diff options
2 files changed, 31 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/Compiler.hs b/Compiler.hs
index eab7058..f02a50a 100644
--- a/Compiler.hs
+++ b/Compiler.hs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module Compiler(compile) where
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
import Data.List
+import qualified System.Info as System (os)
import AST
@@ -30,6 +31,19 @@ genId :: LineWriter Int
genId = state $ \i -> (i, i + 1)
+mangleName :: String -> String
+mangleName f = case System.os of
+ "darwin" -> '_' : f
+ "linux" -> f
+ _ -> undefined
+generateCall :: String -> String
+generateCall f = case System.os of
+ "darwin" -> "call " ++ mangleName f
+ "linux" -> "call [" ++ mangleName f ++ " wrt]"
+ _ -> undefined
compile :: Program -> String
compile (Program inss) = runLineWriter $ do
emit0 prologue
@@ -67,12 +81,12 @@ compileIns (ILoop inss off) = do
emit $ "jnz .Lbd_" ++ show loopid
emit0 $ ".Laf_" ++ show loopid ++ ":"
compileIns (IInput off) = do
- emit "call _getchar"
+ emit $ generateCall "getchar"
emit $ "mov [" ++ cursorOffset off ++ "], al"
compileIns (IOutput off) = do
emit "xor edi, edi"
emit $ "mov dil, [" ++ cursorOffset off ++ "]"
- emit "call _putchar"
+ emit $ generateCall "putchar"
compileIns IStart = return ()
isTwoPower :: Byte -> Maybe Int
@@ -81,19 +95,20 @@ isTwoPower v = findIndex (==v) (take 8 $ iterate (* 2) 1)
prologue :: String
prologue =
- "global _main"
- ++ "\nextern _calloc, _free, _putchar, _getchar, _write"
+ "global " ++ mangleName "main"
+ ++ "\nextern " ++ intercalate ", "
+ (map mangleName ["calloc", "free", "putchar", "getchar", "write"])
++ "\ndefault rel"
++ "\nsection .text"
- ++ "\n_main:"
+ ++ "\n" ++ mangleName "main" ++ ":"
++ "\n\tpush rbp"
++ "\n\tmov rbp, rsp"
++ "\n\tpush rbx"
++ "\n\tsub rsp, 8"
++ "\n\tmov edi, " ++ show tapeLength
++ "\n\tmov esi, 1"
- ++ "\n\tcall _calloc"
+ ++ "\n\t" ++ generateCall "calloc"
++ "\n\ttest rax, rax"
++ "\n\tjz .allocation_failure"
++ "\n\tlea rbx, [rax + " ++ show (tapeLength `div` 2) ++ "] ; rbx = cursor"
@@ -103,7 +118,7 @@ prologue =
epilogue :: String
epilogue =
"\n\tmov rdi, [rsp]"
- ++ "\n\tcall _free"
+ ++ "\n\t" ++ generateCall "free"
++ "\n\txor eax, eax"
++ "\n.return:"
++ "\n\tadd rsp, 8"
@@ -122,7 +137,7 @@ epilogue =
++ "\n\tmov edi, 2"
++ "\n\tmov rsi, rsp"
++ "\n\tmov edx, 20"
- ++ "\n\tcall _write"
+ ++ "\n\t" ++ generateCall "write"
++ "\n\tadd rsp, 32"
++ "\n\tmov eax, 1"
++ "\n\tjmp .return"
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
index 9c33f83..c7ca464 100644
--- a/Main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
+import qualified System.Info as System (os)
import System.Process
import AST
@@ -40,5 +41,11 @@ main = do
interpret opt (map (fromIntegral . ord) input) >>= (putStr . map (chr . fromIntegral))
EMCompile -> do
writeFile (fname ++ ".asm") $ compile opt
- callProcess "yasm" ["-f", "macho64", fname ++ ".asm", "-o", fname ++ ".o"]
+ let format = case System.os of
+ "darwin" -> "macho64"
+ "linux" -> "elf64"
+ _ -> undefined
+ callProcess "yasm" ["-f", format, fname ++ ".asm", "-o", fname ++ ".o"]
callProcess "gcc" [fname ++ ".o", "-o", fname ++ ".exe"]