diff options
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/src/Compile.hs b/src/Compile.hs
index d9cfd95..7e6fd5c 100644
--- a/src/Compile.hs
+++ b/src/Compile.hs
@@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ genId :: CompM Int
genId = state $ \s -> (csNextId s, s { csNextId = csNextId s + 1 })
genName' :: String -> CompM String
+genName' "" = genName
genName' prefix = (prefix ++) . show <$> genId
genName :: CompM String
@@ -490,9 +491,7 @@ compile' env = \case
return $ CELit var
ELet _ rhs body -> do
- e <- compile' env rhs
- var <- genName
- emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy (typeOf rhs)) var e
+ var <- compileAssign "" env rhs
rete <- compile' (Const var `SCons` env) body
incrementVarAlways Decrement (typeOf rhs) var
return rete
@@ -608,8 +607,7 @@ compile' env = \case
return (CEStruct strname [("buf", CEAddrOf (CELit tldname))])
EBuild _ n esh efun -> do
- shname <- genName' "sh"
- emit . SVarDecl True (repSTy (typeOf esh)) shname =<< compile' env esh
+ shname <- compileAssign "sh" env esh
shsizename <- genName' "shsz"
emit $ SVarDecl True "size_t" shsizename (compileShapeSize n shname)
@@ -636,9 +634,7 @@ compile' env = \case
ESum1Inner _ e -> do
let STArr (SS n) t = typeOf e
- e' <- compile' env e
- argname <- genName' "sumarg"
- emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy (STArr (SS n) t)) argname e'
+ argname <- compileAssign "sumarg" env e
shszname <- genName' "shsz"
-- This n is one less than the shape of the thing we're querying, which is
@@ -677,10 +673,8 @@ compile' env = \case
EReplicate1Inner _ elen earg -> do
let STArr n t = typeOf earg
- lenname <- genName' "replen"
- emit . SVarDecl True (repSTy tIx) lenname =<< compile' env elen
- argname <- genName' "reparg"
- emit . SVarDecl True (repSTy (typeOf earg)) argname =<< compile' env earg
+ lenname <- compileAssign "replen" env elen
+ argname <- compileAssign "reparg" env earg
shszname <- genName' "shsz"
emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy tIx) shszname (compileArrShapeSize n argname)
@@ -707,9 +701,7 @@ compile' env = \case
EIdx0 _ e -> do
let STArr _ t = typeOf e
- e' <- compile' env e
- arrname <- genName
- emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy (STArr SZ t)) arrname e'
+ arrname <- compileAssign "" env e
name <- genName
emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy t) name
(CEIndex (CEPtrProj (CEProj (CELit arrname) "buf") "xs") (CELit "0"))
@@ -720,10 +712,10 @@ compile' env = \case
EIdx _ earr eidx -> do
let STArr n t = typeOf earr
- arrname <- genName' "ixarr"
- idxname <- genName' "ixix"
- emit . SVarDecl True (repSTy (typeOf earr)) arrname =<< compile' env earr
- when (fromSNat n > 0) $ emit . SVarDecl True (repSTy (typeOf eidx)) idxname =<< compile' env eidx
+ arrname <- compileAssign "ixarr" env earr
+ idxname <- if fromSNat n > 0 -- prevent an unused-varable warning
+ then compileAssign "ixix" env eidx
+ else return "" -- won't be used in this case
resname <- genName' "ixres"
emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy t) resname (CEIndex (CELit (arrname ++ ".buf->xs")) (toLinearIdx n arrname idxname))
incrementVarAlways Decrement (STArr n t) arrname
@@ -733,8 +725,7 @@ compile' env = \case
let STArr n _ = typeOf e
t = tTup (sreplicate n tIx)
_ <- emitStruct t
- name <- genName
- emit . SVarDecl True (repSTy (typeOf e)) name =<< compile' env e
+ name <- compileAssign "" env e
resname <- genName
emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy t) resname (compileShapeQuery n name)
incrementVarAlways Decrement (typeOf e) name
@@ -749,19 +740,13 @@ compile' env = \case
e' <- compile' env e
compileOpGeneral op e'
- ECustom _ t1 t2 _ earg _ _ e1 e2 -> do
- e1' <- compile' env e1
- name1 <- genName
- emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy t1) name1 e1'
- e2' <- compile' env e2
- name2 <- genName
- emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy t2) name2 e2'
+ ECustom _ _ _ _ earg _ _ e1 e2 -> do
+ name1 <- compileAssign "" env e1
+ name2 <- compileAssign "" env e2
compile' (Const name2 `SCons` Const name1 `SCons` SNil) earg
EWith _ t e1 e2 -> do
- e1' <- compile' env e1
- name1 <- genName
- emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy (typeOf e1)) name1 e1'
+ name1 <- compileAssign "" env e1
mcopy <- copyForWriting t name1
accname <- genName' "accum"
@@ -772,17 +757,9 @@ compile' env = \case
return $ CEStruct (repSTy (STPair (typeOf e2) t)) [("a", e2'), ("b", CELit accname)]
EAccum _ t prj eidx eval eacc -> do
- eidx' <- compile' env eidx
- nameidx <- genName
- emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy (typeOf eidx)) nameidx eidx'
- eval' <- compile' env eval
- nameval <- genName
- emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy (typeOf eval)) nameval eval'
- eacc' <- compile' env eacc
- nameacc <- genName
- emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy (typeOf eacc)) nameacc eacc'
+ nameidx <- compileAssign "acidx" env eidx
+ nameval <- compileAssign "acval" env eval
+ nameacc <- compileAssign "acac" env eacc
let accumRef :: STy a -> SAcPrj p a b -> String -> String -> String
accumRef _ SAPHere v _ = v
@@ -849,6 +826,13 @@ compile' env = \case
EFold1Inner{} -> error "Compile: not implemented: EFold1Inner"
EIdx1{} -> error "Compile: not implemented: EIdx1"
+compileAssign :: String -> SList (Const String) env -> Ex env t -> CompM String
+compileAssign prefix env e = do
+ e' <- compile' env e
+ name <- genName' prefix
+ emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy (typeOf e)) name e'
+ return name
data Increment = Increment | Decrement
deriving (Show)
@@ -1031,9 +1015,7 @@ compileScal pedantic typ x = case typ of
compileExtremum :: String -> String -> String -> SList (Const String) env -> Ex env (TArr (S n) t) -> CompM CExpr
compileExtremum nameBase opName operator env e = do
let STArr (SS n) t = typeOf e
- e' <- compile' env e
- argname <- genName' (nameBase ++ "arg")
- emit $ SVarDecl True (repSTy (STArr (SS n) t)) argname e'
+ argname <- compileAssign (nameBase ++ "arg") env e
shszname <- genName' "shsz"
-- This n is one less than the shape of the thing we're querying, which is