path: root/src/AST.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/AST.hs')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/src/AST.hs b/src/AST.hs
index 2132bc6..ed2039b 100644
--- a/src/AST.hs
+++ b/src/AST.hs
@@ -13,92 +13,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-module AST (module AST, module AST.Weaken) where
+module AST (module AST, module AST.Types, module AST.Weaken) where
import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Kind (Type)
-import Data.Int
-import Data.Type.Equality
import Array
import AST.Env
+import AST.Types
import AST.Weaken
+import CHAD.Types
import Data
-data Ty
- = TNil
- | TPair Ty Ty
- | TEither Ty Ty
- | TArr Nat Ty -- ^ rank, element type
- | TScal ScalTy
- | TAccum Ty
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-data ScalTy = TI32 | TI64 | TF32 | TF64 | TBool
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-type STy :: Ty -> Type
-data STy t where
- STNil :: STy TNil
- STPair :: STy a -> STy b -> STy (TPair a b)
- STEither :: STy a -> STy b -> STy (TEither a b)
- STArr :: SNat n -> STy t -> STy (TArr n t)
- STScal :: SScalTy t -> STy (TScal t)
- STAccum :: STy t -> STy (TAccum t)
-deriving instance Show (STy t)
-instance TestEquality STy where
- testEquality STNil STNil = Just Refl
- testEquality (STPair a b) (STPair a' b') | Just Refl <- testEquality a a', Just Refl <- testEquality b b' = Just Refl
- testEquality (STEither a b) (STEither a' b') | Just Refl <- testEquality a a', Just Refl <- testEquality b b' = Just Refl
- testEquality (STArr a b) (STArr a' b') | Just Refl <- testEquality a a', Just Refl <- testEquality b b' = Just Refl
- testEquality (STScal a) (STScal a') | Just Refl <- testEquality a a' = Just Refl
- testEquality (STAccum a) (STAccum a') | Just Refl <- testEquality a a' = Just Refl
- testEquality _ _ = Nothing
-data SScalTy t where
- STI32 :: SScalTy TI32
- STI64 :: SScalTy TI64
- STF32 :: SScalTy TF32
- STF64 :: SScalTy TF64
- STBool :: SScalTy TBool
-deriving instance Show (SScalTy t)
-instance TestEquality SScalTy where
- testEquality STI32 STI32 = Just Refl
- testEquality STI64 STI64 = Just Refl
- testEquality STF32 STF32 = Just Refl
- testEquality STF64 STF64 = Just Refl
- testEquality STBool STBool = Just Refl
- testEquality _ _ = Nothing
-scalRepIsShow :: SScalTy t -> Dict (Show (ScalRep t))
-scalRepIsShow STI32 = Dict
-scalRepIsShow STI64 = Dict
-scalRepIsShow STF32 = Dict
-scalRepIsShow STF64 = Dict
-scalRepIsShow STBool = Dict
-type TIx = TScal TI64
-tIx :: STy TIx
-tIx = STScal STI64
-type family ScalRep t where
- ScalRep TI32 = Int32
- ScalRep TI64 = Int64
- ScalRep TF32 = Float
- ScalRep TF64 = Double
- ScalRep TBool = Bool
-type family ScalIsNumeric t where
- ScalIsNumeric TI32 = True
- ScalIsNumeric TI64 = True
- ScalIsNumeric TF32 = True
- ScalIsNumeric TF64 = True
- ScalIsNumeric TBool = False
-- | This index is flipped around from the usual direction: the smallest index
-- is at the _heart_ of the nesting, not at the outside. The outermost layer
-- indexes into the _outer_ dimension of the type @t@. This makes indices into
@@ -107,6 +34,7 @@ type family AcIdx t i where
AcIdx t Z = TNil
AcIdx (TPair a b) (S i) = TEither (AcIdx a i) (AcIdx b i)
AcIdx (TEither a b) (S i) = TEither (AcIdx a i) (AcIdx b i)
+ AcIdx (TMaybe t) (S i) = AcIdx t i
AcIdx (TArr Z t) (S i) = AcIdx t i
AcIdx (TArr (S n) t) (S i) = TPair TIx (AcIdx (TArr n t) i)
@@ -114,12 +42,20 @@ type family AcVal t i where
AcVal t Z = t
AcVal (TPair a b) (S i) = TEither (AcVal a i) (AcVal b i)
AcVal (TEither a b) (S i) = TEither (AcVal a i) (AcVal b i)
+ AcVal (TMaybe t) (S i) = AcVal t i
AcVal (TArr Z t) (S i) = AcVal t i
AcVal (TArr (S n) t) (S i) = AcVal (TArr n t) i
-- General assumption: head of the list (whatever way it is associated) is the
-- inner variable / inner array dimension. In pretty printing, the inner
-- variable / inner dimension is printed on the _right_.
+-- Note that the 'EZero' and 'EPlus' constructs have typing that depend on the
+-- type transformation of CHAD. Indeed, these constructors are created _by_
+-- CHAD, and are intended to be eliminated after simplification, so that the
+-- input program as well as the output program do not contain these
+-- constructors.
