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authorTom Smeding <>2025-03-21 23:18:05 +0100
committerTom Smeding <>2025-03-21 23:18:05 +0100
commitf3ef5df26404225ceb316ba626a94cbef4426f5e (patch)
parentf87bcb545ce7aae62a1121665a7050154858c75d (diff)
Compile: First compilation of fold1i
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/Compile.hs b/src/Compile.hs
index b9dbd41..a3b4be1 100644
--- a/src/Compile.hs
+++ b/src/Compile.hs
@@ -323,6 +323,7 @@ compileToString env expr =
[showString "#include <stdio.h>\n"
,showString "#include <stdint.h>\n"
,showString "#include <stdlib.h>\n"
+ ,showString "#include <string.h>\n"
,showString "#include <math.h>\n\n"
,compose $ map (\sd -> printStructDecl sd . showString "\n") structs
,showString "\n"
@@ -632,15 +633,56 @@ compile' env = \case
return (CELit arrname)
- -- EFold1Inner _ a b c -> error "TODO" -- EFold1Inner ext (compile' a) (compile' b) (compile' c)
+ EFold1Inner _ commut efun ex0 earr -> do
+ let STArr (SS n) t = typeOf earr
+ x0name <- compileAssign "foldx0" env ex0
+ arrname <- compileAssign "foldarr" env earr
+ shszname <- genName' "shsz"
+ -- This n is one less than the shape of the thing we're querying, which is
+ -- unexpected. But it's exactly what we want, so we do it anyway.
+ emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy tIx) shszname (compileArrShapeSize n arrname)
+ resname <- allocArray "foldres" n t (CELit shszname)
+ [CELit (arrname ++ ".buf->sh[" ++ show i ++ "]") | i <- [0 .. fromSNat n - 1]]
+ lenname <- genName' "n"
+ emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy tIx) lenname
+ (CELit (arrname ++ ".buf->sh[" ++ show (fromSNat n) ++ "]"))
+ ((), x0incrStmts) <- scope $ incrementVarAlways Increment t x0name
+ ivar <- genName' "i"
+ jvar <- genName' "j"
+ accvar <- genName' "tot"
+ let arreltlit = arrname ++ ".buf->xs[" ++ lenname ++ " * " ++ ivar ++ " + " ++ jvar ++ "];"
+ (funres, funStmts) <- scope $ compile' (Const arreltlit `SCons` Const accvar `SCons` env) efun
+ ((), arreltIncrStmts) <- scope $ incrementVarAlways Increment t arreltlit
+ emit $ SLoop (repSTy tIx) ivar (CELit "0") (CELit shszname) $
+ pure (SVarDecl False (repSTy t) accvar (CELit x0name))
+ <> BList x0incrStmts -- we're copying x0 here
+ <> pure (SLoop (repSTy tIx) jvar (CELit "0") (CELit lenname) $
+ -- The combination function will consume the array element
+ -- and the accumulator. The accumulator is replaced by
+ -- what comes out of the function anyway, so that's
+ -- fine, but we do need to increment the array element.
+ BList arreltIncrStmts
+ <> BList funStmts
+ <> pure (SAsg accvar funres))
+ <> pure (SAsg (resname ++ ".buf->xs[" ++ ivar ++ "]") (CELit accvar))
+ incrementVarAlways Decrement t x0name
+ incrementVarAlways Decrement (typeOf earr) arrname
+ return (CELit resname)
ESum1Inner _ e -> do
let STArr (SS n) t = typeOf e
argname <- compileAssign "sumarg" env e
shszname <- genName' "shsz"
- -- This n is one less than the shape of the thing we're querying, which is
- -- unexpected. But it's exactly what we want, so we do it anyway.
+ -- This n is one less than the shape of the thing we're querying, like EFold1Inner.
emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy tIx) shszname (compileArrShapeSize n argname)
resname <- allocArray "sumres" n t (CELit shszname)
@@ -758,15 +800,17 @@ compile' env = \case
return (CELit name)
EWith _ t e1 e2 -> do
+ actyname <- emitStruct (STAccum t)
name1 <- compileAssign "" env e1
mcopy <- copyForWriting t name1
accname <- genName' "accum"
- emit $ SVarDecl False (repSTy (STAccum t)) accname (maybe (CELit name1) id mcopy)
+ emit $ SVarDecl False actyname accname (CEStruct actyname [("ac", maybe (CELit name1) id mcopy)])
e2' <- compile' (Const accname `SCons` env) e2
- return $ CEStruct (repSTy (STPair (typeOf e2) t)) [("a", e2'), ("b", CELit accname)]
+ rettyname <- emitStruct (STPair (typeOf e2) t)
+ return $ CEStruct rettyname [("a", e2'), ("b", CEProj (CELit accname) "ac")]
EAccum _ t prj eidx eval eacc -> do
nameidx <- compileAssign "acidx" env eidx
@@ -826,7 +870,7 @@ compile' env = \case
escape = concatMap $ \c -> if | c `elem` "\"\\" -> ['\\',c]
| ord c < 32 -> "\\x" ++ padleft 2 '0' (showHex (ord c) "")
| otherwise -> [c]
- emit $ SVerbatim $ "fprintf(stderr, \"ERROR: %s\\n\", " ++ escape s ++ "); exit(1);"
+ emit $ SVerbatim $ "fputs(\"ERROR: " ++ escape s ++ "\\n\", stderr); exit(1);"
case t of
STScal _ -> return (CELit "0")
_ -> do
@@ -837,7 +881,6 @@ compile' env = \case
EPlus{} -> error "Compile: monoid operations should have been eliminated"
EOneHot{} -> error "Compile: monoid operations should have been eliminated"
- EFold1Inner{} -> error "Compile: not implemented: EFold1Inner"
EIdx1{} -> error "Compile: not implemented: EIdx1"
compileAssign :: String -> SList (Const String) env -> Ex env t -> CompM String
@@ -1121,15 +1164,14 @@ copyForWriting topty var = case topty of
-- If there are no nested arrays, we know that a refcount of 1 means that the
-- whole thing is owned. Nested arrays have their own refcount, so with
-- nesting we'd have to check the refcounts of all the nested arrays _too_;
- -- at that point we might as well copy the whole thing. Furthermore, no
- -- sub-arrays means that the whole thing is flat, and we can just memcpy if
- -- necessary.
+ -- let's not do that. Furthermore, no sub-arrays means that the whole thing
+ -- is flat, and we can just memcpy if necessary.
STArr n t | not (hasArrays t) -> do
name <- genName
shszname <- genName' "shsz"
emit $ SVarDeclUninit (repSTy (STArr n t)) name
- emit $ SIf (CEBinop (CELit (var ++ ".refc")) "==" (CELit "1"))
+ emit $ SIf (CEBinop (CELit (var ++ ".buf->refc")) "==" (CELit "1"))
(pure (SAsg name (CELit var)))
(let shbytes = fromSNat n * 8
databytes = CEBinop (CELit shszname) "*" (CELit (show (sizeofSTy t)))
@@ -1141,7 +1183,7 @@ copyForWriting topty var = case topty of
show shbytes ++ ");"
,SAsg (name ++ ".buf->refc") (CELit "1")
,SVerbatim $ "memcpy(" ++ name ++ ".buf->xs, " ++ var ++ ".buf->xs, " ++
- printCExpr 0 databytes ")"])
+ printCExpr 0 databytes ");"])
return (Just (CELit name))
STArr n t -> do