diff options
4 files changed, 227 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/src/AST/Weaken.hs b/src/AST/Weaken.hs
index 78276ca..0a1e4ce 100644
--- a/src/AST/Weaken.hs
+++ b/src/AST/Weaken.hs
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ data env :> env' where
-> Append pre (t : env) :> t : Append pre env'
WSwap :: forall env as bs. SList (Const ()) as -> SList (Const ()) bs
-> Append as (Append bs env) :> Append bs (Append as env)
+ WStack :: forall as bs env1 env2. SList (Const ()) as -> SList (Const ()) bs
+ -> as :> bs -> env1 :> env2
+ -> Append as env1 :> Append bs env2
deriving instance Show (env :> env')
infix 4 :>
@@ -67,18 +70,25 @@ WPick (_ `SCons` _) _ @> IZ = IS IZ
WPick @t (_ `SCons` pre) w @> IS i = WCopy WSink .> WPick @t pre w @> i
WSwap @env (as :: SList _ as) (bs :: SList _ bs) @> i =
case splitIdx @(Append bs env) as i of
- Left i' -> skipOver bs (stack @env i' as)
+ Left i' -> indexSinks bs (indexRaiseAbove @env as i')
Right i' -> case splitIdx @env bs i' of
- Left j -> stack @(Append as env) j bs
- Right j -> skipOver bs (skipOver as j)
+ Left j -> indexRaiseAbove @(Append as env) bs j
+ Right j -> indexSinks bs (indexSinks as j)
+WStack @as @bs @env1 @env2 as bs wlo whi @> i =
+ case splitIdx @env1 as i of
+ Left i' -> indexRaiseAbove @env2 bs (wlo @> i')
+ Right i' -> indexSinks bs (whi @> i')
+indexSinks :: SList f as -> Idx bs t -> Idx (Append as bs) t
+indexSinks SNil j = j
+indexSinks (_ `SCons` bs') j = IS (indexSinks bs' j)
+indexRaiseAbove :: forall env as t f. SList f as -> Idx as t -> Idx (Append as env) t
+indexRaiseAbove = flip go
- skipOver :: SList (Const ()) as' -> Idx bs' t -> Idx (Append as' bs') t
- skipOver SNil j = j
- skipOver (_ `SCons` bs') j = IS (skipOver bs' j)
- stack :: forall env' as' t. Idx as' t -> SList (Const ()) as' -> Idx (Append as' env') t
- stack IZ (_ `SCons` _) = IZ
- stack (IS j) (_ `SCons` as') = IS (stack @env' j as')
+ go :: forall as'. Idx as' t -> SList f as' -> Idx (Append as' env) t
+ go IZ (_ `SCons` _) = IZ
+ go (IS i) (_ `SCons` as) = IS (go i as)
infixr 3 .>
(.>) :: env2 :> env3 -> env1 :> env2 -> env1 :> env3
@@ -100,8 +110,9 @@ wSinksAnd SNil w = w
wSinksAnd (SCons _ spine) w = WSink .> wSinksAnd spine w
wCopies :: SList f bs -> env1 :> env2 -> Append bs env1 :> Append bs env2
-wCopies SNil w = w
-wCopies (SCons _ spine) w = WCopy (wCopies spine w)
+wCopies bs w =
+ let bs' = slistMap (\_ -> Const ()) bs
+ in WStack bs' bs' WId w
wRaiseAbove :: SList f env1 -> SList g env -> env1 :> Append env1 env
wRaiseAbove SNil env = WClosed (slistMap (\_ -> Const ()) env)
diff --git a/src/AST/Weaken/Auto.hs b/src/AST/Weaken/Auto.hs
index 444c540..8555516 100644
--- a/src/AST/Weaken/Auto.hs
+++ b/src/AST/Weaken/Auto.hs
@@ -35,15 +35,29 @@ import Lemmas
type family Lookup name list where
Lookup name ('(name, x) : _) = x
Lookup name (_ : list) = Lookup name list
+ Lookup name '[] = TypeError (Text "The name '" :<>: Text name :<>: Text "' does not appear in the list.")
+-- | The @withPre@ type parameter indicates whether there can be 'LPreW'
+-- occurrences within this layout.
