path: root/2020
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2020')
5 files changed, 2064 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/2020/19.hs b/2020/19.hs
index 3ae886f..a3afb8f 100644
--- a/2020/19.hs
+++ b/2020/19.hs
@@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ matches :: Gram -> [Int] -> String -> Bool
matches _ [] [] = True
matches gram@(Gram arr) (r:rs) (c:cs) =
case arr A.! r of
- S c' | c == c' -> matches gram rs cs
- | otherwise -> False
+ S c' -> c == c' && matches gram rs cs
D alts -> any (\alt -> matches gram (alt ++ rs) (c:cs)) alts
matches _ _ _ = False
diff --git a/2020/20.hs b/2020/20.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73ebef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/20.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+module Main (main, showLayout) where
+import Data.List (sortBy, transpose, intercalate, tails)
+import Data.Foldable (toList)
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, listToMaybe, fromJust)
+import Data.Ord (Down(..), comparing)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import Input
+import Util
+data V4 a = V4 a a a a
+ deriving (Show, Functor)
+instance Applicative V4 where
+ pure x = V4 x x x x
+ V4 f1 f2 f3 f4 <*> V4 x1 x2 x3 x4 = V4 (f1 x1) (f2 x2) (f3 x3) (f4 x4)
+instance Foldable V4 where
+ foldr f z (V4 a b c d) = f a (f b (f c (f d z)))
+ifmap :: (Int -> a -> b) -> V4 a -> V4 b
+ifmap f (V4 a b c d) = fmap (uncurry f) (V4 (0, a) (1, b) (2, c) (3, d))
+(!*) :: V4 a -> Int -> a
+V4 a b c d !* i = [a, b, c, d] !! i
+data B = F | T
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+instance Show B where
+ show F = "."
+ show T = "#"
+newtype Border' a = Border { unBorder :: [a] }
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Functor)
+type Border = Border' B
+instance Show a => Show (Border' a) where
+ show (Border l) =
+ let l' = map show l
+ in if all ((== 1) . length) l' then concat l' else show l
+data Rotation = R Int B -- rotated n, then possibly horizontally flipped
+ deriving (Show)
+data Tile' a = Tile Int Rotation (V4 (Border' a)) [[a]]
+ deriving (Functor)
+type Tile = Tile' B
+instance Show a => Show (Tile' a) where
+ showsPrec p (Tile i r v _) = showParen (p > 10) (showString ("Tile " ++ show i ++ " (" ++ show r ++ ") ") . showsPrec 11 v . showString " {...}")
+boolb :: Bool -> B
+boolb True = T
+boolb False = F
+notB :: B -> B
+notB F = T
+notB T = F
+tileID :: Tile -> Int
+tileID (Tile i _ _ _) = i
+parseTile :: [String] -> Tile
+parseTile [] = error "empty tile"
+parseTile (hdr:lns) =
+ fmap (boolb . (== '#')) $
+ Tile (if take 5 hdr == "Tile " then read (take 4 (drop 5 hdr)) else error ("tile header?" ++ show hdr))
+ (R 0 F)
+ (V4 (Border (head lns))
+ (Border (map last lns))
+ (Border (reverse (last lns)))
+ (Border (reverse (map head lns))))
+ lns
+-- Rotates clockwise 90 degrees
+rotArray :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
+rotArray = map reverse . transpose
+-- Flips horizontally
+flipArray :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
+flipArray = map reverse
+-- Rotates clockwise 90 degrees
+rotate :: Tile -> Tile
+rotate (Tile i (R rotn rotf) (V4 a b c d) e) = Tile i (R (rotn+1) rotf) (V4 d a b c) (rotArray e)
+-- Flips horizontally
+flipTile :: Tile -> Tile
+flipTile (Tile i (R rotn rotf) (V4 (Border a) (Border b) (Border c) (Border d)) e) =
+ Tile i (R rotn (notB rotf)) (V4 (Border (reverse a)) (Border (reverse d)) (Border (reverse c)) (Border (reverse b))) (flipArray e)
