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authorTom Smeding <>2024-01-25 00:08:29 +0100
committerTom Smeding <>2024-01-25 00:08:29 +0100
commit11ad6ad3f4ff2c3aa8eaff4d6124f361716cafff (patch)
parent04ce88ce93523988ec1dc6775ac6a4b439e90913 (diff)
More stuff
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/src/CHAD.hs b/src/CHAD.hs
index a5f9bb3..209ed3b 100644
--- a/src/CHAD.hs
+++ b/src/CHAD.hs
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module CHAD where
import Data.Bifunctor (first, second)
@@ -38,6 +39,10 @@ weakenBindings wf w (BPush b (t, x)) =
let (b', w') = weakenBindings wf w b
in (BPush b' (t, wf w' x), WCopy w')
+sinkOver :: SList STy ts -> env :> Append ts env
+sinkOver SNil = WId
+sinkOver (SCons _ ts) = WSink .> sinkOver ts
sinkWithBindings :: Bindings f env binds -> env :> Append binds env
sinkWithBindings BTop = WId
sinkWithBindings (BPush b _) = WSink .> sinkWithBindings b
@@ -53,8 +58,16 @@ bconcat b1 (BPush (b2 :: Bindings f (Append binds1 env) binds2C) (t, x))
-- -> (forall env12. Bindings f env env12 -> r) -> r
-- bconcat' wf b1 b2 k = weakenBindings wf (sinkWithBindings b1) b2 $ \b2' _ -> k (bconcat b1 b2')
--- bsnoc :: STy t -> f env t -> Bindings f (t : env) env' -> Bindings f env env'
--- bsnoc t x b = bconcat (BTop `BPush` (t, x)) b
+type family Snoc l x where
+ Snoc '[] x = '[x]
+ Snoc (y : ys) x = y : Snoc ys x
+bsnoc :: (forall env1 env2 t'. env1 :> env2 -> f env1 t' -> f env2 t')
+ -> STy t -> f env t -> Bindings f env binds -> (Bindings f env (Snoc binds t), Append binds env :> Append (Snoc binds t) env)
+bsnoc _ t x BTop = (BPush BTop (t, x), WSink)
+bsnoc wf t x (BPush b (t', y)) =
+ let (b', w) = bsnoc wf t x b
+ in (BPush b' (t', wf w y), WCopy w)
type family Tape binds where
Tape '[] = TNil
@@ -66,29 +79,41 @@ data TupBinds f env binds =
(forall env2. Append binds env :> env2 -> Ex env2 (Tape binds))
(forall env2. Idx env2 (Tape binds) -> Bindings f env2 binds)
-tupBinds :: Bindings Ex env binds -> TupBinds Ex env binds
-tupBinds BTop = TupBinds SNil (\_ -> ENil ext) (\_ -> BTop)
-tupBinds (BPush binds (t, _))
- | TupBinds tapelist collect recon <- tupBinds binds
- = TupBinds (SCons t tapelist)
- (\w -> EPair ext (EVar ext t (w @> IZ))
- (collect (w .> WSink)))
- (\tapeidx ->
- let b = recon tapeidx
- in BPush _
- (t, _ (sinkWithBindings b) tapeidx))
- -- (\w tapeidx ->
- -- case recon (WSink .> w) IZ of
- -- TupBindsReconstruct rebinds wunder ->
- -- let rebinds1 = bsnoc tape (EFst ext (EVar ext (STPair tape t) tapeidx)) rebinds
- -- in TupBindsReconstruct
- -- (rebinds1 `BPush`
- -- (t, ESnd ext (EVar ext (STPair tape t)
- -- (sinkWithBindings rebinds1 @> tapeidx))))
- -- (WCopy wunder))
-letBinds :: Bindings Ex env env' -> Ex env' t -> Ex env t
+bindingsBinds :: Bindings f env binds -> SList STy binds
+bindingsBinds BTop = SNil
+bindingsBinds (BPush binds (t, _)) = SCons t (bindingsBinds binds)
+tapeTy :: SList STy binds -> STy (Tape binds)
+tapeTy SNil = STNil
+tapeTy (SCons t ts) = STPair t (tapeTy ts)
+bindingsCollect :: Bindings f env binds -> Append binds env :> env2 -> Ex env2 (Tape binds)
+bindingsCollect BTop _ = ENil ext
+bindingsCollect (BPush binds (t, _)) w =
+ EPair ext (EVar ext t (w @> IZ))
+ (bindingsCollect binds (w .> WSink))
+-- type family TapeUnfoldings binds where
+-- TapeUnfoldings '[] = '[]
+-- TapeUnfoldings (t : ts) = Snoc (TapeUnfoldings ts) (Tape (t : ts))
+-- -- The input Ex must be duplicable.
+-- -- This function is quadratic, and returns code whose internal representation is quadratic in size (due to types). It runtime should be linear, however.
