path: root/src/Simplify.hs
diff options
authorTom Smeding <>2025-01-27 15:08:02 +0100
committerTom Smeding <>2025-01-27 15:08:02 +0100
commit88fae8c2914b805a733b71de58ab672124e6069c (patch)
treec155fb1a83ace92aab376202ebc8b4b8a919da7c /src/Simplify.hs
parent0bdc36d221703e5a2347d3d136d676a86bdb1b6a (diff)
Add ext field to remaining AST constructors
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Simplify.hs')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/src/Simplify.hs b/src/Simplify.hs
index 6303716..785e2bd 100644
--- a/src/Simplify.hs
+++ b/src/Simplify.hs
@@ -93,33 +93,33 @@ simplify' = \case
-- TODO: constant folding for operations
-- TODO: properly concatenate accum/onehot
- EAccum SZ _ (EOneHot _ i idx val) acc ->
+ EAccum _ SZ _ (EOneHot _ _ i idx val) acc ->
acted $ simplify' $
- EAccum i idx val acc
- EAccum _ _ (EZero _) _ -> (Any True, ENil ext)
- EPlus _ (EZero _) e -> acted $ simplify' e
- EPlus _ e (EZero _) -> acted $ simplify' e
- EOneHot _ SZ _ e -> acted $ simplify' e
+ EAccum ext i idx val acc
+ EAccum _ _ _ (EZero _ _) _ -> (Any True, ENil ext)
+ EPlus _ _ (EZero _ _) e -> acted $ simplify' e
+ EPlus _ _ e (EZero _ _) -> acted $ simplify' e
+ EOneHot _ _ SZ _ e -> acted $ simplify' e
-- equations for plus
- EPlus STNil _ _ -> (Any True, ENil ext)
+ EPlus _ STNil _ _ -> (Any True, ENil ext)
- EPlus (STPair t1 t2) (EJust _ (EPair _ a1 b1)) (EJust _ (EPair _ a2 b2)) ->
- acted $ simplify' $ EJust ext (EPair ext (EPlus t1 a1 a2) (EPlus t2 b1 b2))
- EPlus STPair{} ENothing{} e -> acted $ simplify' e
- EPlus STPair{} e ENothing{} -> acted $ simplify' e
+ EPlus _ (STPair t1 t2) (EJust _ (EPair _ a1 b1)) (EJust _ (EPair _ a2 b2)) ->
+ acted $ simplify' $ EJust ext (EPair ext (EPlus ext t1 a1 a2) (EPlus ext t2 b1 b2))
+ EPlus _ STPair{} ENothing{} e -> acted $ simplify' e
+ EPlus _ STPair{} e ENothing{} -> acted $ simplify' e
- EPlus (STEither t1 _) (EJust _ (EInl _ dt2 a1)) (EJust _ (EInl _ _ a2)) ->
- acted $ simplify' $ EJust ext (EInl ext dt2 (EPlus t1 a1 a2))
- EPlus (STEither _ t2) (EJust _ (EInr _ dt1 b1)) (EJust _ (EInr _ _ b2)) ->
- acted $ simplify' $ EJust ext (EInr ext dt1 (EPlus t2 b1 b2))
- EPlus STEither{} ENothing{} e -> acted $ simplify' e
- EPlus STEither{} e ENothing{} -> acted $ simplify' e
+ EPlus _ (STEither t1 _) (EJust _ (EInl _ dt2 a1)) (EJust _ (EInl _ _ a2)) ->
+ acted $ simplify' $ EJust ext (EInl ext dt2 (EPlus ext t1 a1 a2))
+ EPlus _ (STEither _ t2) (EJust _ (EInr _ dt1 b1)) (EJust _ (EInr _ _ b2)) ->
+ acted $ simplify' $ EJust ext (EInr ext dt1 (EPlus ext t2 b1 b2))
+ EPlus _ STEither{} ENothing{} e -> acted $ simplify' e
+ EPlus _ STEither{} e ENothing{} -> acted $ simplify' e
- EPlus (STMaybe t) (EJust _ e1) (EJust _ e2) ->
- acted $ simplify' $ EJust ext (EPlus t e1 e2)
- EPlus STMaybe{} ENothing{} e -> acted $ simplify' e
- EPlus STMaybe{} e ENothing{} -> acted $ simplify' e
+ EPlus _ (STMaybe t) (EJust _ e1) (EJust _ e2) ->
+ acted $ simplify' $ EJust ext (EPlus ext t e1 e2)
+ EPlus _ STMaybe{} ENothing{} e -> acted $ simplify' e
+ EPlus _ STMaybe{} e ENothing{} -> acted $ simplify' e
-- fallback recursion
EVar _ t i -> pure $ EVar ext t i
@@ -154,12 +154,12 @@ simplify' = \case
<*> (let ?accumInScope = False in simplify' b)
<*> (let ?accumInScope = False in simplify' c)
<*> simplify' e1 <*> simplify' e2
- EWith e1 e2 -> EWith <$> simplify' e1 <*> (let ?accumInScope = True in simplify' e2)
- EAccum i e1 e2 e3 -> EAccum i <$> simplify' e1 <*> simplify' e2 <*> simplify' e3
- EZero t -> pure $ EZero t
- EPlus t a b -> EPlus t <$> simplify' a <*> simplify' b
- EOneHot t i a b -> EOneHot t i <$> simplify' a <*> simplify' b
- EError t s -> pure $ EError t s
+ EWith _ e1 e2 -> EWith ext <$> simplify' e1 <*> (let ?accumInScope = True in simplify' e2)
+ EAccum _ i e1 e2 e3 -> EAccum ext i <$> simplify' e1 <*> simplify' e2 <*> simplify' e3
+ EZero _ t -> pure $ EZero ext t
+ EPlus _ t a b -> EPlus ext t <$> simplify' a <*> simplify' b
+ EOneHot _ t i a b -> EOneHot ext t i <$> simplify' a <*> simplify' b
+ EError _ t s -> pure $ EError ext t s
acted :: (Any, a) -> (Any, a)
acted (_, x) = (Any True, x)
@@ -169,6 +169,8 @@ cheapExpr = \case
EVar{} -> True
ENil{} -> True
EConst{} -> True
+ EFst _ e -> cheapExpr e
+ ESnd _ e -> cheapExpr e
_ -> False
-- | This can be made more precise by tracking (and not counting) adds on
@@ -202,12 +204,12 @@ hasAdds = \case
EIdx _ a b -> hasAdds a || hasAdds b
EShape _ e -> hasAdds e
EOp _ _ e -> hasAdds e
- EWith a b -> hasAdds a || hasAdds b
- EAccum _ _ _ _ -> True
- EZero _ -> False
- EPlus _ a b -> hasAdds a || hasAdds b
- EOneHot _ _ a b -> hasAdds a || hasAdds b
- EError _ _ -> False
+ EWith _ a b -> hasAdds a || hasAdds b
+ EAccum _ _ _ _ _ -> True
+ EZero _ _ -> False
+ EPlus _ _ a b -> hasAdds a || hasAdds b
+ EOneHot _ _ _ a b -> hasAdds a || hasAdds b
+ EError _ _ _ -> False
checkAccumInScope :: SList STy env -> Bool
checkAccumInScope = \case SNil -> False