+data Layout (withPre :: Bool) (segments :: [(Symbol, [t])]) (env :: [t]) where
+ LSeg :: forall name segments withPre. SSymbol name -> Layout withPre segments (Lookup name segments)
+ -- | Pre-weaken with a weakening
+ LPreW :: forall name1 name2 segments.
+ SegmentName name1 -> SegmentName name2
+ -> Lookup name1 segments :> Lookup name2 segments
+ -> Layout True segments (Lookup name1 segments)
+ (:++:) :: Layout withPre segments env1 -> Layout withPre segments env2 -> Layout withPre segments (Append env1 env2)
+infixr :++:
+instance (KnownSymbol name, seg ~ Lookup name segments) => IsLabel name (Layout withPre segments seg) where
+ fromLabel = LSeg (symbolSing @name)
-data Layout (segments :: [(Symbol, [t])]) (env :: [t]) where
- LSeg :: forall name segments. KnownSymbol name => Layout segments (Lookup name segments)
- (:++:) :: Layout segments env1 -> Layout segments env2 -> Layout segments (Append env1 env2)
-infixr :++:
+newtype SegmentName name = SegmentName (SSymbol name)
+ deriving (Show)
-instance (KnownSymbol name, seg ~ Lookup name segments) => IsLabel name (Layout segments seg) where
- fromLabel = LSeg @name @segments
+instance (KnownSymbol name, name ~ name') => IsLabel name (SegmentName name') where
+ fromLabel = SegmentName symbolSing
data SSegments (segments :: [(Symbol, [t])]) where
@@ -86,29 +100,51 @@ segmentLookup = \segs name -> case go segs name of
case unsafeCoerce Refl :: (Lookup name ('(n, ts) : rest) :~: Lookup name rest) of
Refl -> go sseg name
-data LinLayout (segments :: [(Symbol, [t])]) (env :: [t]) where
- LinEnd :: LinLayout segments '[]
- LinApp :: SSymbol name -> LinLayout segments env -> LinLayout segments (Append (Lookup name segments) env)
+data LinLayout (withPre :: Bool) (segments :: [(Symbol, [t])]) (env :: [t]) where
+ LinEnd :: LinLayout withPre segments '[]
+ LinApp :: SSymbol name -> LinLayout withPre segments env
+ -> LinLayout withPre segments (Append (Lookup name segments) env)
+ LinAppPreW :: SSymbol name1 -> SSymbol name2
+ -> Lookup name1 segments :> Lookup name2 segments
+ -> LinLayout True segments env
+ -> LinLayout True segments (Append (Lookup name1 segments) env)
-linLayoutAppend :: LinLayout segments env1 -> LinLayout segments env2 -> LinLayout segments (Append env1 env2)
+linLayoutAppend :: LinLayout withPre segments env1 -> LinLayout withPre segments env2 -> LinLayout withPre segments (Append env1 env2)
linLayoutAppend LinEnd lin = lin
-linLayoutAppend (LinApp (name :: SSymbol name) (lin1 :: LinLayout segments env1')) (lin2 :: LinLayout _ env2)
+linLayoutAppend (LinApp (name :: SSymbol name) (lin1 :: LinLayout _ segments env1')) (lin2 :: LinLayout _ _ env2)
| Refl <- lemAppendAssoc @(Lookup name segments) @env1' @env2
= LinApp name (linLayoutAppend lin1 lin2)
+linLayoutAppend (LinAppPreW (name1 :: SSymbol name1) name2 w (lin1 :: LinLayout _ segments env1')) (lin2 :: LinLayout _ _ env2)
+ | Refl <- lemAppendAssoc @(Lookup name1 segments) @env1' @env2
+ = LinAppPreW name1 name2 w (linLayoutAppend lin1 lin2)
-linLayoutEnv :: SSegments segments -> LinLayout segments env -> SList (Const ()) env
+linLayoutEnv :: SSegments segments -> LinLayout withPre segments env -> SList (Const ()) env
linLayoutEnv _ LinEnd = SNil
linLayoutEnv segs (LinApp name lin) = sappend (segmentLookup segs name) (linLayoutEnv segs lin)
