path: root/src/Numeric/ADDual/VectorOps.hs
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1 files changed, 71 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/Numeric/ADDual/VectorOps.hs b/src/Numeric/ADDual/VectorOps.hs
index 38063e0..9bedebe 100644
--- a/src/Numeric/ADDual/VectorOps.hs
+++ b/src/Numeric/ADDual/VectorOps.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Numeric.ADDual.VectorOps where
@@ -14,47 +15,116 @@ class VectorOps v where
vfromListN :: Int -> [VectorOpsScalar v] -> v
vfromList :: [VectorOpsScalar v] -> v
vtoList :: v -> [VectorOpsScalar v]
+ vlength :: v -> Int
vreplicate :: Int -> VectorOpsScalar v -> v
+ vselect :: VS.Vector Bool -> v -> v -> v -- ^ True selects the first argument, False the second
-class VectorOpsNum v where
+class (VectorOps v, Num (VectorOpsScalar v)) => VectorOpsNum v where
+ vadd :: v -> v -> v
+ vsub :: v -> v -> v
+ vmul :: v -> v -> v
vsum :: v -> VectorOpsScalar v
+class (VectorOpsNum v, Floating (VectorOpsScalar v)) => VectorOpsFloating v where
+ vexp :: v -> v
+class (VectorOps v, Ord (VectorOpsScalar v)) => VectorOpsOrd v where
+ vcmpLE :: v -> v -> VS.Vector Bool
+ vmaximum :: v -> VectorOpsScalar v
+ vcmpLT, vcmpGT, vcmpGE :: v -> v -> VS.Vector Bool
+ vcmpLT a b = VS.map not (vcmpLE b a)
+ vcmpGT a b = VS.map not (vcmpLE a b)
+ vcmpGE a b = vcmpLE b a
instance VectorOps (V.Vector a) where
type VectorOpsScalar (V.Vector a) = a
vfromListN = V.fromListN
vfromList = V.fromList
vtoList = V.toList
+ vlength = V.length
vreplicate = V.replicate
+ vselect bs a b = V.fromListN (VS.length bs) [if bs VS.! i then a V.! i else b V.! i
+ | i <- [0 .. VS.length bs - 1]]
instance Num a => VectorOpsNum (V.Vector a) where
+ vadd = V.zipWith (+)
+ vsub = V.zipWith (-)
+ vmul = V.zipWith (*)
vsum = V.sum
+instance Floating a => VectorOpsFloating (V.Vector a) where
+ vexp = V.map exp
+instance Ord a => VectorOpsOrd (V.Vector a) where
+ vcmpLE a b = VS.generate (V.length a) (\i -> a V.! i <= b V.! i)
+ vmaximum = V.maximum
instance VectorOps (VSr.Vector a) where
type VectorOpsScalar (VSr.Vector a) = a
vfromListN = VSr.fromListN
vfromList = VSr.fromList
vtoList = VSr.toList
+ vlength = VSr.length
vreplicate = VSr.replicate
+ vselect bs a b = VSr.fromListN (VS.length bs) [if bs VS.! i then a VSr.! i else b VSr.! i
+ | i <- [0 .. VS.length bs - 1]]
instance Num a => VectorOpsNum (VSr.Vector a) where
+ vadd = VSr.zipWith (+)
+ vsub = VSr.zipWith (-)
+ vmul = VSr.zipWith (*)
vsum = VSr.sum
+instance Floating a => VectorOpsFloating (VSr.Vector a) where
+ vexp = VSr.map exp
+instance Ord a => VectorOpsOrd (VSr.Vector a) where
+ vcmpLE a b = VS.generate (VSr.length a) (\i -> a VSr.! i <= b VSr.! i)
+ vmaximum = VSr.maximum
instance Storable a => VectorOps (VS.Vector a) where
type VectorOpsScalar (VS.Vector a) = a
vfromListN = VS.fromListN
vfromList = VS.fromList
vtoList = VS.toList
+ vlength = VS.length
vreplicate = VS.replicate
+ vselect bs a b = VS.fromListN (VS.length bs) [if bs VS.! i then a VS.! i else b VS.! i
+ | i <- [0 .. VS.length bs - 1]]
instance (Storable a, Num a) => VectorOpsNum (VS.Vector a) where
+ vadd = VS.zipWith (+)
+ vsub = VS.zipWith (-)
+ vmul = VS.zipWith (*)
vsum = VS.sum
+instance (Storable a, Floating a) => VectorOpsFloating (VS.Vector a) where
+ vexp = VS.map exp
+instance (Storable a, Ord a) => VectorOpsOrd (VS.Vector a) where
+ vcmpLE a b = VS.generate (VS.length a) (\i -> a VS.! i <= b VS.! i)
+ vmaximum = VS.maximum
instance VU.Unbox a => VectorOps (VU.Vector a) where
type VectorOpsScalar (VU.Vector a) = a
vfromListN = VU.fromListN
vfromList = VU.fromList
vtoList = VU.toList
+ vlength = VU.length
vreplicate = VU.replicate
+ vselect bs a b = VU.fromListN (VS.length bs) [if bs VS.! i then a VU.! i else b VU.! i
+ | i <- [0 .. VS.length bs - 1]]
instance (VU.Unbox a, Num a) => VectorOpsNum (VU.Vector a) where
+ vadd = VU.zipWith (+)
+ vsub = VU.zipWith (-)
+ vmul = VU.zipWith (*)
vsum = VU.sum
+instance (VU.Unbox a, Floating a) => VectorOpsFloating (VU.Vector a) where
+ vexp = VU.map exp
+instance (VU.Unbox a, Ord a) => VectorOpsOrd (VU.Vector a) where
+ vcmpLE a b = VS.generate (VU.length a) (\i -> a VU.! i <= b VU.! i)
+ vmaximum = VU.maximum