path: root/2015/day07.hs
diff options
authortomsmeding <>2016-12-14 20:19:02 +0100
committertomsmeding <>2016-12-14 20:19:02 +0100
commit2d02f553aa4cc4ded630628eccdf34f55937cee5 (patch)
treed5377ebdff68788725b5820d5331ce7b6c9d4a84 /2015/day07.hs
parent97b4c5d86cc12447ac6845e25a863e26a88aec35 (diff)
Add 2015 sources
Diffstat (limited to '2015/day07.hs')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2015/day07.hs b/2015/day07.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..215355f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day07.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+module Main where
+import Data.Char
+import Data.List
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Word
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+type Inttype = Word16
+data Literal = LNum Inttype | LName String
+data Command = Immediate Literal |
+ Monadic (Inttype -> Inttype) Literal |
+ Dyadic (Inttype -> Inttype -> Inttype) Literal Literal
+type Statement = (Command,String)
+type Cache = Map.Map String Inttype
+complement16 :: Inttype -> Inttype
+complement16 i = i `xor` 0xffff
+shiftL16 :: Inttype -> Int -> Inttype
+shiftL16 i n = (shiftL i n) .&. 0xffff
+shiftR16 :: Inttype -> Int -> Inttype
+shiftR16 i n = (shiftR i n) .&. 0xffff
+parseLit :: String -> Literal
+parseLit s = if isDigit (head s) then LNum (read s) else LName s
+parse :: [String] -> Statement
+parse l = (parse' (init $ init $ l),last l)
+parse' :: [String] -> Command
+parse' [n] = Immediate (parseLit n)
+parse' ["NOT",n] = Monadic complement16 (parseLit n)
+parse' [a,"AND",b] = Dyadic (.&.) (parseLit a) (parseLit b)
+parse' [a,"OR",b] = Dyadic (.|.) (parseLit a) (parseLit b)
+parse' [a,"LSHIFT",b] = Dyadic (\i n -> shiftL16 i (fromIntegral n)) (parseLit a) (parseLit b)
+parse' [a,"RSHIFT",b] = Dyadic (\i n -> shiftR16 i (fromIntegral n)) (parseLit a) (parseLit b)
+collectOutputs :: [Statement] -> [String]
+collectOutputs stmts = Set.toList $ collectOutputs' stmts Set.empty
+collectOutputs' :: [Statement] -> Set.Set String -> Set.Set String
+collectOutputs' [] set = set
+collectOutputs' ((_,target):ss) set = collectOutputs' ss $ Set.insert target set
+neededBy :: String -> Command -> Bool
+neededBy n (Immediate l) = case l of
+ LNum _ -> False
+ LName ln -> n == ln
+neededBy n (Monadic _ l) = case l of
+ LNum _ -> False
+ LName ln -> n == ln
+neededBy n (Dyadic _ (LNum _) b) = case b of
+ LNum _ -> False
+ LName bn -> n == bn
+neededBy n (Dyadic _ (LName an) b) = case b of
+ LNum _ -> n == an
+ LName bn -> n == an || n == bn
+leaves :: [Statement] -> [String]
+leaves stmts = leaves' (map fst stmts) (collectOutputs stmts)
+leaves' :: [Command] -> [String] -> [String]
+leaves' _ [] = []
+leaves' cmds (o:os) = if any (neededBy o) cmds then leaves' cmds os else o:leaves' cmds os
+getValue :: String -> [Statement] -> Cache -> (Inttype,Cache)
+getValue nm stmts cc = getValue' nm stmts stmts cc
+getValue' :: String -> [Statement] -> [Statement] -> Cache -> (Inttype,Cache)
+getValue' nm [] _ cc = case Map.lookup nm cc of
+ Nothing -> undefined
+ Just i -> (i,cc)
+getValue' nm ((cmd,target):ss) stmts cc = case Map.lookup nm cc of
+ Nothing -> if nm == target then execCmd cmd stmts cc else getValue' nm ss stmts cc
+ Just i -> (i,cc)
+resolveLit :: Literal -> [Statement] -> Cache -> (Inttype,Cache)
+resolveLit (LNum i) _ cc = (i,cc)
+resolveLit (LName n) stmts cc = (value,Map.insert n value cc2)
+ where (value,cc2) = getValue n stmts cc
+execCmd :: Command -> [Statement] -> Cache -> (Inttype,Cache)
+execCmd (Immediate l) stmts cc = resolveLit l stmts cc
+execCmd (Monadic f l) stmts cc = (f resl,cc2)
+ where (resl,cc2) = resolveLit l stmts cc
+execCmd (Dyadic f a b) stmts cc = (f resa resb,cc3)
+ where (resa,cc2) = resolveLit a stmts cc
+ (resb,cc3) = resolveLit b stmts cc2
+day7 :: IO ()
+day7 = do
+ input <- readFile "input.txt"
+ let stmts = [parse (words l) | l <- (lines input)]
+ let lvs = leaves stmts
+ print lvs
+ print [fst $ getValue lv stmts Map.empty | lv <- lvs]
+main = day7