path: root/2019/17.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2019/17.hs')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2019/17.hs b/2019/17.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..067305b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2019/17.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
+module Main where
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Char
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Input
+import IntCode
+blockBy :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
+blockBy n l =
+ let (pre, post) = splitAt n l
+ in if null post then [pre] else pre : blockBy n post
+weightLimit :: Int
+weightLimit = 20
+numFunctions :: Int
+numFunctions = 3
+data Move = F Int | L | R deriving (Show, Eq)
+type Path = [Move]
+weight :: Path -> Int
+weight l = length l - 1 + sum (map moveWeight l)
+moveWeight :: Move -> Int
+moveWeight (F n) = numberWeight n
+moveWeight _ = 1
+numberWeight :: Int -> Int
+numberWeight n | n < 10 = 1
+ | otherwise = 1 + numberWeight (n `quot` 10)
+limitedPrefixes :: Path -> [(Path, Path)]
+limitedPrefixes moves =
+ let prefws = tail (scanl (+) (-1) (map (succ . moveWeight) moves))
+ maxlen = length (takeWhile (<= weightLimit) prefws)
+ in [splitAt i moves | i <- [1..maxlen]]
+data State = State { pathFuncs :: [Path], pathRemain :: Path } deriving (Show)
+compress' :: State -> [([Int], State)]
+compress' state@(State _ []) = return ([], state)
+compress' (State funcs remain) =
+ let match idx func = do
+ guard $ take (length func) remain == func
+ return ([idx], State funcs (drop (length func) remain))
+ matches = concatMap (uncurry match) (zip [0..] funcs)
+ newFunc prefix rest = do
+ let newidx = length funcs
+ guard $ newidx < numFunctions
+ return ([newidx], State (funcs ++ [prefix]) rest)
+ newFuncs = concatMap (uncurry newFunc) (limitedPrefixes remain)
+ options = matches ++ newFuncs
+ developOption (yet, state) = do
+ (yet', state') <- compress' state
+ return (yet ++ yet', state')
+ in concatMap developOption options
+compress :: Path -> [([Int], [Path])]
+compress path = do
+ (calls, State funcs _) <- compress' (State [] path)
+ let mainWeight = length calls - 1 + sum (map numberWeight calls)
+ guard $ mainWeight <= weightLimit
+ let restored = concatMap (funcs !!) calls
+ when (restored /= path) (error "kaas!")
+ return (calls, funcs)
+type Pos = (Int, Int)
+type Dir = (Int, Int)
+add :: Pos -> Dir -> Pos
+add (x, y) (dx, dy) = (x + dx, y + dy)
+rotR, rotL :: Dir -> Dir
+rotR (dx, dy) = (-dy, dx)
+rotL (dx, dy) = (dy, -dx)
+fourDirections :: [Dir]
+fourDirections = [(-1,0), (1,0), (0,-1), (0,1)]
+findPath :: Map.Map Pos Char -> Pos -> Dir -> Path
+findPath bd pos dir =
+ let cands = [([F 1], add pos dir, dir),
+ ([R, F 1], add pos (rotR dir), rotR dir),
+ ([L, F 1], add pos (rotL dir), rotL dir)]
+ cands' = filter (\(_, p, _) -> Map.lookup p bd == Just '#') cands
+ in case cands' of
+ (moves, pos', dir') : _ -> moves ++ findPath bd pos' dir'
+ _ -> []
+simplifyPath :: Path -> Path
+simplifyPath (F n : F m : rest) = simplifyPath (F (n + m) : rest)
+simplifyPath (m : rest) = m : simplifyPath rest
+simplifyPath [] = []
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ program <- parse . head <$> getInput 17
+ let bd = let output = map (chr . fromIntegral) (snd (run program []))
+ nlidx = fromJust (findIndex (== '\n') output)
+ in blockBy nlidx (filter (/= '\n') output)
+ w = length (head bd)
+ h = length bd
+ bdmap = Map.fromList [((x, y), c) | (y, row) <- zip [0..] bd, (x, c) <- zip [0..] row]
+ -- mapM_ print bd
+ let inters = [(x, y)
+ | y <- [1..h-2]
+ , x <- [1..w-2]
+ , all (== '#') [bdmap Map.! (x+dx, y+dy) | (dx, dy) <- (0,0) : fourDirections]]
+ -- print inters
+ -- putStr (unlines [concat [if (x, y) `elem` inters
+ -- then "\x1B[41;1m" ++ cell : "\x1B[0m"
+ -- else [cell]
+ -- | (x, cell) <- zip [0..] row]
+ -- | (y, row) <- zip [0..] bd])
+ print (sum (map (uncurry (*)) inters))
+ let startpos = fst (head (filter ((`elem` "^>v<") . snd) (Map.assocs bdmap)))
+ startdir = fromJust (lookup (bdmap Map.! startpos) (zip "<>^v" fourDirections))
+ path = simplifyPath (findPath bdmap startpos startdir)
+ compressed = compress path
+ (mainroutine, funcs) = head compressed
+ -- mapM_ print compressed
+ let program' = 2 : tail program
+ moveInput = map (fromIntegral . ord) . unlines . map (intercalate ",") $
+ [map (pure . ("ABC" !!)) mainroutine]
+ ++ [[case m of {F n -> show n; R -> "R"; L -> "L"} | m <- func]
+ | func <- funcs]
+ ++ [["n"]]
+ print (last (snd (run program' moveInput)))