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authorTom Smeding <>2025-03-05 19:47:12 +0100
committerTom Smeding <>2025-03-05 19:47:12 +0100
commit76f047376405d97b113573db8b6997088e9b9383 (patch)
parent27491702baaffcd3ce8bef9ca8d06ee3b453540b (diff)
Compile: Better names for struct fields
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/src/Compile.hs b/src/Compile.hs
index 53269d6..037b0d8 100644
--- a/src/Compile.hs
+++ b/src/Compile.hs
@@ -209,24 +209,27 @@ genStructName = \t -> "ty_" ++ gen t where
TBool -> "b"
gen (TAccum t) = 'C' : gen t
+-- | This function generates the actual struct declarations for each of the
+-- types in our language. It thus implicitly "documents" the layout of the
+-- types in the C translation.
genStruct :: String -> Ty -> [StructDecl]
genStruct name topty = case topty of
TNil ->
[StructDecl name "" com]
TPair a b ->
[StructDecl name (repTy a ++ " a; " ++ repTy b ++ " b;") com]
- TEither a b -> -- 0 -> a, 1 -> b
- [StructDecl name ("uint8_t tag; union { " ++ repTy a ++ " a; " ++ repTy b ++ " b; };") com]
+ TEither a b -> -- 0 -> l, 1 -> r
+ [StructDecl name ("uint8_t tag; union { " ++ repTy a ++ " l; " ++ repTy b ++ " r; };") com]
TMaybe t -> -- 0 -> nothing, 1 -> just
- [StructDecl name ("uint8_t tag; " ++ repTy t ++ " a;") com]
+ [StructDecl name ("uint8_t tag; " ++ repTy t ++ " j;") com]
TArr n t ->
-- The buffer is trailed by a VLA for the actual array data.
- [StructDecl (name ++ "_buf") ("size_t sh[" ++ show (fromNat n) ++ "]; size_t refc; " ++ repTy t ++ " a[];") ""
+ [StructDecl (name ++ "_buf") ("size_t sh[" ++ show (fromNat n) ++ "]; size_t refc; " ++ repTy t ++ " xs[];") ""
,StructDecl name (name ++ "_buf *buf;") com]
TScal _ ->
TAccum t ->
- [StructDecl name (repTy t ++ " a;") com]
+ [StructDecl name (repTy t ++ " ac;") com]
com = ppTy 0 topty
@@ -523,12 +526,12 @@ compile' env = \case
EInl _ t e -> do
name <- emitStruct (STEither (typeOf e) t)
e1 <- compile' env e
- return $ CEStruct name [("tag", CELit "0"), ("a", e1)]
+ return $ CEStruct name [("tag", CELit "0"), ("l", e1)]
EInr _ t e -> do
name <- emitStruct (STEither t (typeOf e))
e2 <- compile' env e
- return $ CEStruct name [("tag", CELit "1"), ("b", e2)]
+ return $ CEStruct name [("tag", CELit "1"), ("r", e2)]
ECase _ (EOp _ OIf e) a b -> do
e1 <- compile' env e
@@ -546,10 +549,10 @@ compile' env = \case
e1 <- compile' env e
var <- genName
-- I know those are not variable names, but it's fine, probably
- (e2, stmts2) <- scope $ compile' (Const (var ++ ".a") `SCons` env) a
- (e3, stmts3) <- scope $ compile' (Const (var ++ ".b") `SCons` env) b
- ((), stmtsRel1) <- scope $ incrementVarAlways Decrement t1 (var ++ ".a")
- ((), stmtsRel2) <- scope $ incrementVarAlways Decrement t2 (var ++ ".b")
+ (e2, stmts2) <- scope $ compile' (Const (var ++ ".l") `SCons` env) a
+ (e3, stmts3) <- scope $ compile' (Const (var ++ ".r") `SCons` env) b
+ ((), stmtsRel1) <- scope $ incrementVarAlways Decrement t1 (var ++ ".l")
