valid (though not recommended).

    It is probable that the server can only speak one version of the protocol,
    but it may support multiple versions. Note also that the version is a
    _word_, not an integer; though this document describes an integer-versioned
    protocol, future versions may use other printable ASCII characters (but not
    any outside that range).
  - Returns `ok` or `error`.
- `<tag> register <user:word> <pass:string...>`
  - Register a new user on the server. The password may contain spaces.
  - Returns `ok` or `error`.
- `<tag> login <user:word> <pass:string...>`
  - Logs in as the specified user.
  - Returns `ok` or `error`.
- `<tag> logout`
  - Logs out of the user the client is currently logged in as. If the client is
    not logged in, does nothing.
  - Returns `ok`.
- `<tag> list_rooms`
  - Lists all rooms the user is a member of.
  - Returns `list` or `error`.
- `<tag> list_members <roomname:word>`
  - Lists all members of the given room, if the user is also a member. (This
    includes the user themselves.)
  - Returns `list` or `error`.
- `<tag> create_room`
  - Creates a new room, and enters the room. The id of the room is returned to
    the client. Returns an error if the client is not logged in.

    Also marks the current session as active.
  - Returns `name` or `error`.
- `<tag> invite <roomname:word> <user:word>`
  - Invites the given user to the given room, if the client is currently a
    member of that room. The invited user is immediately added to the room.

    If the invite succeeds, the invited user receives a `_push invite` push
    message on all its sessions, and all current room members receive a
    `_push join` push message on all their sessions (except the session the
    `invite` message was sent from).

    Also marks the current session as active.
  - Returns `ok` or `error`.
- `<tag> send <roomname:word> <message:string...>`
  - Sends a message to the given room. All room members receive a
    `_push message` push message on all their sessions (except the session the
    `send` message was sent from).

    Also marks the current session as active.

    The returned `number` response contains the message id of the message sent.
  - Returns `number` or `error`.
- `<tag> history <roomname:word> <number:i64>`
  - Requests the last `<number>` messages in the given room, if the client is a
    member of the room. In the `history` response, `<count>` will be at most
    `<number>`, and may be less if the room does not yet have `<number>`
    messages. Each message will be returned in a `history_message` response
    after the `history` response, in reverse chronological order.
  - Returns `history`, followed by zero or more `history_message`.
- `<tag> history_before <roomname:word> <number:i64> <msgid:i64>`
  - Same as `history`, except the returned messages are the last `<number>`
    strictly before the timestamp of the message with id `<msgid>`.
  - Returns `history`, followed by zero or more `history_message`.
- `<tag> ping`
  - Asks for a `pong` response.
  - Returns `pong`.
- `<tag> is_online <user:word>`
  - Returns with how many sessions the given user is currently online.
  - Returns `number` or `error`.
- `<tag> firebase_token <token:word>`
  - Adds the given Firebase token to the account of the current user. This is
    used for new-message push notifications for Android-based clients.
  - Returns `ok` or `error`.
- `<tag> delete_firebase_token <token:word>`
  - Removes the given Firebase token from the account of the current user.
  - Returns `ok` or `error`.
- `<tag> user_active <active:i64>`
  - Marks the user as active (if `active` > 0) or inactive (if `active`
    <= 0) on the current session. This does not influence whether the user is
    marked active on any of the other sessions on which they are currently
    logged in.

    A session is automatically marked inactive 2 minutes after the latest
    activity on that session.

    This is used for Firebase notifications: a user will only receive Firebase
    notifications if they are marked inactive on all their sessions, or if they
    have no active sessions.
  - Returns `ok` or `error`.

Push messages from the server are formatted like responses with tag `_push`.
These are not sent in response to a particular client message, but are sent by
the server due to other events. Some have already been mentioned above, but all
are listed below.

- `_push online <numonline:i64> <user:word>`
  - When user X logs in or logs out in a session, all sessions of all members
    (excluding user X) of all rooms user X is a member of receive a `_push
    online` push message stating that `<user>` (user X) is now online with
    `<numonline>` sessions.
- `_push message <roomname:word> <user:word> <timestamp:i64> <msgid:i64> <message:string...>`
  - Sent to all sessions of all members of a room in which a message is
    posted, except the session that sent the message.
- `_push invite <roomname:word> <user:word>`
  - Sent to all sessions of the invited user after an `invite` command. The
    `<user>` parameter indicates who invited you to the given room.
- `_push join <roomname:word> <user:word>`
  - Sent to all sessions of all members of a room (except the session sending
    the `invite` command) in which a new user entered.
- `_push ping`
  - Sent by the server once in a while. Please ignore.