const fs = require("fs").promises; const blogUtil = require("./util.js"); const pathRoot = "blog"; async function recursiveTree(dir) { const res = new Map(); const entries = await fs.readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true }); for (const entry of entries) { if ([0] == ".") continue; if (entry.isDirectory()) { res.set(, await recursiveTree(dir + "/" +; } else if (entry.isFile() &&".html")) { res.set(, - 5), true); } } return res; } // path: url prefix function generateTree(tree, path) { let out = ""; for (const [entry, sub] of tree) { if (sub === true) { // file const elt = `
\n`; out += elt; } else { // subdirectory out += '
\n'; out += `${entry}/\n`; out += '
\n'; out += generateTree(sub, path + "/" + entry); out += "
\n"; } } return out; } // path: file path inside repo async function generateDatetime(repodir, path) { if (path == "index.html") return ""; const stat = await fs.stat(repodir + "/" + path); const gitout = await blogUtil.runCommandOutput("git", ["-C", repodir, "log", "--format=format:%as", "--", path]); const lines = gitout.toString().trim().split("\n"); const last = lines[0]; const first = lines[lines.length - 1]; if (last == first) return `Last updated: `; else return `Created: , last updated: `; } async function template(repodir, contentPath) { const tree = await recursiveTree(repodir); tree.delete("$template"); tree.delete("index"); let html = await fs.readFile(repodir + "/$template.html", { encoding: "utf-8" }); const content = await fs.readFile(repodir + "/" + contentPath, { encoding: "utf-8" }); html = html.replace("", generateTree(tree, pathRoot)); html = html.replace("", content); html = html.replace("", await generateDatetime(repodir, contentPath)) return html; } module.exports = template;