diff options
authorTom Smeding <>2025-03-10 16:17:23 +0100
committerTom Smeding <>2025-03-10 16:17:23 +0100
commit757bf35e5f9f10a76fb41bdd972ee358e9b3ad45 (patch)
parente78a7cb73f33453a97fa12cfa8e5af07d1aa6eba (diff)
More compact test output
3 files changed, 163 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/chad-fast.cabal b/chad-fast.cabal
index 7a1c641..aa4dfcc 100644
--- a/chad-fast.cabal
+++ b/chad-fast.cabal
@@ -73,17 +73,27 @@ test-suite example
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -threaded
+library test-framework
+ exposed-modules: Test.Framework
+ build-depends:
+ base,
+ hedgehog,
+ time,
+ transformers
+ hs-source-dirs: test-framework
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+ ghc-options: -Wall -threaded
test-suite test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Main.hs
+ test-framework,
- tasty,
- tasty-hedgehog,
hs-source-dirs: test
diff --git a/test-framework/Test/Framework.hs b/test-framework/Test/Framework.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8c1295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/Test/Framework.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
+module Test.Framework (
+ TestTree,
+ testGroup,
+ testProperty,
+ withResource,
+ withResource',
+ runTests,
+ defaultMain,
+ -- * Compatibility
+ TestName,
+) where
+import Control.Monad (forM_)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import Data.String (fromString)
+import Data.Time.Clock
+import System.Exit
+import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
+import qualified Hedgehog as H
+import qualified Hedgehog.Internal.Config as H
+import qualified Hedgehog.Internal.Property as H
+import qualified Hedgehog.Internal.Report as H
+import qualified Hedgehog.Internal.Runner as H
+import qualified Hedgehog.Internal.Seed as H.Seed
+data TestTree
+ = Group String [TestTree]
+ | forall a. Resource (IO a) (a -> IO ()) (a -> TestTree)
+ | HP String H.Property
+type TestName = String
+testGroup :: String -> [TestTree] -> TestTree
+testGroup = Group
+-- | The @a -> TestTree@ function must use the @a@ only inside properties: when
+-- not actually running properties, it will be passed 'undefined'.
+withResource :: IO a -> (a -> IO ()) -> (a -> TestTree) -> TestTree
+withResource = Resource
+-- | Same caveats as 'withResource'.
+withResource' :: IO a -> (a -> TestTree) -> TestTree
+withResource' make fun = withResource make (\_ -> return ()) fun
+testProperty :: String -> H.Property -> TestTree
+testProperty = HP
+computeMaxLen :: TestTree -> Int
+computeMaxLen = go 0
+ where
+ go :: Int -> TestTree -> Int
+ -- go indent (Group name trees) = maximum (2*indent + length name : map (go (indent+1)) trees)
+ go indent (Group _ trees) = maximum (0 : map (go (indent+1)) trees)
+ go indent (Resource _ _ fun) = go indent (fun undefined)
+ go indent (HP name _) = 2 * indent + length name
+data Stats = Stats
+ { statsOK :: Int
+ , statsTotal :: Int }
+ deriving (Show)
+initStats :: Stats
+initStats = Stats 0 0
+newtype M a = M (StateT Stats IO a)
+ deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO)
+modifyStats :: (Stats -> Stats) -> M ()
+modifyStats f = M (modify f)
+runTests :: TestTree -> IO ExitCode
+runTests = \tree -> do
+ let M m = let ?maxlen = computeMaxLen tree in go 0 tree
+ starttm <- getCurrentTime
+ stats <- execStateT m initStats
+ endtm <- getCurrentTime
+ printStats stats (diffUTCTime endtm starttm)
+ return (if statsOK stats == statsTotal stats
+ then ExitSuccess else ExitFailure 1)
+ where
+ go :: (?maxlen :: Int) => Int -> TestTree -> M ()
+ go indent (Group name trees) = do
+ liftIO $ putStrLn (replicate (2 * indent) ' ' ++ name)
+ forM_ trees $ go (indent + 1)
+ go indent (Resource make cleanup fun) = do
+ value <- liftIO make
+ go indent (fun value)
+ liftIO $ cleanup value
+ return ()
+ go indent (HP name (H.Property config test)) = do
+ let thislen = 2*indent + length name
+ liftIO $ putStr (replicate (2*indent) ' ' ++ name ++ ": " ++ replicate (?maxlen - thislen) ' ')
+ liftIO $ hFlush stdout
+ seed <- H.Seed.random
+ starttm <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ report <- liftIO $ H.checkReport config 0 seed test (outputProgress (?maxlen + 2) name)