+type Cd = (Int, Int) -- coordinate
+data Layout = Layout (Map Cd Tile) (Set Cd)
+ deriving (Show)
+lput :: Cd -> Tile -> Layout -> Layout
+lput pos tile (Layout mp bd) =
+ Layout (Map.insertWith (error "lput: taken") pos tile mp)
+ (Set.delete pos bd <> (Set.fromList (toList (neighbours pos)) Set.\\ Map.keysSet mp))
+neighbours :: Cd -> V4 Cd
+neighbours (x, y) = V4 (x, y-1) (x+1, y) (x, y+1) (x-1, y)
+borderAt :: Cd -> Layout -> V4 (Maybe Border)
+borderAt pos (Layout mp _) =
+ ifmap (\i pos' -> (\(Tile _ _ bd _) -> Border (reverse (unBorder (bd !* mod (i + 2) 4)))) <$> Map.lookup pos' mp) (neighbours pos)
+densityAt :: Layout -> Cd -> Int
+densityAt ly pos = length (catMaybes (toList (borderAt pos ly)))
+matchesOutline :: Tile -> V4 (Maybe Border) -> Bool
+matchesOutline (Tile _ _ bd _) outl =
+ all id ((\b -> maybe True (== b)) <$> bd <*> outl)
+rotrefls :: Tile -> [Tile]
+rotrefls = concatMap (\t -> [t, flipTile t]) . take 4 . iterate rotate
+matchesAtPos :: Layout -> [Tile] -> Cd -> [(Tile, [Tile])]
+matchesAtPos ly ts pos =
+ [(t', rest)
+ | (t, rest) <- splits' ts
+ , t' <- rotrefls t
+ , matchesOutline t' (borderAt pos ly)]
+allCandidates :: Layout -> [Tile] -> [(Cd, Tile, [Tile])]
+allCandidates ly@(Layout _ bd) ts =
+ catMaybes
+ [case matchesAtPos ly ts pos of
+ [(t, ts')] -> Just (pos, t, ts')
+ _ -> Nothing
+ | pos <- sortBy (comparing (Down . densityAt ly)) (toList bd)]
+findCandidate :: Layout -> [Tile] -> Maybe (Cd, Tile, [Tile])
+findCandidate ly ts = listToMaybe (allCandidates ly ts)
+placeAll :: Layout -> [Tile] -> (Layout, [Tile])
+placeAll ly ts
+ | Just (pos, t, ts') <- findCandidate ly ts = placeAll (lput pos t ly) ts'
+ | otherwise = (ly, ts)
+extents :: Map Cd a -> ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))
+extents mp =
+ let keys = Map.keys mp
+ in ((minimum (map fst keys), maximum (map fst keys))
+ ,(minimum (map snd keys), maximum (map snd keys)))
+showLayout :: Layout -> String
+showLayout (Layout mp bd) =
+ let mp' = foldr (uncurry Map.insert) ( Just mp) (map (,Nothing) (toList bd))
+ ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)) = extents mp'
+ in unlines [intercalate " "
+ [maybe "...." (maybe "----" (show . tileID)) (Map.lookup (x, y) mp')
+ | x <- [xmin..xmax]]
+ | y <- [ymin..ymax]]
+cornerProd :: Layout -> Int
+cornerProd (Layout mp _) =
+ let ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)) = extents mp
+ in product (map (tileID . fromJust . (`Map.lookup` mp)) [(xmin,ymin), (xmin,ymax), (xmax,ymin), (xmax,ymax)])
+squareOfTiles :: Layout -> [[Tile]]
+squareOfTiles (Layout mp _) =
+ let ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)) = extents mp
+ in [[mp Map.! (x, y) | x <- [xmin..xmax]] | y <- [ymin..ymax]]
+removeEdges :: [[B]] -> [[B]]
+removeEdges = map trim . trim
+ where trim = tail . reverse . tail . reverse
+joinEdges :: [[Tile]] -> [[B]]
+joinEdges tiles =
+ concat [map concat (transpose [removeEdges body | Tile _ _ _ body <- tilerow])
+ | tilerow <- tiles]
+monster :: [[B]]
+monster = map (map (\case '#' -> T ; ' ' -> F ; _ -> undefined)) pat
+ where pat = [" # "
+ ,"# ## ## ###"
+ ," # # # # # # "]
+fieldParts :: [[a]] -> [[[a]]]
+fieldParts bd = concatMap maptails (tails bd)
+ where maptails [] = []
+ maptails ([]:_) = []
+ maptails l = l : maptails (map tail l)
+exceedsLength :: [a] -> [a] -> Bool
+_ `exceedsLength` [] = True
+[] `exceedsLength` _ = False
+(_:xs) `exceedsLength` (_:ys) = xs `exceedsLength` ys
+matchPattern :: [[B]] -> [[B]] -> Bool
+matchPattern bd pat =
