"use strict"; const cmn = require("../$common.js"); const crypto = require("crypto"); const basicAuth = require("basic-auth"); const fs = require("fs"); const sqlite3 = require("sqlite3"); const mkdirp = require("mkdirp"); let moddir = null; const ROOT_ENDPOINT = "/timetrack3"; const DB_DIR = cmn.persistdir + "/timetrack3"; const DB_PATH = DB_DIR + "/db"; let DB = null; function openDatabase() { const predb = new sqlite3.Database(DB_PATH, sqlite3.OPEN_READWRITE, err => { if (err && err.code == "SQLITE_CANTOPEN") { mkdirp.sync(DB_DIR); const predb2 = new sqlite3.Database(DB_PATH, err => { if (err) { console.error("Cannot create database:", err); process.exit(1); } predb2.serialize(); predb2.exec(` pragma foreign_keys = ON; create table users ( id integer primary key autoincrement not null, name text not null, pwhash text not null, -- 16-byte salt + "$" + scrypt(keylen=64) cursheet text null, curdescr text null, curindate integer null, -- unix timestamp unique (name) ) strict; create table events ( id integer primary key autoincrement not null, username integer not null, sheet text not null, descr text not null, indate integer not null, -- unix timestamp outdate integer not null, -- unix timestamp foreign key (username) references users (name) on delete cascade ) `); DB = predb2; }); } else if (err) { console.error("Cannot open database:", err); process.exit(1); } else { predb.serialize(); predb.exec("pragma foreign_keys = ON;"); DB = predb; } }); } function scryptHash(password, cb) { crypto.randomBytes(16, function(err, salt) { if (err) { cb(err, null); return; } crypto.scrypt(password, salt, 64, (err, key) => { if (err) cb(err, null); else cb(null, salt.toString("hex") + "$" + key.toString("hex")); }); }); } function scryptCompare(password, hash, cb) { hash = hash.split("$"); if (hash.length != 2) { cb(new Error("Invalid hash in database"), null); return; } const salt = Buffer.from(hash[0], "hex"), shash = hash[1]; crypto.scrypt(password, salt, 64, (err, key) => { if (err) cb(err, null); else if(key.toString("hex") == shash) cb(null, true); else cb(null, false); }); } function sendUnauth(res) { res.set("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=Authorization required"); return res.sendStatus(401); } function unknownUserHandler(req, res, next){ res.sendFile(moddir + "/unknownuser.html"); } function authMiddleware(req, res, next){ const user = basicAuth(req); req.authuser = null; if (!user || !user.name) { sendUnauth(res); return; } req.authuser = user.name; DB.get("select pwhash from users where name = ?", [user.name], (err, row) => { if (err || row == undefined) { unknownUserHandler(req, res, next); return; } scryptCompare(user.pass, row.pwhash, (err, ok) => { if (ok) next(); else sendUnauth(res); }); }); } function asciiValid(str) { for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { const c = str.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 32 || c >= 127) return false; } return true; } function dbCallback(res, fn) { return function(err) { if (err) { console.error(err); res.status(500).send("Something went wrong..."); } else { fn(...Array.apply(Array, arguments).slice(1)); } }; } function fatalRollback() { DB.exec("rollback", err => { if (err) { console.log("ROLLBACK", err); process.exit(1); } }); } module.exports = function(app, io, _moddir){ openDatabase(); moddir = _moddir; // first the endpoints that need to bypass authMiddleware // - -> html app.get(ROOT_ENDPOINT + "/authfail", (req, res) => { sendUnauth(res); }); // - -> html (account info is in basic auth) app.post(ROOT_ENDPOINT + "/createuser", (req, res) => { const user = basicAuth(req); if (!user || !user.name) { res.status(400).send("No credentials sent"); return; } if (user.name.length < 3 || user.name.length > 32 || !asciiValid(user.name)) { res.status(400).send("Invalid username"); return; } if (user.pass.length < 3 || user.pass.length > 32 || !asciiValid(user.pass)) { res.status(400).send("Invalid password"); return; } DB.get("select id from users where name = ?", [user.name], dbCallback(res, row => { if (row != undefined) { res.status(400).send("User already exists"); return; } DB.get("select count(*) as cnt from users", dbCallback(res, row => { if (row.cnt >= 20) { res.status(500).send("Too many accounts created, please contact Tom..."); return; } scryptHash(user.pass, (err, hash) => { if (!hash) { res.status(500).send("Something went wrong..."); console.log(err); return; } DB.run("insert into users (name, pwhash) values (?, ?)", [user.name, hash]); res.status(200).end(); }); })); })); }); // for all the other endpoints, authorisation is needed app.all([ROOT_ENDPOINT, ROOT_ENDPOINT + "/*"], authMiddleware); // - -> html app.get(ROOT_ENDPOINT, (req, res) => { res.sendFile(moddir + "/timetrack.html"); }); // - -> {sheet, descr, indate} (date in unix timestamp) app.get(ROOT_ENDPOINT + "/current", (req, res) => { DB.get("select cursheet, curdescr, curindate