diff options
2 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2019/23.hs b/2019/23.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..054b53a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2019/23.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+-- Part 2: 17281 is too high
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+module Main where
+import Data.Foldable (toList)
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Sequence as S
+import Debug.Trace
+import Input
+import IntCode
+safeLast :: [a] -> Maybe a
+safeLast [] = Nothing
+safeLast [x] = Just x
+safeLast (_:xs) = safeLast xs
+data Computer
+ = Computer { cCont :: Continuation
+ , cQueue :: S.Seq Integer }
+queueAdd :: Message -> Computer -> Computer
+queueAdd (Message _ x y) comp = comp { cQueue = cQueue comp S.|> x S.|> y }
+queueAdds :: [Message] -> Computer -> Computer
+queueAdds msgs comp = foldr queueAdd comp msgs
+data Message = Message Int Integer Integer
+ deriving (Show)
+parseMessages :: [Integer] -> [Message]
+parseMessages [] = []
+parseMessages (to:x:y:rest) = Message (fromIntegral to) x y : parseMessages rest
+parseMessages _ = error "Non-3-blocked output"
+runComputer :: Computer -> ([Message], Computer)
+runComputer (Computer cont queue) =
+ let queue' = if null queue then [-1] else toList queue
+ (cont', output) = either id ((undefined,) . snd) (runContinue cont queue')
+ in (parseMessages output, Computer cont' mempty)
+step :: Map.Map Int Computer -> Int -> ([Message], Map.Map Int Computer)
+step network cid =
+ let (msgs, computer') = runComputer (network Map.! cid)
+ network' = foldr (\msg@(Message to _ _) -> Map.adjust (queueAdd msg) to)
+ (Map.insert cid computer' network)
+ msgs
+ in (msgs, network')
+runUntilNAT :: Map.Map Int Computer -> Int -> Message
+runUntilNAT network cid =
+ let (msgs, network') = step network cid
+ in case [msg | msg@(Message 255 _ _) <- msgs] of
+ msg:_ -> msg
+ [] -> runUntilNAT network' ((cid + 1) `mod` 50)
+-- NAT (last recv'd msg (with to=0)) (last Y value sent to 0) (number of idle computers)
+data NAT = NAT (Maybe Message) (Maybe Integer) Int
+initNAT :: NAT
+initNAT = NAT Nothing Nothing 0
+natNotify :: NAT -> Int -> [Message] -> S.Seq Integer -> NAT
+natNotify (NAT origBin zeroY idle) from msgs queue =
+ let recv = [msg | msg@(Message 255 _ _) <- msgs]
+ newBin = safeLast (maybeToList origBin ++ [Message 0 x y | Message _ x y <- recv])
+ idle' = if null msgs && S.null queue then idle + 1 else 0
+ in -- (if not (null recv) then trace ("NAT received " ++ show recv ++ " from " ++ show from) else id) $
+ (if idle' >= 50 then trace "idle!" else id) $
+ NAT newBin zeroY idle'
+natPoll :: NAT -> Either Integer ([Message], NAT)
+-- natPoll (NAT _ _ idle) | traceShow ("poll", idle) False = undefined
+natPoll (NAT (Just bin) zeroY idle) | idle >= 50 =
+ case (bin, zeroY) of
+ (Message 0 _ y, Just y') | y == y' -> Left y
+ (Message 0 _ y, _) -> Right ([bin], NAT Nothing (Just y) 0)
+ (_, _) -> Right ([bin], NAT Nothing zeroY 0)
+natPoll nat@(NAT _ _ _) = Right ([], nat)
+traceMessages :: [(Int, Message)] -> a -> a
+traceMessages = flip (foldr (\(from, Message to x y) -> trace ("Message " ++ show from ++ " -> " ++ show to ++ ": [" ++ show x ++ "," ++ show y ++ "]")))
+runWithNAT :: NAT -> Map.Map Int Computer -> Int -> Integer
+runWithNAT nat network cid =
+ -- trace ("runWithNAT cid=" ++ show cid) $
+ let (msgs, network') = step network cid
+ nat' = natNotify nat cid msgs (cQueue (network Map.! cid))
+ in trace ("step " ++ show cid ++ " in: " ++ show (cQueue (network Map.! cid)) ++ ", out: " ++ show msgs) $
+ traceMessages (map (cid,) msgs) $
+ case natPoll nat' of
+ Left res -> res
+ Right (natout, nat'') ->
+ -- (if not (null natout) then trace ("NAT sent " ++ show natout) else id) $
+ traceMessages (map (-1,) natout) $
+ runWithNAT nat'' (Map.adjust (queueAdds natout) 0 network') ((cid + 1) `mod` 50)
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ nicProgram <- parse . head <$> getInput 23
+ let initComputer i = Computer (initialContinuation nicProgram) (S.singleton (fromIntegral i))
+ initNetwork = Map.fromList [(i, initComputer i) | i <- [0..49]]
+ Message _ _ y = runUntilNAT initNetwork 0
+ print y
+ print (runWithNAT initNAT initNetwork 0)
diff --git a/2019/ b/2019/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1722223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2019/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@