ox-arraysNested, compositional struct-of-arrays orthotope arrays 9 hours
fs-sample[no description]38 hours
webserverMy web server 6 days
dependent-enummapDependent version of Data.EnumMap 7 days
hue-stuff[no description]2 weeks
sharing-recoveryGeneric implementation of sharing recovery in Haskell 3 weeks
hs-visinterVisualising interpreter for a subset of Haskell 4 weeks
kaasnoot[no description]4 weeks
pathenvTemporary $PATH extension helper 5 weeks
yahb2Yet another yet another haskell (IRC) bot 6 weeks
AOCMy solutions to Advent of Code 2 months
drukkedoosHet Zwitsers legermes van ingebed Linux 5 months
japanese.vimJanky way to type Japanese characters in vim 7 months
haddock-th-foreign-repro[no description]8 months
ghc-prof-dyn-repro[no description]10 months
blogSource repository for 12 months
pongmpOnline multiplayer Pong 12 months
blockuntilkeyLinux command-line utility: block until a key is pressed in X11 13 months
miniagdaAn attempt to implement a dependently-typed language 13 months
haddock-to-standaloneReplace escaping links in locally generated haddocks with hackage links 13 months
hhexed[no description]19 months
terminal-io-hsTermio-like library for Haskell 19 months
datetagsPrefix stdin lines with date 20 months
squigInterpreter for Squiggly aka {} 21 months
agda-simplifier[no description]23 months
mandelhs[no description]2 years
list-screenInteractive list editor during a presentation 2 years
snap-efault[no description]2 years
brightnessTiny screen brightness control utility 2 years
batwarn_daemonShow i3-nagbar on almost-empty laptop battery 3 years
ghc-cabal-build-termux[no description]3 years
ghc-gc-hookLibrary for GHC Haskell for getting GC statistics using a GC hook 3 years
ghc-refinefrominscope-panic-reproRepro for ghc#21547 3 years
tomsgSimple C chat server 3 years
display-managerPop-up box for managing an external display via xrandr 3 years
ghc-prof-readerCommand-line app for exploring GHC profiling output 3 years
got-guiGUI for lieuwex's Go Timetrap 3 years
competitionCompetition manager for CodeCup-like games 3 years
accelerate-scExperimental sequential C backend for Accelerate 3 years
coolbalSmall partial cabal replacement 4 years
ftilde[no description]4 years
refactor-type-parameters[no description]4 years
rootsPlotting roots of polynomials 4 years
exec-interceptLog execve() calls of another program 4 years
first-order-exprsAttempt at a faster first-order expression simplifier 4 years
langhsCompiler for a made-up language all the way to x64 asm 4 years
cuda-mandelMandelbrot renderer using CUDA 5 years
compcompComposable compiler 5 years
serverstorePersonal screenshot sharing tool 5 years
sound-managerSimple TUI for managing PulseAudio sinks/sink-inputs 5 years