+linLayoutEnv segs (LinAppPreW name1 _ _ lin) = sappend (segmentLookup segs name1) (linLayoutEnv segs lin)
-lineariseLayout :: Layout segments env -> LinLayout segments env
-lineariseLayout (LSeg @name :: Layout _ seg)
+lineariseLayout :: Layout withPre segments env -> LinLayout withPre segments env
+lineariseLayout (LSeg name :: Layout _ _ seg)
| Refl <- lemAppendNil @seg
- = LinApp (symbolSing @name) LinEnd
+ = LinApp name LinEnd
lineariseLayout (ly1 :++: ly2) = lineariseLayout ly1 `linLayoutAppend` lineariseLayout ly2
-pullDown :: SSegments segments -> SSymbol name -> LinLayout segments env
+lineariseLayout (LPreW (SegmentName name1) (SegmentName name2) w :: Layout _ _ seg)
+ | Refl <- lemAppendNil @seg
+ = LinAppPreW name1 name2 w LinEnd
+preWeaken :: SSegments segments -> LinLayout True segments env
+ -> (forall env'. env :> env' -> LinLayout False segments env' -> r) -> r
+preWeaken _ LinEnd k = k WId LinEnd
+preWeaken segs (LinApp name lin) k =
+ preWeaken segs lin $ \w lin' ->
+ k (wCopies (segmentLookup segs name) w) (LinApp name lin')
+preWeaken segs (LinAppPreW name1 name2 weak lin) k =
+ preWeaken segs lin $ \w lin' ->
+ k (WStack (segmentLookup segs name1) (segmentLookup segs name2) weak w) (LinApp name2 lin')
+pullDown :: SSegments segments -> SSymbol name -> LinLayout False segments env
-> r -- Name was not found in source
- -> (forall env'. LinLayout segments env' -> env :> Append (Lookup name segments) env' -> r)
+ -> (forall env'. LinLayout False segments env' -> env :> Append (Lookup name segments) env' -> r)
-> r
pullDown segs name@SSymbol linlayout kNotFound k =
case linlayout of
@@ -116,13 +152,13 @@ pullDown segs name@SSymbol linlayout kNotFound k =
LinApp n'@SSymbol lin
| Just Refl <- sameSymbol name n' -> k lin WId
| otherwise ->
- pullDown segs name lin kNotFound $ \(lin' :: LinLayout _ env') w ->
+ pullDown segs name lin kNotFound $ \(lin' :: LinLayout _ _ env') w ->
k (LinApp n' lin') (WSwap @env' (segmentLookup segs n') (segmentLookup segs name)
.> wCopies (segmentLookup segs n') w)
sortLinLayouts :: forall segments env1 env2.
SSegments segments
- -> LinLayout segments env1 -> LinLayout segments env2 -> env1 :> env2
+ -> LinLayout False segments env1 -> LinLayout False segments env2 -> env1 :> env2
sortLinLayouts _ LinEnd LinEnd = WId
sortLinLayouts segs lin1@(LinApp name1@SSymbol tail1) (LinApp name2@SSymbol tail2)
| Just Refl <- sameSymbol name1 name2 = wCopies (segmentLookup segs name1) (sortLinLayouts segs tail1 tail2)
@@ -139,5 +175,7 @@ sortLinLayouts segs LinEnd lin2@LinApp{} = WClosed (linLayoutEnv segs lin2)
sortLinLayouts _ LinApp{} LinEnd = error "Segments in source that do not occur in target"
autoWeak :: forall segments env1 env2.
- SSegments segments -> Layout segments env1 -> Layout segments env2 -> env1 :> env2
-autoWeak segs ly1 ly2 = sortLinLayouts segs (lineariseLayout ly1) (lineariseLayout ly2)
+ SSegments segments -> Layout True segments env1 -> Layout False segments env2 -> env1 :> env2
+autoWeak segs ly1 ly2 =
+ preWeaken segs (lineariseLayout ly1) $ \wPreweak lin1 ->
+ sortLinLayouts segs lin1 (lineariseLayout ly2) .> wPreweak
diff --git a/src/CHAD.hs b/src/CHAD.hs
index 943f0a2..7747d46 100644
--- a/src/CHAD.hs
+++ b/src/CHAD.hs
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ vectoriseExpr :: forall prefix binds env t f.
