path: root/src/Simplify.hs
diff options
authorTom Smeding <>2023-09-20 15:53:59 +0200
committerTom Smeding <>2023-09-20 15:53:59 +0200
commit897fefce372f00d3e904e83eb92c83e3e653b5be (patch)
treeb4b36b280ccdd26656723eb5d8b15b8042a97744 /src/Simplify.hs
parent183e8b4a07231aae904b8234ddeb1c646c031173 (diff)
Examples with conditionals
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Simplify.hs')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/src/Simplify.hs b/src/Simplify.hs
index cb649d5..acc2392 100644
--- a/src/Simplify.hs
+++ b/src/Simplify.hs
@@ -6,8 +6,13 @@
module Simplify where
import AST
+import AST.Count
+simplifyN :: Int -> Ex env t -> Ex env t
+simplifyN 0 = id
+simplifyN n = simplifyN (n - 1) . simplify
simplify :: Ex env t -> Ex env t
simplify = \case
-- inlining
@@ -28,9 +33,11 @@ simplify = \case
IS i -> EVar ext t (IS (IS i)))
+ -- beta rules for products
EFst _ (EPair _ e _) -> simplify e
ESnd _ (EPair _ _ e) -> simplify e
+ -- beta rules for coproducts
ECase _ (EInl _ _ e) rhs _ -> simplify (ELet ext e rhs)
ECase _ (EInr _ _ e) _ rhs -> simplify (ELet ext e rhs)
@@ -38,6 +45,9 @@ simplify = \case
-- TODO: constant folding for operations
+ -- eta rule for return+bind
+ EMBind (EMReturn _ a) b -> simplify (ELet ext a b)
EVar _ t i -> EVar ext t i
ELet _ a b -> ELet ext (simplify a) (simplify b)
EPair _ a b -> EPair ext (simplify a) (simplify b)
@@ -67,54 +77,6 @@ cheapExpr = \case
EConst{} -> True
_ -> False
-data Count = Zero | One | Many
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-instance Semigroup Count where
- Zero <> n = n
- n <> Zero = n
- _ <> _ = Many
-instance Monoid Count where
- mempty = Zero
-data Occ = Occ { _occLexical :: Count
- , _occRuntime :: Count }
-instance Semigroup Occ where Occ a b <> Occ c d = Occ (a <> c) (b <> d)
-instance Monoid Occ where mempty = Occ mempty mempty
--- | One of the two branches is taken
-(<||>) :: Occ -> Occ -> Occ
-Occ l1 r1 <||> Occ l2 r2 = Occ (l1 <> l2) (max r1 r2)
--- | This code is executed many times
-scaleMany :: Occ -> Occ
-scaleMany (Occ l _) = Occ l Many
-occCount :: Idx env a -> Expr x env t -> Occ
-occCount idx = \case
- EVar _ _ i | idx2int i == idx2int idx -> Occ One One
- | otherwise -> mempty
- ELet _ rhs body -> occCount idx rhs <> occCount (IS idx) body
- EPair _ a b -> occCount idx a <> occCount idx b
- EFst _ e -> occCount idx e
- ESnd _ e -> occCount idx e
- ENil _ -> mempty
- EInl _ _ e -> occCount idx e
- EInr _ _ e -> occCount idx e
- ECase _ e a b -> occCount idx e <> (occCount (IS idx) a <||> occCount (IS idx) b)
- EBuild1 _ a b -> occCount idx a <> scaleMany (occCount (IS idx) b)
- EBuild _ es e -> foldMap (occCount idx) es <> scaleMany (occCount (wsinkN (vecLength es) @> idx) e)
- EFold1 _ a b -> scaleMany (occCount (IS (IS idx)) a) <> occCount idx b
- EConst{} -> mempty
- EIdx1 _ a b -> occCount idx a <> occCount idx b
- EIdx _ e es -> occCount idx e <> foldMap (occCount idx) es
- EOp _ _ e -> occCount idx e
- EMOne _ _ e -> occCount idx e
- EMScope e -> occCount idx e
- EMReturn _ e -> occCount idx e
- EMBind a b -> occCount idx a <> occCount (IS idx) b
- EError{} -> mempty
subst1 :: Expr x env a -> Expr x (a : env) t -> Expr x env t
subst1 repl = subst $ \x t -> \case IZ -> repl
IS i -> EVar x t i