"use strict"; const cmn = require("../$common.js"); const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const https = require("https"); const fCODE = 0; const fNAME = 1; const fCATEGORY = 2; // combining class, bidirectional category, decomposition mapping const fDECDIGIT = 6; const fDIGIT = 7; const fNUMERIC = 8; const fMIRRORED = 9; const fOLDNAME = 10; const fCOMMENT = 11; const fUPPERCASE = 12; const fLOWERCASE = 13; const fTITLECASE = 14; // db: Map(int => [Field]) (NAME is in uppercase) let db = new Map(); // ranges: [{name: String, first: int, last: int}] let ranges = []; function importDatabase(csv) { // clear the database if necessary db = new Map(); ranges = []; let currentRange = null; let cursor = 0, endidx; while ((endidx = csv.indexOf("\n", cursor)) != -1) { const row = csv.slice(cursor, endidx).split(";"); cursor = endidx + 1; const code = parseInt(row[fCODE], 16); const m = row[fNAME].match(/^<(.*), (First|Last)>$/) if (m != null) { if (m[2] == "First") { row[fNAME] = "<" + m[1] + ">"; currentRange = {name: m[1], first: code, last: null, row: row}; } else if (currentRange != null && m[1] == currentRange.name) { currentRange.last = code; ranges.push(currentRange); currentRange = null; } } else { row[fNAME] = row[fNAME].toUpperCase(); db.set(code, row); } } } function lookupCode(codepoint) { for (const range of ranges) { if (range.first <= codepoint && codepoint <= range.last) { const row = range.row.slice(); row[fCODE] = codepoint.toString(16).toUpperCase(); return row; } } return db.get(codepoint); } function searchDescription(text) { text = text.toUpperCase(); const result = []; for (const row of db.values()) { if (row[fNAME].includes(text)) { result.push(row); if (result.length >= 200) break; } } return result; } module.exports = function (app, io, moddir) { const dataFilePath = path.join(moddir, "UnicodeData.txt"); if (fs.existsSync(dataFilePath)) { importDatabase(fs.readFileSync(dataFilePath).toString()); } else { console.log("Downloading UnicodeData.txt..."); https.get("https://www.unicode.org/Public/13.0.0/ucd/UnicodeData.txt", res => { if (res.statusCode != 200) { console.log(`Could not download UnicodeData.txt: status code ${res.statusCode}`); return; } res.setEncoding("utf8"); let buffer = ""; res.on("data", data => buffer += data); res.on("end", () => { fs.writeFileSync(dataFilePath, buffer); console.log("Downloaded UnicodeData.txt"); importDatabase(buffer); }); }).on("error", err => { console.log("Error downloading UnicodeData.txt:", err); }); } app.get("/unicode", (req, res) => { res.sendFile(path.join(moddir, "index.html")); }); app.get("/unicode/lookup/:query", (req, res) => { const chars = []; for (let codepoint of req.params.query) { codepoint = codepoint.codePointAt(0); chars.push(lookupCode(codepoint)); } res.json({ chars: chars, search: searchDescription(req.params.query), }); }); };