-> Ex (Append prefix (Append binds env)) t
-> Ex (TIx : Append prefix (Append (Vectorise (S Z) binds) env)) t
vectoriseExpr prefix binds env =
- let wTarget :: Layout ['("ix", '[TIx]), '("pre", prefix), '("vbinds", Vectorise (S Z) binds), '("env", env)] e
+ let wTarget :: Layout True ['("ix", '[TIx]), '("pre", prefix), '("vbinds", Vectorise (S Z) binds), '("env", env)] e
-> e :> TIx : Append prefix (Append (Vectorise (S Z) binds) env)
wTarget layout =
autoWeak (#ix (auto1 @TIx) &. #pre prefix &. #vbinds (vectoriseEnv (SS SZ) binds) &. #env env)
@@ -422,6 +422,10 @@ zeroTup :: SList STy env0 -> Ex env (Tup (D2E env0))
zeroTup SNil = ENil ext
zeroTup (SCons t env) = EPair ext (zeroTup env) (zero t)
+indexTupD1Id :: SNat n -> Tup (Replicate n TIx) :~: D1 (Tup (Replicate n TIx))
+indexTupD1Id SZ = Refl
+indexTupD1Id (SS n) | Refl <- indexTupD1Id n = Refl
accumPromote :: forall dt env sto proxy r.
proxy dt
-> Descr env sto
@@ -974,6 +978,7 @@ drev des = \case
(subenvNone (select SMerge des))
(ENil ext)
+ -- TODO: either remove EBuilds1 entirely or rewrite it to work with an array of tapes instead of a vectorised tape
EBuild1 _ ne (orige :: Ex _ eltty)
| Ret (ne0 :: Bindings _ _ ne_binds) ne1 _ _ <- drev des ne -- allowed to ignore ne2 here because ne has a discrete result
, let eltty = typeOf orige ->
@@ -1050,6 +1055,90 @@ drev des = \case
ESnd ext (EVar ext (STPair (STArr (SS SZ) STNil) (tTup (d2e envPro))) (IS IZ)))
+ EBuild _ (ndim :: SNat ndim) she (orige :: Ex _ eltty)
+ | Ret (she0 :: Bindings _ _ she_binds) she1 _ _ <- drev des she -- allowed to ignore she2 here because she has a discrete result
+ , let eltty = typeOf orige
+ , shty :: STy shty <- tTup (sreplicate ndim tIx)
+ , Refl <- indexTupD1Id ndim ->
+ deleteUnused (descrList des) (occEnvPop (occCountAll orige)) $ \(usedSub :: Subenv env env') ->
+ let e = unsafeWeakenWithSubenv (SEYes usedSub) orige in
+ subDescr des usedSub $ \usedDes subMergeUsed subAccumUsed subD1eUsed ->
+ accumPromote eltty usedDes $ \prodes (envPro :: SList _ envPro) proSub wPro ->
+ case drev (prodes `DPush` (shty, SMerge)) e of { Ret (e0 :: Bindings _ _ e_binds) e1 sub e2 ->
+ case assertSubenvEmpty sub of { Refl ->
+ let tapety = tapeTy (bindingsBinds e0) in
+ let collectexpr = bindingsCollect e0 in
+ -- let ve0 = vectorise1Binds (tIx `SCons` sD1eEnv usedDes) IZ e0 in
+ Ret (she0 `BPush` (shty, she1)
+ `BPush` (STArr ndim tapety
+ ,EBuild ext ndim
+ (EVar ext shty IZ)
+ (letBinds (fst (weakenBindings weakenExpr (autoWeak (#ix (shty `SCons` SNil)
+ &. #sh (shty `SCons` SNil)
+ &. #she0 (bindingsBinds she0)
+ &. #d1env (sD1eEnv des)
+ &. #d1env' (sD1eEnv usedDes))
+ (#ix :++: LPreW #d1env' #d1env (wUndoSubenv subD1eUsed))
+ (#ix :++: #sh :++: #she0 :++: #d1env))
+ e0)) $
+ collectexpr (autoWeak (#ix (shty `SCons` SNil)
+ &. #sh (shty `SCons` SNil)
+ &. #she0 (bindingsBinds she0)
+ &. #e0 (bindingsBinds e0)
+ &. #d1env (sD1eEnv des)
+ &. #d1env' (sD1eEnv usedDes))
+ (#e0 :++: #ix :++: LPreW #d1env' #d1env (wUndoSubenv subD1eUsed))
+ (#e0 :++: #ix :++: #sh :++: #she0 :++: #d1env)))))
+ (EBuild ext ndim
+ (EVar ext shty (IS IZ))