+ bd `exceedsLength` pat &&
+ all (\(bdrow, patrow) -> bdrow `exceedsLength` patrow &&
+ all (\(b, p) -> (p == F) || (b == T)) (zip bdrow patrow))
+ (zip bd pat)
+countPattern :: [[B]] -> [[B]] -> Int
+countPattern bd pat = length (filter (`matchPattern` pat) (fieldParts bd))
+numTrue :: [[B]] -> Int
+numTrue = length . concat . map (filter (== T))
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ tile0:tiles <- map parseTile . filter (not . null) . toList . splitOn null <$> getInput 20
+ let initLayout = lput (0, 0) tile0 (Layout mempty (Set.singleton (0, 0)))
+ (ly', _) = placeAll initLayout tiles
+ print (cornerProd ly')
+ let image = joinEdges (squareOfTiles ly')
+ images = concatMap (\b -> [b, flipArray b]) (take 4 (iterate rotArray image))
+ print (numTrue image - numTrue monster * maximum (map (`countPattern` monster) images))
diff --git a/2020/ b/2020/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..908ad8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/
@@ -0,0 +1,1728 @@
+Tile 3593:
+Tile 3041:
+Tile 3761:
+Tile 1307:
+Tile 3709:
+Tile 2381:
+Tile 3089:
+Tile 3049:
+Tile 1171:
+Tile 2903:
+Tile 3259:
+Tile 2083:
+Tile 1019:
+Tile 2659:
+Tile 1873:
+Tile 2851:
+Tile 3529:
+Tile 2221:
+Tile 3251:
+Tile 2693:
+Tile 1187:
+Tile 1237:
+Tile 1163:
+Tile 2113:
+Tile 3989:
+Tile 3163:
+Tile 2137:
+Tile 1087:
+Tile 1613:
+Tile 3613:
+Tile 2293:
+Tile 3373:
+Tile 2539:
+Tile 2833:
+Tile 3019:
+Tile 3061:
+Tile 2593:
+Tile 2617:
+Tile 1823:
+Tile 3191:
+Tile 3371:
+Tile 1721:
+Tile 3011:
+Tile 1801:
+Tile 1129:
+Tile 3517:
+Tile 3607:
+Tile 2803:
+Tile 3331:
+Tile 3499:
+Tile 3299:
+Tile 3793:
+Tile 2657:
+Tile 2239:
+Tile 2861:
+Tile 1061:
+Tile 1447:
+Tile 1997:
+Tile 2251:
+Tile 3797:
+Tile 1669:
+Tile 2939:
+Tile 2411:
+Tile 3469:
+Tile 2677:
+Tile 3361:
+Tile 1567:
+Tile 1153:
+Tile 1063:
+Tile 3643:
+Tile 2161:
+Tile 1373:
+Tile 2237:
+Tile 3319:
+Tile 1931:
+Tile 2753:
+Tile 2273:
+Tile 2131:
+Tile 1259:
+Tile 2837:
+Tile 3467:
+Tile 3833:
+Tile 1559:
+Tile 1483:
+Tile 2711:
+Tile 1321:
+Tile 1637:
+Tile 2687:
+Tile 2543:
+Tile 1487:
+Tile 3929:
+Tile 3617:
+Tile 1069:
+Tile 3863:
+Tile 1847:
+Tile 1831:
+Tile 3697:
+Tile 1433:
+Tile 1987:
+Tile 2389:
+Tile 3917:
+Tile 3533:
+Tile 1471:
+Tile 1051:
+Tile 3407:
+Tile 3853:
+Tile 3079:
+Tile 3449:
+Tile 2203:
+Tile 3067:
+Tile 3947:
+Tile 1091:
+Tile 1201:
+Tile 2281:
+Tile 3229:
+Tile 3739:
+Tile 2069:
+Tile 2399:
+Tile 2087:
+Tile 3203:
+Tile 3631:
+Tile 1291:
+Tile 2377:
+Tile 1223:
+Tile 3343:
+Tile 3001:
+Tile 3881:
+Tile 2897:
+Tile 2819:
+Tile 1597:
+Tile 3461:
+Tile 2843:
+Tile 2309:
+Tile 1951:
+Tile 2027:
+Tile 1097:
+Tile 1181:
+Tile 3637:
+Tile 2957:
+Tile 1381:
+Tile 2699:
+Tile 2333:
+Tile 2467:
+Tile 1123:
diff --git a/2020/ b/2020/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3aed46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+Tile 2311:
+Tile 1951:
+Tile 1171:
+Tile 1427:
+Tile 1489:
+Tile 2473:
+Tile 2971:
+Tile 2729:
+Tile 3079:
+..#.###... \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2020/Util.hs b/2020/Util.hs
index 7f5f941..7cd674d 100644
--- a/2020/Util.hs
+++ b/2020/Util.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Util where
+import Data.List
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), (<|))
@@ -8,3 +9,6 @@ splitOn _ [] = [] :| []
splitOn f (x:xs) | f x = [] <| splitOn f xs
| otherwise = let l :| ls = splitOn f xs
in (x : l) :| ls
+splits' :: [a] -> [(a, [a])]
+splits' l = zip l (zipWith (++) (inits l) (tail (tails l)))