diff options
authorTom Smeding <>2025-03-22 11:03:51 +0100
committerTom Smeding <>2025-03-22 11:03:51 +0100
commit0a3e53d7b40d2009aca66d2cafd555c2b1d858bb (patch)
parent64c71d518cae763e2aad442a512630c614286935 (diff)
test-framework: --hedgehog-replay
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/test-framework/Test/Framework.hs b/test-framework/Test/Framework.hs
index 4c7799b..158c489 100644
--- a/test-framework/Test/Framework.hs
+++ b/test-framework/Test/Framework.hs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Test.Framework (
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ import Data.Time.Clock
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.IO (hFlush, hPutStrLn, stdout, stderr)
+import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import qualified Hedgehog as H
import qualified Hedgehog.Internal.Config as H
@@ -73,7 +75,7 @@ filterTree (Options { optsPattern = pat }) = go ""
Nothing -> Nothing
Just _ -> Just $ Resource make free (fromJust . go path . fun)
go path hp@(HP name _)
- | pat `isInfixOf` (path ++ "/" ++ name) = Just hp
+ | pat `isInfixOf` (path++"/"++name) = Just hp
| otherwise = Nothing
computeMaxLen :: TestTree -> Int
@@ -101,11 +103,12 @@ modifyStats f = M (modify f)
data Options = Options
{ optsPattern :: String
- , optsHelp :: Bool }
+ , optsHelp :: Bool
+ , optsHedgehogReplay :: Maybe (H.Skip, H.Seed) }
deriving (Show)
defaultOptions :: Options
-defaultOptions = Options "" False
+defaultOptions = Options "" False Nothing
parseOptions :: [String] -> Options -> Either String Options
parseOptions [] opts = pure opts
@@ -114,6 +117,15 @@ parseOptions ("--help":args) opts = parseOptions args opts { optsHelp = True }
parseOptions ("-p":arg:args) opts
| optsPattern opts == "" = parseOptions args opts { optsPattern = arg }
| otherwise = Left "Multiple '-p' arguments given"
+parseOptions ("--hedgehog-replay":arg:args) opts
+ | Nothing <- optsHedgehogReplay opts =
+ let parsed = do
+ (skipstr, ' ' : seedstr) <- return $ span (/= ' ') arg
+ (,) <$> H.skipDecompress skipstr <*> readMaybe seedstr
+ in case parsed of
+ Just res -> parseOptions args opts { optsHedgehogReplay = Just res }
+ Nothing -> Left "Invalid argument to '--hedgehog-replay'"
+ | otherwise = Left "Multiple '--hedgehog-replay' arguments given"
parseOptions (arg:_) _ = Left $ "Unrecognised argument: '" ++ arg ++ "'"
printUsage :: IO ()
@@ -124,7 +136,10 @@ printUsage = do
," -h / --help Show this help"
," -p PATTERN Only tests whose path contains PATTERN are run. The path of a"
- ," test looks like: '/group1/group2/testname'."]
+ ," test looks like: '/group1/group2/testname'."
+ ," --hedgehog-replay '{skip} {seed}'"
+ ," Skip to a particular generated Hedgehog test. Should be used"
+ ," with -p. Overrides 'propertySkip' in 'PropertyConfig' if set."]
defaultMain :: TestTree -> IO ()
defaultMain tree = do
@@ -141,7 +156,7 @@ runTests options = \tree' ->
Nothing -> do hPutStrLn stderr "No tests matched the given pattern."
return (ExitFailure 1)
Just tree -> do
- let M m = let ?maxlen = computeMaxLen tree in go 0 tree
+ let M m = let ?maxlen = computeMaxLen tree in go 0 id tree
starttm <- getCurrentTime
(success, stats) <- runStateT m initStats
endtm <- getCurrentTime
@@ -149,11 +164,12 @@ runTests options = \tree' ->
return (if isJust success then ExitSuccess else ExitFailure 1)
-- If all tests are successful, returns the number of output lines produced
- go :: (?maxlen :: Int) => Int -> TestTree -> M (Maybe Int)
- go indent (Group collapse name trees) = do
+ go :: (?maxlen :: Int) => Int -> (String -> String) -> TestTree -> M (Maybe Int)
+ go indent path (Group collapse name trees) = do
liftIO $ putStrLn (replicate (2 * indent) ' ' ++ name)
starttm <- liftIO getCurrentTime
- mlns <- fmap (fmap sum . sequence) . forM trees $ go (indent + 1)
+ mlns <- fmap (fmap sum . sequence) . forM trees $
+ go (indent + 1) (path . (name++) . ('/':))
endtm <- liftIO getCurrentTime
case mlns of
Just lns | collapse -> do
@@ -164,23 +180,25 @@ runTests options = \tree' ->
prettyDuration False (realToFrac (diffUTCTime endtm starttm))
return (Just 1)
_ -> return mlns
- go indent (Resource make cleanup fun) = do
+ go indent path (Resource make cleanup fun) = do
value <- liftIO make
- success <- go indent (fun value)
+ success <- go indent path (fun value)
liftIO $ cleanup value
return success
- go indent (HP name (H.Property config test)) = do
+ go indent path (HP name (H.Property config test)) = do
let thislen = 2*indent + length name
liftIO $ putStr (replicate (2*indent) ' ' ++ name ++ ": " ++ replicate (?maxlen - thislen) ' ')
liftIO $ hFlush stdout
- seed <- H.Seed.random
+ (config', seed) <- case optsHedgehogReplay options of
+ Just (skip, seed) -> return (config { H.propertySkip = Just skip }, seed)
+ Nothing -> (config,) <$> H.Seed.random
starttm <- liftIO getCurrentTime
- report <- liftIO $ H.checkReport config 0 seed test (outputProgress (?maxlen + 2))
+ report <- liftIO $ H.checkReport config' 0 seed test (outputProgress (?maxlen + 2))
endtm <- liftIO getCurrentTime
- liftIO $ printResult report (diffUTCTime endtm starttm)
+ liftIO $ printResult report (path name) (diffUTCTime endtm starttm)
let ok = H.reportStatus report == H.OK
modifyStats $ \stats -> stats { statsOK = fromEnum ok + statsOK stats
@@ -193,12 +211,18 @@ outputProgress indent report = do
putStr (replace '\n' " " str ++ "\x1B[" ++ show (indent+1) ++ "G")
hFlush stdout
-printResult :: H.Report H.Result -> NominalDiffTime -> IO ()
-printResult report timeTaken = do
+printResult :: H.Report H.Result -> String -> NominalDiffTime -> IO ()
+printResult report path timeTaken = do
str <- H.renderResult H.EnableColor (Just (fromString "")) report
- if H.reportStatus report == H.OK
- then putStrLn ("\x1B[K" ++ str ++ prettyDuration False (realToFrac timeTaken))
- else putStrLn ("\x1B[K" ++ str)
+ case H.reportStatus report of
+ H.OK -> putStrLn ("\x1B[K" ++ str ++ prettyDuration False (realToFrac timeTaken))
+ H.Failed failure -> do
+ let H.Report { H.reportTests = count, H.reportDiscards = discards } = report
+ replayInfo = H.skipCompress (H.SkipToShrink count discards (H.failureShrinkPath failure)) ++
+ " " ++ show (H.reportSeed report)
+ suffix = "\n Flags to reproduce: `-p '" ++ path ++ "' --hedgehog-replay '" ++ replayInfo ++ "'`"
+ putStrLn ("\x1B[K" ++ str ++ suffix)
+ _ -> putStrLn ("\x1B[K" ++ str)
printStats :: Stats -> NominalDiffTime -> IO ()
printStats stats timeTaken