BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
evmrules: Attempt at merge/accum parameterised transformationTom Smeding7 months
hashable-gadtSome non-working code lolTom Smeding3 weeks
mastertest fwd: test with simplified expressionTom Smeding6 days
test-catch-excWIP exception catching in test-frameworkTom Smeding6 days
test-compile-chadCompile: More checksTom Smeding11 hours
AgeCommit messageAuthor
6 daystest fwd: test with simplified expressionHEADmasterTom Smeding
6 daysCompile EAccumTom Smeding
8 dayssimplifyOneHotTermTom Smeding
8 daysComplete accumulator revamp!Tom Smeding
9 daystest-framework: Allow filtering tests by substringTom Smeding
9 daysMuch process with accumulator revampTom Smeding
9 daysWIP revamp accumulator projection type reprTom Smeding
13 daystest: Split adTestGen into one function per test caseTom Smeding
13 daystest-framework: Even more compact output with testGroupCollapseTom Smeding
13 daystest-framework: Improve outputTom Smeding