+ endtm <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ liftIO $ printResult name report (diffUTCTime endtm starttm)
+ modifyStats $ \stats -> stats { statsOK = fromEnum (H.reportStatus report == H.OK) + statsOK stats
+ , statsTotal = 1 + statsTotal stats }
+outputProgress :: Int -> String -> H.Report H.Progress -> IO ()
+outputProgress indent name report = do
+ str <- H.renderProgress H.EnableColor (Just (fromString name)) report
+ putStr (str ++ "\x1B[" ++ show (indent+1) ++ "G")
+ hFlush stdout
+printResult :: String -> H.Report H.Result -> NominalDiffTime -> IO ()
+printResult name report timeTaken = do
+ str <- H.renderResult H.EnableColor (Just (fromString name)) report
+ if timeTaken >= 0.01
+ then putStrLn ("\x1B[K" ++ str ++ " (" ++ prettySeconds (realToFrac timeTaken) ++ ")")
+ else putStrLn ("\x1B[K" ++ str)
+printStats :: Stats -> NominalDiffTime -> IO ()
+printStats stats timeTaken
+ | statsOK stats == statsTotal stats = do
+ putStrLn $ "\x1B[32mAll " ++ show (statsTotal stats) ++
+ " tests passed (" ++ prettySeconds (realToFrac timeTaken) ++ ")\x1B[0m"
+ | otherwise =
+ let nfailed = statsTotal stats - statsOK stats
+ in putStrLn $ "\x1B[31mFailed " ++ show nfailed ++ " out of " ++ show (statsTotal stats) ++
+ " tests (" ++ prettySeconds (realToFrac timeTaken) ++ ")\x1B[0m"
+prettySeconds :: Double -> String
+prettySeconds x =
+ let str = show (round (x * 100) :: Int)
+ str' = replicate (3 - length str) '0' ++ str
+ (pre, post) = splitAt (length str' - 2) str'
+ in pre ++ "." ++ post ++ "s"
+defaultMain :: TestTree -> IO ()
+defaultMain tree = runTests tree >>= exitWith
diff --git a/test/Main.hs b/test/Main.hs
index 83271fc..1ad7f75 100644
--- a/test/Main.hs
+++ b/test/Main.hs
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.Bifunctor
--- import qualified Data.Functor.Product as Product
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
@@ -22,8 +21,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Hedgehog
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range
-import Test.Tasty
-import Test.Tasty.Hedgehog
+import Test.Framework
import Array
import AST
@@ -209,12 +207,10 @@ adTestGen name expr envGenerator =
let env = knownEnv @env
exprS = simplifyFix expr
- withCompiled env expr $ \getprimalfun ->
- withCompiled env (simplifyFix expr) $ \getprimalSfun ->
+ withCompiled env expr $ \primalfun ->
+ withCompiled env (simplifyFix expr) $ \primalSfun ->
testGroup name
[testProperty "compile primal" $ property $ do
- primalfun <- liftIO getprimalfun
- primalSfun <- liftIO getprimalSfun
input <- forAllWith (showEnv env) envGenerator
let outPrimalI = interpretOpen False input expr
@@ -225,9 +221,8 @@ adTestGen name expr envGenerator =
outPrimalSC <- liftIO $ primalSfun input
diff outPrimalSI (closeIsh' 1e-8) outPrimalSC
- ,withCompiled (dne env) (dfwdDN exprS) $ \getdnfun ->
+ ,withCompiled (dne env) (dfwdDN exprS) $ \dnfun ->
testProperty "compile fwdAD" $ property $ do
- dnfun <- liftIO getdnfun
input <- forAllWith (showEnv env) envGenerator
dinput <- forAllWith (showEnv (dne env)) $ extendDNE env input
let (outDNI1, outDNI2) = interpretOpen False dinput (dfwdDN expr)
@@ -235,11 +230,8 @@ adTestGen name expr envGenerator =
diff outDNI1 (closeIsh' 1e-8) outDNC1
diff outDNI2 (closeIsh' 1e-8) outDNC2
- ,withResource (makeFwdADArtifactCompile env exprS) (\_ -> pure ()) $ \getfwdartifactC ->
+ ,withResource (makeFwdADArtifactCompile env exprS) (\_ -> pure ()) $ \fwdartifactC ->
testProperty "chad" $ property $ do
- primalSfun <- liftIO getprimalSfun
- fwdartifactC <- liftIO getfwdartifactC
annotate (concat (unSList (\t -> ppSTy 0 t ++ " -> ") env) ++ ppSTy 0 (typeOf expr))
let dtermChad0 = ELet ext (EConst ext STF64 1.0) $ chad' defaultConfig env expr
@@ -288,7 +280,7 @@ adTestGen name expr envGenerator =
envScalars SNil SNil = []
envScalars (t `SCons` ts) (Value x `SCons` xs) = tanScalars t x ++ envScalars ts xs
-withCompiled :: SList STy env -> Ex env t -> (IO (SList Value env -> IO (Rep t)) -> TestTree) -> TestTree
+withCompiled :: SList STy env -> Ex env t -> ((SList Value env -> IO (Rep t)) -> TestTree) -> TestTree
withCompiled env expr = withResource (compile env expr) (\_ -> pure ())
term_build1_sum :: Ex '[TArr N1 (TScal TF64)] (TScal TF64)