#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sshnc.h" // - We never use ssh_disconnect, just ssh_free. I believe the only added value // of ssh_disconnect is that it sends a polite quit message to the server, // but it has the disadvantage of then closing the socket immediately -- // without checking on the channels, which ssh_free closes neatly. static thread_local char libssh_additional_error_description[1024]; static size_t min_size_t(size_t a, size_t b) { return a < b ? a : b; } static void clear_additional_error(void) { libssh_additional_error_description[0] = '\0'; } static void store_additional_error(const ssh_session session) { const char *const ptr = ssh_get_error(session); const size_t available = sizeof libssh_additional_error_description; const size_t length = min_size_t(strlen(ptr), available - 1); memcpy(libssh_additional_error_description, ptr, length); libssh_additional_error_description[length] = '\0'; } struct session_data { ssh_session session; ssh_channel channel; bool should_close; enum sshnc_retval close_reason; // Data is appended whenever some is received unsigned char recvdata[4096]; size_t recvlen; }; struct sshnc_client { // If is_closed, all fields in this structure have been freed. This is to // facilitate closing the connection on error, but later still accomodate // sshnc_close(). bool is_closed; ssh_event event; struct session_data *sesdata; const char *libssh_error_descr; struct ssh_channel_callbacks_struct chan_cb; }; const char* sshnc_print_hash(const unsigned char *hash, size_t length) { static char buffer[64]; char *const fingerprint = ssh_get_fingerprint_hash( SSH_PUBLICKEY_HASH_SHA256, (unsigned char*)hash, length); if (fingerprint == NULL) return NULL; const size_t fingerprint_len = strlen(fingerprint); assert(fingerprint_len + 1 <= sizeof buffer); memcpy(buffer, fingerprint, fingerprint_len + 1); ssh_string_free_char(fingerprint); return buffer; } const char* sshnc_strerror(enum sshnc_retval code) { const char *description = NULL; switch (code) { #define CASE(code, descr) case code: description = #code ": " descr; break; CASE(SSHNC_OK, "Success") CASE(SSHNC_EOF, "EOF") CASE(SSHNC_AGAIN, "Non-blocking read with no data, try again") CASE(SSHNC_ERR_CONNECT, "Could not connect to host") CASE(SSHNC_ERR_UNTRUSTED, "Hostkey checker rejected key") CASE(SSHNC_ERR_AUTH, "Error authenticating to server") CASE(SSHNC_ERR_DENIED, "Server did not accept 'none' authentication") CASE(SSHNC_ERR_CLOSED, "Server unexpectedly closed connection") CASE(SSHNC_ERR_SUBSYSTEM, "Server did not accept the subsystem channel") CASE(SSHNC_ERR_SESSION, "Could not open libssh session") CASE(SSHNC_ERR_CHANNEL, "Could not open libssh channel") CASE(SSHNC_ERR_OPTIONS, "Could not set libssh options") CASE(SSHNC_ERR_GETKEY, "Could not get key from libssh") CASE(SSHNC_ERR_CALLBACKS, "Sshnc would not accept our callbacks structure") CASE(SSHNC_ERR_EVENT, "Could not create libssh event poller") CASE(SSHNC_ERR_WRITE, "Could not write to ssh channel") CASE(SSHNC_ERR_POLL, "Could not poll the socket for activity") #undef CASE } static char buffer[2048]; if (description == NULL) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof buffer, "sshnc_strerror: unknown code %d", code); } else if (libssh_additional_error_description[0] != '\0') { snprintf(buffer, sizeof buffer, "%s (%s)", description, libssh_additional_error_description); } else { strcpy(buffer, description); } return buffer; } static void channel_close_cb(ssh_session session, ssh_channel channel, void *sesdata_) { (void)session; (void)channel; struct session_data *const sesdata = (struct session_data*)sesdata_; sesdata->should_close = true; sesdata->close_reason = SSHNC_EOF; } static void channel_eof_cb(ssh_session session, ssh_channel channel, void *sesdata_) { (void)session; (void)channel; struct session_data *const sesdata = (struct session_data*)sesdata_; sesdata->should_close = true; sesdata->close_reason = SSHNC_EOF; } static int channel_data_cb(ssh_session session, ssh_channel channel, void *data, uint32_t len, int is_stderr, void *sesdata_) { (void)session; (void)channel; (void)is_stderr; struct session_data *const sesdata = (struct session_data*)sesdata_; const size_t remaining_space = sizeof sesdata->recvdata - sesdata->recvlen; const size_t consumed = min_size_t(len, remaining_space); memcpy(sesdata->recvdata + sesdata->recvlen, data, consumed); sesdata->recvlen += consumed; return consumed; } enum sshnc_retval sshnc_connect( const char *hostname, int port, const char *username, const char *subsystem, sshnc_hostkey_checker_t checker, struct sshnc_client **clientp // output ) { clear_additional_error(); const ssh_session session = ssh_new(); if (!session) { return SSHNC_ERR_SESSION; } #define RETURN(errorcode) \ do { ssh_free(session); *clientp = NULL; return (errorcode); } while(0) const char *ciphers_str = "aes256-gcm@openssh.com,aes256-ctr,aes256-cbc"; const bool procconfig = false; bool ok = true; ok &= ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_PROCESS_CONFIG, &procconfig) == SSH_OK; ok &= ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_USER, username) == SSH_OK; ok &= ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_HOST, hostname) == SSH_OK; ok &= ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_PORT, &port) == SSH_OK; ok &= ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_CIPHERS_C_S, ciphers_str) == SSH_OK; ok &= ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_CIPHERS_S_C, ciphers_str) == SSH_OK; // int loglevel = SSH_LOG_PROTOCOL; // ok &= ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_LOG_VERBOSITY, &loglevel) == SSH_OK; if (!ok) { store_additional_error(session); RETURN(SSHNC_ERR_OPTIONS); } if (ssh_connect(session) != SSH_OK) { store_additional_error(session); RETURN(SSHNC_ERR_CONNECT); } ssh_key host_key; if (ssh_get_server_publickey(session, &host_key) != SSH_OK) { store_additional_error(session); RETURN(SSHNC_ERR_GETKEY); } unsigned char *host_key_hash = NULL; size_t host_key_hash_length = 0; if (ssh_get_publickey_hash(host_key, SSH_PUBLICKEY_HASH_SHA256, &host_key_hash, &host_key_hash_length) != SSH_OK) { store_additional_error(session); RETURN(SSHNC_ERR_GETKEY); } if (!checker(host_key_hash, host_key_hash_length)) { RETURN(SSHNC_ERR_UNTRUSTED); } // Now we're connected, let's do authentication. retry_userauth: switch (ssh_userauth_none(session, NULL)) { case SSH_AUTH_ERROR: store_additional_error(session); RETURN(SSHNC_ERR_AUTH); case SSH_AUTH_DENIED: case SSH_AUTH_PARTIAL: RETURN(SSHNC_ERR_DENIED); case SSH_AUTH_SUCCESS: break; case SSH_AUTH_AGAIN: if (ssh_get_status(session) & (SSH_CLOSED | SSH_CLOSED_ERROR)) { RETURN(SSHNC_ERR_CLOSED); } goto retry_userauth; } // We're authenticated; open channel and set it up. const ssh_channel channel = ssh_channel_new(session); if (!channel) { store_additional_error(session); RETURN(SSHNC_ERR_CHANNEL); } if (ssh_channel_open_session(channel) != SSH_OK || ssh_channel_request_subsystem(channel, subsystem) != SSH_OK) { store_additional_error(session); RETURN(SSHNC_ERR_SUBSYSTEM); } // Fully connected, now set up libssh to our wishes. struct sshnc_client *const client = malloc(sizeof(struct sshnc_client)); client->is_closed = false; client->libssh_error_descr = NULL; client->sesdata = malloc(sizeof(struct session_data)); *client->sesdata = (struct session_data){ .session = session, .channel = channel, .should_close = false, .close_reason = SSHNC_OK, .recvlen = 0, }; memset(&client->chan_cb, 0, sizeof client->chan_cb); ssh_callbacks_init(&client->chan_cb); client->chan_cb.userdata = client->sesdata; client->chan_cb.channel_close_function = channel_close_cb; client->chan_cb.channel_eof_function = channel_eof_cb; client->chan_cb.channel_data_function = channel_data_cb; if (ssh_set_channel_callbacks(channel, &client->chan_cb) != SSH_OK) { store_additional_error(session); RETURN(SSHNC_ERR_CALLBACKS); } client->event = ssh_event_new(); if (!client->event || ssh_event_add_session(client->event, session) != SSH_OK) { store_additional_error(session); RETURN(SSHNC_ERR_EVENT); } *clientp = client; return SSHNC_OK; #undef RETURN } static void sshnc_close_nofree(struct sshnc_client *client) { ssh_event_free(client->event); ssh_free(client->sesdata->session); free(client->sesdata); client->is_closed = true; } void sshnc_close(struct sshnc_client *client) { if (!client->is_closed) { sshnc_close_nofree(client); } free(client); } int sshnc_poll_fd(struct sshnc_client *client) { if (client->is_closed) return -1; return ssh_get_fd(client->sesdata->session); } enum sshnc_retval sshnc_send( struct sshnc_client *client, const char *data, size_t length ) { clear_additional_error(); if (client->is_closed) return SSHNC_EOF; size_t cursor = 0; while (cursor < length) { const int ret = ssh_channel_write(client->sesdata->channel, data + cursor, length - cursor); if (client->sesdata->should_close) { return client->sesdata->close_reason; } if (ret == SSH_ERROR) { if (ssh_channel_is_closed(client->sesdata->channel) || !ssh_is_connected(client->sesdata->session)) { return SSHNC_EOF; } else { store_additional_error(client->sesdata->session); return SSHNC_ERR_WRITE; } } cursor += ret; } return SSHNC_OK; } enum sshnc_retval sshnc_maybe_recv( struct sshnc_client *client, size_t capacity, char *data, // output size_t *length // output ) { clear_additional_error(); *length = 0; // in case we error along the way if (client->is_closed) return SSHNC_EOF; const int ret = ssh_event_dopoll(client->event, -1); if (ret == SSH_ERROR) { return SSHNC_ERR_POLL; } const int status = ssh_get_status(client->sesdata->session); if (client->sesdata->should_close || (status & (SSH_CLOSED | SSH_CLOSED_ERROR))) { sshnc_close_nofree(client); return SSHNC_EOF; } if (client->sesdata->recvlen == 0) { return SSHNC_AGAIN; } struct session_data *const ses = client->sesdata; const size_t consumed = min_size_t(ses->recvlen, capacity); memcpy(data, ses->recvdata, consumed); *length = consumed; memmove(ses->recvdata, ses->recvdata + consumed, ses->recvlen - consumed); ses->recvlen -= consumed; return SSHNC_OK; }