+ (ELet ext (EIdx ext ndim (EVar ext (STArr ndim tapety) (IS IZ))
+ (EVar ext shty IZ)) $
+ let (rebinds, prerebinds) = reconstructBindings (bindingsBinds e0) IZ
+ in letBinds rebinds $
+ weakenExpr (autoWeak (#ix (shty `SCons` SNil)
+ &. #sh (shty `SCons` SNil)
+ &. #she0 (bindingsBinds she0)
+ &. #e0 (bindingsBinds e0)
+ &. #tape (tapety `SCons` SNil)
+ &. #tapearr (STArr ndim tapety `SCons` SNil)
+ &. #prerebinds prerebinds
+ &. #d1env (sD1eEnv des)
+ &. #d1env' (sD1eEnv usedDes))
+ (#e0 :++: #ix :++: LPreW #d1env' #d1env (wUndoSubenv subD1eUsed))
+ ((#e0 :++: #prerebinds) :++: #tape :++: #ix :++: #tapearr :++: #sh :++: #she0 :++: #d1env))
+ e1))
+ (subenvCompose subMergeUsed proSub)
+ (let sinkOverEnvPro = wSinks @(D2 t : TArr ndim (Tape e_binds) : Tup (Replicate ndim TIx) : Append she_binds (D2AcE (Select env sto "accum"))) (d2ace envPro) in
+ ESnd ext $
+ uninvertTup (d2e envPro) (STArr ndim STNil) $
+ makeAccumulators @_ @_ @(TArr ndim TNil) envPro $
+ EBuild ext ndim (EVar ext shty (sinkOverEnvPro @> IS (IS IZ))) $
+ -- the cotangent for this element
+ ELet ext (EIdx ext ndim (EVar ext (STArr ndim (d2 eltty)) (WSink .> sinkOverEnvPro @> IZ))
+ (EVar ext shty IZ)) $
+ -- the tape for this element
+ ELet ext (EIdx ext ndim (EVar ext (STArr ndim tapety) (WSink .> WSink .> sinkOverEnvPro @> IS IZ))
+ (EVar ext shty (IS IZ))) $
+ let (rebinds, prerebinds) = reconstructBindings (bindingsBinds e0) IZ
+ in letBinds rebinds $
+ weakenExpr (autoWeak (#d (auto1 @(D2 eltty))
+ &. #pro (d2ace envPro)
+ &. #ebinds (bindingsBinds e0)
+ &. #prerebinds prerebinds
+ &. #tape (tapety `SCons` SNil)
+ &. #ix (shty `SCons` SNil)
+ &. #darr (STArr ndim (d2 eltty) `SCons` SNil)
+ &. #tapearr (STArr ndim tapety `SCons` SNil)
+ &. #sh (shty `SCons` SNil)
+ &. #shebinds (bindingsBinds she0)
+ &. #d2acUsed (d2ace (select SAccum usedDes))
+ &. #d2acEnv (d2ace (select SAccum des)))
+ (#pro :++: #d :++: #ebinds :++: LPreW #d2acUsed #d2acEnv (wUndoSubenv subAccumUsed))
+ ((#ebinds :++: #prerebinds) :++: #tape :++: #d :++: #ix :++: #pro :++: #darr :++: #tapearr :++: #sh :++: #shebinds :++: #d2acEnv)
+ .> wPro (bindingsBinds e0))
+ e2)
+ }}
EUnit _ e
| Ret e0 e1 sub e2 <- drev des e ->
Ret e0
@@ -1072,23 +1161,55 @@ drev des = \case
| Rets binds (RetPair e1 sub e2 `SCons` RetPair ei1 _ _ `SCons` SNil)
<- retConcat des $ drev des e `SCons` drev des ei `SCons` SNil
, STArr (SS n) eltty <- typeOf e ->
- Ret (binds `BPush` (tTup (sreplicate (SS n) tIx), EShape ext e1))
- (weakenExpr WSink (EIdx1 ext e1 ei1))
+ Ret (binds `BPush` (STArr (SS n) (d1 eltty), e1))
+ (EIdx1 ext (EVar ext (STArr (SS n) (d1 eltty)) IZ)
+ (weakenExpr WSink ei1))
- (ELet ext (ebuildUp1 n (EFst ext (EVar ext (tTup (sreplicate (SS n) tIx)) (IS IZ)))
- (ESnd ext (EVar ext (tTup (sreplicate (SS n) tIx)) (IS IZ)))
+ (ELet ext (ebuildUp1 n (EFst ext (EShape ext (EVar ext (STArr (SS n) (d1 eltty)) (IS IZ))))
+ (ESnd ext (EShape ext (EVar ext (STArr (SS n) (d1 eltty)) (IS IZ))))
(EVar ext (STArr n (d2 eltty)) (IS IZ))) $
weakenExpr (WCopy (WSink .> WSink)) e2)
+ EIdx _ n e ei
+ -- We're allowed to ignore ei2 here because the output of 'ei' is discrete.