+ ((), stmtsRel2) <- scope $ incrementVarAlways Decrement t2 (var ++ ".r")
retvar <- genName
emit $ SVarDeclUninit (repSTy (typeOf a)) retvar
emit $ SBlock (pure (SVarDecl True (repSTy (typeOf e)) var e1)
@@ -569,15 +572,15 @@ compile' env = \case
EJust _ e -> do
name <- emitStruct (STMaybe (typeOf e))
e1 <- compile' env e
- return $ CEStruct name [("tag", CELit "1"), ("a", e1)]
+ return $ CEStruct name [("tag", CELit "1"), ("j", e1)]
EMaybe _ a b e -> do
let STMaybe t = typeOf e
e1 <- compile' env e
var <- genName
(e2, stmts2) <- scope $ compile' env a
- (e3, stmts3) <- scope $ compile' (Const (var ++ ".a") `SCons` env) b
- ((), stmtsRel) <- scope $ incrementVarAlways Decrement t (var ++ ".a")
+ (e3, stmts3) <- scope $ compile' (Const (var ++ ".j") `SCons` env) b
+ ((), stmtsRel) <- scope $ incrementVarAlways Decrement t (var ++ ".j")
retvar <- genName
emit $ SVarDeclUninit (repSTy (typeOf a)) retvar
emit $ SBlock (pure (SVarDecl True (repSTy (typeOf e)) var e1)
@@ -597,7 +600,7 @@ compile' env = \case
-- where something happens
emitTLD $ "static " ++ strname ++ "_buf " ++ tldname ++ " = " ++
"(" ++ strname ++ "_buf){.sh = {" ++ intercalate "," (map show (shapeToList sh)) ++ "}, " ++
- ".refc = (size_t)1<<63, .a = {" ++ intercalate "," (map (compileScal False t) (toList vec)) ++ "}};"
+ ".refc = (size_t)1<<63, .xs = {" ++ intercalate "," (map (compileScal False t) (toList vec)) ++ "}};"
return (CEStruct strname [("buf", CEAddrOf (CELit tldname))])
EBuild _ n esh efun -> do
@@ -621,7 +624,7 @@ compile' env = \case
(pure (SVarDecl True (repSTy (typeOf esh)) idxargname
(shapeTupFromLitVars n ivars))
<> BList funstmts
- <> pure (SAsg (arrname ++ ".buf->a[" ++ linivar ++ "++]") funretval))
+ <> pure (SAsg (arrname ++ ".buf->xs[" ++ linivar ++ "++]") funretval))
return (CELit arrname)
@@ -652,8 +655,8 @@ compile' env = \case
-- we have ScalIsNumeric, so it has 0 and (+) in C
[SVarDecl False (repSTy t) accvar (CELit "0")
,SLoop (repSTy tIx) jvar (CELit "0") (CELit lenname) $
- pure $ SVerbatim $ accvar ++ " += " ++ argname ++ ".buf->a[" ++ lenname ++ " * " ++ ivar ++ " + " ++ jvar ++ "];"
- ,SAsg (resname ++ ".buf->a[" ++ ivar ++ "]") (CELit accvar)]
+ pure $ SVerbatim $ accvar ++ " += " ++ argname ++ ".buf->xs[" ++ lenname ++ " * " ++ ivar ++ " + " ++ jvar ++ "];"
+ ,SAsg (resname ++ ".buf->xs[" ++ ivar ++ "]") (CELit accvar)]
return (CELit resname)
@@ -665,7 +668,7 @@ compile' env = \case
emit $ SVarDecl True strname name (CEStruct strname
[("buf", CECall "malloc" [CELit (show (8 + sizeofSTy (typeOf e)))])])
emit $ SAsg (name ++ ".buf->refc") (CELit "1")
- emit $ SAsg (name ++ ".buf->a[0]") e'
+ emit $ SAsg (name ++ ".buf->xs[0]") e'
return (CELit name)
EReplicate1Inner _ elen earg -> do
@@ -687,8 +690,8 @@ compile' env = \case
jvar <- genName' "j"
emit $ SLoop (repSTy tIx) ivar (CELit "0") (CELit shszname) $
pure $ SLoop (repSTy tIx) jvar (CELit "0") (CELit lenname) $