+-- TODO: ensure this by a "stage" type parameter.
type Expr :: (Ty -> Type) -> [Ty] -> Ty -> Type
data Expr x env t where
-- lambda calculus
@@ -134,6 +70,9 @@ data Expr x env t where
EInl :: x (TEither a b) -> STy b -> Expr x env a -> Expr x env (TEither a b)
EInr :: x (TEither a b) -> STy a -> Expr x env b -> Expr x env (TEither a b)
ECase :: x c -> Expr x env (TEither a b) -> Expr x (a : env) c -> Expr x (b : env) c -> Expr x env c
+ ENothing :: x (TMaybe t) -> STy t -> Expr x env (TMaybe t)
+ EJust :: x (TMaybe t) -> Expr x env t -> Expr x env (TMaybe t)
+ EMaybe :: x b -> Expr x env b -> Expr x (t : env) b -> Expr x env (TMaybe t) -> Expr x env b
-- array operations
EConstArr :: Show (ScalRep t) => x (TArr n (TScal t)) -> SNat n -> SScalTy t -> Array n (ScalRep t) -> Expr x env (TArr n (TScal t))
@@ -157,6 +96,10 @@ data Expr x env t where
EAccum :: SNat i -> Expr x env (AcIdx t i) -> Expr x env (AcVal t i) -> Expr x env (TAccum t) -> Expr x env TNil
-- EAccum1 :: Expr x env TIx -> Expr x env t -> Expr x env (TAccum (S Z) t) -> Expr x env TNil
+ -- monoidal operations (to be desugared to regular operations after simplification)
+ EZero :: STy t -> Expr x env (D2 t)
+ EPlus :: STy t -> Expr x env (D2 t) -> Expr x env (D2 t) -> Expr x env (D2 t)
-- partiality
EError :: STy a -> String -> Expr x env a
deriving instance (forall ty. Show (x ty)) => Show (Expr x env t)
@@ -220,6 +163,9 @@ typeOf = \case
EInl _ t2 e -> STEither (typeOf e) t2
EInr _ t1 e -> STEither t1 (typeOf e)
ECase _ _ a _ -> typeOf a
+ ENothing _ t -> STMaybe t
+ EJust _ e -> STMaybe (typeOf e)
+ EMaybe _ e _ _ -> typeOf e
EConstArr _ n t _ -> STArr n (STScal t)
EBuild1 _ _ e -> STArr (SS SZ) (typeOf e)
@@ -239,6 +185,9 @@ typeOf = \case
EWith e1 e2 -> STPair (typeOf e2) (typeOf e1)
EAccum _ _ _ _ -> STNil
+ EZero t -> d2 t
+ EPlus t _ _ -> d2 t
EError t _ -> t
unSNat :: SNat n -> Nat
@@ -250,6 +199,7 @@ unSTy = \case
STNil -> TNil
STPair a b -> TPair (unSTy a) (unSTy b)
STEither a b -> TEither (unSTy a) (unSTy b)
+ STMaybe t -> TMaybe (unSTy t)
STArr n t -> TArr (unSNat n) (unSTy t)
STScal t -> TScal (unSScalTy t)
STAccum t -> TAccum (unSTy t)
@@ -288,6 +238,9 @@ subst' f w = \case
EInl x t e -> EInl x t (subst' f w e)
EInr x t e -> EInr x t (subst' f w e)
ECase x e a b -> ECase x (subst' f w e) (subst' (sinkF f) (WCopy w) a) (subst' (sinkF f) (WCopy w) b)
+ ENothing x t -> ENothing x t
+ EJust x e -> EJust x (subst' f w e)
+ EMaybe x a b e -> EMaybe x (subst' f w a) (subst' (sinkF f) (WCopy w) b) (subst' f w e)
EConstArr x n t a -> EConstArr x n t a
EBuild1 x a b -> EBuild1 x (subst' f w a) (subst' (sinkF f) (WCopy w) b)
EBuild x n a b -> EBuild x n (subst' f w a) (subst' (sinkF f) (WCopy w) b)
@@ -303,6 +256,8 @@ subst' f w = \case
EOp x op e -> EOp x op (subst' f w e)
EWith e1 e2 -> EWith (subst' f w e1) (subst' (sinkF f) (WCopy w) e2)
EAccum i e1 e2 e3 -> EAccum i (subst' f w e1) (subst' f w e2) (subst' f w e3)
+ EZero t -> EZero t
+ EPlus t a b -> EPlus t (subst' f w a) (subst' f w b)
EError t s -> EError t s
sinkF :: (forall a. x a -> STy a -> (env' :> env2) -> Idx env a -> Expr x env2 a)
@@ -339,6 +294,7 @@ class KnownTy t where knownTy :: STy t
instance KnownTy TNil where knownTy = STNil
instance (KnownTy s, KnownTy t) => KnownTy (TPair s t) where knownTy = STPair knownTy knownTy
instance (KnownTy s, KnownTy t) => KnownTy (TEither s t) where knownTy = STEither knownTy knownTy
+instance KnownTy t => KnownTy (TMaybe t) where knownTy = STMaybe knownTy
instance (KnownNat n, KnownTy t) => KnownTy (TArr n t) where knownTy = STArr knownNat knownTy
instance KnownScalTy t => KnownTy (TScal t) where knownTy = STScal knownScalTy
instance KnownTy t => KnownTy (TAccum t) where knownTy = STAccum knownTy
@@ -351,6 +307,7 @@ styKnown :: STy t -> Dict (KnownTy t)
styKnown STNil = Dict
styKnown (STPair a b) | Dict <- styKnown a, Dict <- styKnown b = Dict
styKnown (STEither a b) | Dict <- styKnown a, Dict <- styKnown b = Dict
+styKnown (STMaybe t) | Dict <- styKnown t = Dict
styKnown (STArr n t) | Dict <- snatKnown n, Dict <- styKnown t = Dict
styKnown (STScal t) | Dict <- sscaltyKnown t = Dict
styKnown (STAccum t) | Dict <- styKnown t = Dict