#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "sshnc.h" static bool prompt_yn(const char *text) { printf("%s", text); fflush(stdout); bool response; char *line = NULL; size_t linelen = 0; while (true) { ssize_t nr = getline(&line, &linelen, stdin); if (nr == -1) { perror("getline"); exit(1); } while (nr > 0 && isspace(line[nr - 1])) nr--; for (ssize_t i = 0; i < nr; i++) line[i] = tolower(line[i]); if ((nr == 1 && line[0] == 'y') || (nr == 3 && memcmp(line, "yes", 3) == 0)) { response = true; break; } if ((nr == 1 && line[0] == 'n') || (nr == 2 && memcmp(line, "no", 2) == 0)) { response = false; break; } printf("Please answer with 'y', 'n', 'yes' or 'no'. [y/n]"); fflush(stdout); } free(line); return response; } static bool hostkey_checker(const unsigned char *hash, size_t length, void *userdata) { (void)userdata; printf("Server host key hash: %s\n", sshnc_print_hash(hash, length)); bool response = prompt_yn( "Does this hash match the one given to you by the server administrator, or by a\n" "member that you trust and is already connected to the server? [y/n] "); if (!response) { printf("Disconnecting.\n"); } return response; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *server_host = NULL; int port = 2222; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s \n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "If port is not specified, %d is assumed.\n", port); return 1; } if (!parse_host_port(argv[1], &server_host, &port)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot parse host:port from argument '%s'\n", argv[1]); return 1; } struct sshnc_client *client; enum sshnc_retval ret = sshnc_connect( server_host, port, "tomsg", "tomsg", hostkey_checker, NULL, &client); if (ret != SSHNC_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect: %s\n", sshnc_strerror(ret)); return 1; } struct pollfd polls[2]; polls[0] = (struct pollfd){ .fd = sshnc_poll_fd(client), .events = POLLIN, }; polls[1] = (struct pollfd){ .fd = STDIN_FILENO, .events = POLLIN, }; while (true) { int pollret = poll(polls, sizeof polls / sizeof polls[0], -1); if (pollret < 0) { perror("poll"); goto cleanup; } if (polls[0].revents & (POLLERR | POLLNVAL)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading from SSH socket\n"); goto cleanup; } if (polls[1].revents & (POLLERR | POLLNVAL)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading from stdin\n"); goto cleanup; } if (polls[0].revents & (POLLIN | POLLHUP)) { char buffer[4096]; size_t length = 0; ret = sshnc_maybe_recv(client, sizeof buffer, buffer, &length); if (ret == SSHNC_OK) { fwrite(buffer, 1, length, stdout); } else if (ret == SSHNC_EOF) { break; } else if (ret != SSHNC_AGAIN) { fprintf(stderr, "Error on SSH recv: %s\n", sshnc_strerror(ret)); goto cleanup; } } if (polls[1].revents & (POLLIN | POLLHUP)) { char buffer[4096]; ssize_t nr = read(STDIN_FILENO, buffer, sizeof buffer); if (nr < 0) { perror("Error reading from stdin"); goto cleanup; } if (nr == 0) { break; } ret = sshnc_send(client, buffer, nr); if (ret == SSHNC_EOF) { break; } else if (ret != SSHNC_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error on SSH send: %s\n", sshnc_strerror(ret)); goto cleanup; } } } sshnc_close(client); return 0; cleanup: sshnc_close(client); return 1; }