from users where name = ?", [req.authuser], dbCallback(res, row => { res.json({ sheet: row.cursheet, descr: row.curdescr, indate: row.curindate, }); })); }); // - -> [{id, sheet, descr, indate, outdate}] (dates in unix timestamp) app.get(ROOT_ENDPOINT + "/recent", (req, res) => { DB.all("select id, sheet, descr, indate, outdate from events where username = ? order by indate desc limit 20", [req.authuser], dbCallback(res, rows => { // We got the rows in descending order so that we could apply the limit clause; reorder them in ascending order again rows.reverse(); res.json(rows.map(row => ({ id: row.id, sheet: row.sheet, descr: row.descr, indate: row.indate, outdate: row.outdate, }))); })); }); // - -> [{sheet, total}] (totals in seconds) app.get(ROOT_ENDPOINT + "/sheets", (req, res) => { DB.all("select sheet, sum(outdate - indate) as total from events where username = ? group by sheet", [req.authuser], dbCallback(res, rows => { res.json(rows.map(row => ({ sheet: row.sheet, total: row.total, }))); })); }); // id -> - app.delete(ROOT_ENDPOINT + "/event", (req, res) => { const id = +req.body; if (id < 0 || ~~id != id || isNaN(id)) { res.status(404).send("Unknown id"); return; } DB.run("delete from events where username = ? and id = ?", [req.authuser, id], function(err) { // uses 'this' if (err) { console.error(err); res.status(500).send("Something went wrong..."); return; } if (this.changes == 0) { res.status(404).send("Event not found"); } else { res.status(200).send(); } }); }); // {sheet, descr, date} -> - (date in unix timestamp) app.post(ROOT_ENDPOINT + "/checkin", (req, res) => { let obj; try { obj = JSON.parse(req.body); } catch (e) { res.status(400).send("Invalid request"); return; } const sheet = obj.sheet + "", descr = obj.descr + "", date = new Date(obj.date * 1000); if (sheet.length == 0 || isNaN(date.getTime())) { res.status(400).send("Invalid data"); return; } // 'immediate' to make this a write transaction DB.exec("begin immediate", err => { if (err) { console.error(err); res.status(500).send("Something went wrong..."); return; } DB.get("select (select count(*) from events where username = ?) as cnt, (select cursheet from users where name = ?) as cursheet", [req.authuser, req.authuser], (err, row) => { if (err) { console.error(err); res.status(500).send("Something went wrong..."); fatalRollback(); return; } if (row.cnt >= 10000) { res.status(400).send("Isn't 10000 events enough for you?"); fatalRollback(); return; } if (row.cursheet) { res.status(409).send("Already checked in"); fatalRollback(); return; } DB.run("update users set cursheet = ?, curdescr = ?, curindate = ? where name = ?", [sheet, descr, ~~(date.getTime() / 1000), req.authuser], err => { if (err) { console.error(err); res.status(500).send("Something went wrong..."); fatalRollback(); return; } DB.exec("commit", err => { if (err) { console.error(err); res.status(500).send("Something went wrong..."); fatalRollback(); return; } res.status(200).end(); }); }); }); }); }); // {date} -> - (date in unix timestamp) app.post(ROOT_ENDPOINT + "/checkout", (req, res) => { let obj; try { obj = JSON.parse(req.body); } catch (e) { res.status(400).send("Invalid request"); return; } const date = new Date(obj.date * 1000); if (isNaN(date.getTime())) { res.status(400).send("Invalid data"); return; } // 'immediate' to make this a write transaction DB.exec("begin immediate", err => { if (err) { console.error(err); res.status(500).send("Something went wrong..."); return; } DB.get("select count(*) as cnt from events where username = ?", [req.authuser], (err, row) => { if (err) { console.error(err); res.status(500).send("Something went wrong..."); fatalRollback(); return; } if (row.cnt >= 10000) { res.status(400).send("Isn't 10000 events enough for you?"); fatalRollback(); return; } DB.get("select cursheet, curdescr, curindate from users where name = ?", [req.authuser], (err, row) => { if (err) { console.error(err); res.status(500).send("Something went wrong..."); fatalRollback(); return; } if (!row.cursheet) { res.status(409).send("Not checked in"); fatalRollback(); return; } const sheet = row.cursheet, descr = row.curdescr, indate = row.curindate; DB.run("update users set cursheet = null, curdescr = null, curindate = null where name = ?", [req.authuser], err => { if (err) { console.error(err); res.status(500).send("Something went wrong..."); fatalRollback(); return; } DB.run("insert into events(username, sheet, descr, indate, outdate) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", [req.authuser, sheet, descr, indate, ~~(date.getTime() / 1000)], err => { if (err) { console.error(err); res.status(500).send("Something went wrong..."); fatalRollback(); return; } DB.exec("commit", err => { if (err) { console.error(err); res.status(500).send("Something went wrong..."); fatalRollback(); return; } res.status(200).end(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); };