+ | Rets binds (RetPair e1 sub e2 `SCons` RetPair ei1 _ _ `SCons` SNil)
+ <- retConcat des $ drev des e `SCons` drev des ei `SCons` SNil
+ , STArr _ eltty <- typeOf e
+ , Refl <- indexTupD1Id n ->
+ Ret (binds `BPush` (STArr n (d1 eltty), e1))
+ (EIdx ext n (EVar ext (STArr n (d1 eltty)) IZ)
+ (weakenExpr WSink ei1))
+ sub
+ (ELet ext (EBuild ext n (EShape ext (EVar ext (STArr n (d1 eltty)) (IS IZ)))
+ (EVar ext (d2 eltty) (IS IZ))) $
+ weakenExpr (WCopy (WSink .> WSink)) e2)
+ EShape _ e
+ -- Allowed to ignore e2 here because the output of EShape is discrete,
+ -- hence we'd be passing a zero cotangent to e2 anyway.
+ | Ret e0 e1 _ _ <- drev des e
+ , STArr n _ <- typeOf e
+ , Refl <- indexTupD1Id n ->
+ Ret e0
+ (EShape ext e1)
+ (subenvNone (select SMerge des))
+ (ENil ext)
+ ESum1Inner _ e
+ | Ret e0 e1 sub e2 <- drev des e
+ , STArr (SS n) t <- typeOf e ->
+ Ret (e0 `BPush` (STArr (SS n) t, e1))
+ (ESum1Inner ext (EVar ext (STArr (SS n) t) IZ))
+ sub
+ (ELet ext (EReplicate1Inner ext
+ (ESnd ext (EShape ext (EVar ext (STArr (SS n) t) (IS IZ))))
+ (EVar ext (STArr n (d2 t)) IZ)) $
+ weakenExpr (WCopy (WSink .> WSink)) e2)
-- These should be the next to be implemented, I think
- ESum1Inner{} -> err_unsupported "ESum"
- EReplicate1Inner{} -> err_unsupported "EReplicate"
- EShape{} -> err_unsupported "EShape"
+ EReplicate1Inner{} -> err_unsupported "EReplicate1Inner"
EFold1Inner{} -> err_unsupported "EFold1Inner"
- EIdx{} -> err_unsupported "EIdx"
- EBuild{} -> err_unsupported "EBuild"
EWith{} -> err_accum
EAccum{} -> err_accum
diff --git a/src/Example.hs b/src/Example.hs
index d1d04e3..fb4e851 100644
--- a/src/Example.hs
+++ b/src/Example.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Example where
@@ -14,6 +16,16 @@ import Simplify
-- ppExpr senv5 $ simplifyN 20 $ let d = descr5 SMerge SMerge in freezeRet d (drev d ex5) (EConst ext STF32 1.0)
+type family MergeEnv env where
+ MergeEnv '[] = '[]
+ MergeEnv (t : ts) = "merge" : MergeEnv ts
+mergeDescr :: KnownEnv env => Descr env (MergeEnv env)
+mergeDescr = go knownEnv
+ where go :: SList STy env -> Descr env (MergeEnv env)
+ go SNil = DTop
+ go (t `SCons` env) = go env `DPush` (t, SMerge)
bin :: SOp (TPair a b) c -> Ex env a -> Ex env b -> Ex env c
bin op a b = EOp ext op (EPair ext a b)