+-- tapeUnfoldings :: forall binds env. SList STy binds -> Ex env (Tape binds) -> Bindings Ex env (TapeUnfoldings binds)
+-- tapeUnfoldings SNil _ = BTop
+-- tapeUnfoldings (SCons t ts) e = fst $ bsnoc weakenExpr (tapeTy (SCons t ts)) e (tapeUnfoldings ts (ESnd ext e))
+-- reconFromTape :: SList STy binds -> Bindings Ex env (TapeUnfoldings binds) -> Bindings Ex (Append (TapeUnfoldings binds) env) binds
+-- reconFromTape SNil BTop = BTop
+-- reconFromTape (SCons t ts) (BPush unfbinds (_, e)) = _
+-- reconFromTape SCons{} BTop = error "unreachable"
+-- TODO: This function produces quadratic code, but it must be linear. Need to fix this!
+reconstructBindings :: SList STy binds -> Ex env (Tape binds) -> Bindings Ex env binds
+reconstructBindings SNil _ = BTop
+reconstructBindings (SCons t ts) e = BPush (reconstructBindings ts (ESnd ext e)) (t, weakenExpr (sinkOver ts) (EFst ext e))
+letBinds :: Bindings Ex env binds -> Ex (Append binds env) t -> Ex env t
letBinds BTop = id
letBinds (BPush b (_, rhs)) = letBinds b . ELet ext rhs
@@ -248,24 +273,25 @@ data Subenv env env' where
deriving instance Show (Subenv env env')
data Ret env0 sto t =
- forall justenv env0F.
- Ret (Bindings Ex (D1E env0) justenv)
- (Ex (Append justenv (D1E env0)) (D1 t))
- (Subenv (Select env0 sto "merge") env0F)
- (Ex (D2 t : justenv) (TEVM (D2E (Select env0 sto "accum")) (Tup (D2E env0F))))
+ forall shbinds env0Merge.
+ Ret (Bindings Ex (D1E env0) shbinds) -- shared binds
+ (Ex (Append shbinds (D1E env0)) (D1 t))
+ (Subenv (Select env0 sto "merge") env0Merge)
+ (Ex (D2 t : shbinds) (TEVM (D2E (Select env0 sto "accum")) (Tup (D2E env0Merge))))
deriving instance Show (Ret env0 sto t)
data RetPair env0 sto env t =
- forall env0F.
+ forall env0Merge.
RetPair (Ex env (D1 t))
- (Subenv (Select env0 sto "merge") env0F)
- (Ex (D2 t : env) (TEVM (D2E (Select env0 sto "accum")) (Tup (D2E env0F))))
+ (Subenv (Select env0 sto "merge") env0Merge)
+ (Ex (D2 t : env) (TEVM (D2E (Select env0 sto "accum")) (Tup (D2E env0Merge))))
deriving instance Show (RetPair env0 sto env t)
+TODO need to fix this data type still, I think?
data Rets env0 sto env list =
- forall env'.
- Rets (Bindings Ex env env')
- (SList (RetPair env0 sto env') list)
+ forall shbinds.
+ Rets (Bindings Ex env shbinds)
+ (SList (RetPair env0 sto shbinds) list)
deriving instance Show (Rets env0 sto env list)
subList :: SList f env -> Subenv env env' -> SList f env'
@@ -320,7 +346,7 @@ subenvPlus (SCons t env) (SEYes sub1) (SEYes sub2) k =
(ESnd ext (EVar ext (typeOf e1) (IS IZ)))
(ESnd ext (EVar ext (typeOf e2) IZ)))
-expandSubenvZeros :: SList STy env0 -> Subenv env0 env0F -> Ex env (Tup (D2E env0F)) -> Ex env (Tup (D2E env0))
+expandSubenvZeros :: SList STy env0 -> Subenv env0 env0Merge -> Ex env (Tup (D2E env0Merge)) -> Ex env (Tup (D2E env0))
expandSubenvZeros _ SETop _ = ENil ext
expandSubenvZeros (SCons t ts) (SEYes sub) e =
ELet ext e $
@@ -362,9 +388,9 @@ weakenRets w (Rets binds list) =
weakenBindings weakenExpr w binds $ \binds' wbinds' ->
Rets binds' (slistMap (weakenRetPair wbinds') list)
-retConcat :: forall env sto list. SList (Ret env sto) list -> Rets env sto (D1E env) list
+retConcat :: forall env0 sto list. SList (Ret env0 sto) list -> Rets env0 sto (D1E env0) list
retConcat SNil = Rets BTop SNil
-retConcat (SCons (Ret (b :: Bindings Ex (D1E env) env2) p sub d) list)
+retConcat (SCons (Ret (b :: Bindings Ex (D1E env0) env2) p sub d) list)
| Rets binds pairs <- weakenRets (sinkWithBindings b) (retConcat list)
= Rets (bconcat b binds)
(SCons (RetPair (weakenExpr (sinkWithBindings binds) p)
@@ -455,6 +481,7 @@ d2e :: SList STy env -> SList STy (D2E env)
d2e SNil = SNil
d2e (SCons t ts) = SCons (d2 t) (d2e ts)
drev :: forall env sto t.
Descr env sto
-> (forall env' sto' t'. Descr env' sto' -> STy t' -> Some Storage)