- pure $ SAsg (resname ++ ".buf->a[" ++ ivar ++ " * " ++ lenname ++ " + " ++ jvar ++ "]")
- (CELit (argname ++ ".buf->a[" ++ ivar ++ "]"))
+ pure $ SAsg (resname ++ ".buf->xs[" ++ ivar ++ " * " ++ lenname ++ " + " ++ jvar ++ "]")
+ (CELit (argname ++ ".buf->xs[" ++ ivar ++ "]"))
return (CELit resname)
@@ -705,7 +708,7 @@ compile' env = \case
emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy (STArr SZ t)) arrname e'
name <- genName
emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy t) name
- (CEIndex (CEPtrProj (CEProj (CELit arrname) "buf") "a") (CELit "0"))
+ (CEIndex (CEPtrProj (CEProj (CELit arrname) "buf") "xs") (CELit "0"))
incrementVarAlways Decrement (STArr SZ t) arrname
return (CELit name)
@@ -718,7 +721,7 @@ compile' env = \case
emit . SVarDecl True (repSTy (typeOf earr)) arrname =<< compile' env earr
when (fromSNat n > 0) $ emit . SVarDecl True (repSTy (typeOf eidx)) idxname =<< compile' env eidx
resname <- genName' "ixres"
- emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy t) resname (CEIndex (CELit (arrname ++ ".buf->a")) (toLinearIdx n arrname idxname))
+ emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy t) resname (CEIndex (CELit (arrname ++ ".buf->xs")) (toLinearIdx n arrname idxname))
incrementVarAlways Decrement (STArr n t) arrname
return (CELit resname)
@@ -803,8 +806,8 @@ makeArrayTree :: STy a -> ArrayTree
makeArrayTree STNil = ATNoop
makeArrayTree (STPair a b) = smartATBoth (smartATProj "a" (makeArrayTree a))
(smartATProj "b" (makeArrayTree b))
-makeArrayTree (STEither a b) = smartATCondTag (smartATProj "a" (makeArrayTree a))
- (smartATProj "b" (makeArrayTree b))
+makeArrayTree (STEither a b) = smartATCondTag (smartATProj "l" (makeArrayTree a))
+ (smartATProj "r" (makeArrayTree b))
makeArrayTree (STMaybe t) = smartATCondTag ATNoop (makeArrayTree t)
makeArrayTree (STArr _ _) = ATArray
makeArrayTree (STScal _) = ATNoop
@@ -973,12 +976,12 @@ compileExtremum nameBase opName operator env e = do
redvar <- genName' "red" -- use "red", not "acc", to avoid confusion with accumulators
emit $ SLoop (repSTy tIx) ivar (CELit "0") (CELit shszname) $ BList
-- we have ScalIsNumeric, so it has 1 and (<) etc. in C
- [SVarDecl False (repSTy t) redvar (CELit (argname ++ ".buf->a[" ++ lenname ++ " * " ++ ivar ++ "]"))
+ [SVarDecl False (repSTy t) redvar (CELit (argname ++ ".buf->xs[" ++ lenname ++ " * " ++ ivar ++ "]"))
,SLoop (repSTy tIx) jvar (CELit "1") (CELit lenname) $ BList
- [SVarDecl True (repSTy t) xvar (CELit (argname ++ ".buf->a[" ++ lenname ++ " * " ++ ivar ++ " + " ++ jvar ++ "]"))
+ [SVarDecl True (repSTy t) xvar (CELit (argname ++ ".buf->xs[" ++ lenname ++ " * " ++ ivar ++ " + " ++ jvar ++ "]"))
,SAsg redvar $ CEIf (CEBinop (CELit xvar) operator (CELit redvar)) (CELit xvar) (CELit redvar)
- ,SAsg (resname ++ ".buf->a[" ++ ivar ++ "]") (CELit redvar)]
+ ,SAsg (resname ++ ".buf->xs[" ++ ivar ++ "]") (CELit redvar)]
return (CELit resname)