path: root/src/CHAD.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/CHAD.hs')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/src/CHAD.hs b/src/CHAD.hs
index 12d28e2..bcc1485 100644
--- a/src/CHAD.hs
+++ b/src/CHAD.hs
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol)
import AST
+import AST.Bindings
import AST.Count
import AST.Env
import AST.Weaken.Auto
@@ -42,66 +43,10 @@ import Data
import Lemmas
--- binding lists: a let stack without a body. The stack lives in 'env' and defines 'binds'.
-data Bindings f env binds where
- BTop :: Bindings f env '[]
- BPush :: Bindings f env binds -> (STy t, f (Append binds env) t) -> Bindings f env (t : binds)
-deriving instance (forall e t. Show (f e t)) => Show (Bindings f env env')
-infixl `BPush`
-mapBindings :: (forall env' t'. f env' t' -> g env' t')
- -> Bindings f env binds -> Bindings g env binds
-mapBindings _ BTop = BTop
-mapBindings f (BPush b (t, e)) = BPush (mapBindings f b) (t, f e)
-weakenBindings :: (forall e1 e2 t. e1 :> e2 -> f e1 t -> f e2 t)
- -> env1 :> env2
- -> Bindings f env1 binds
- -> (Bindings f env2 binds, Append binds env1 :> Append binds env2)
-weakenBindings _ w BTop = (BTop, w)
-weakenBindings wf w (BPush b (t, x)) =
- let (b', w') = weakenBindings wf w b
- in (BPush b' (t, wf w' x), WCopy w')
-weakenOver :: SList STy ts -> env :> env' -> Append ts env :> Append ts env'
-weakenOver SNil w = w
-weakenOver (SCons _ ts) w = WCopy (weakenOver ts w)
-sinkWithBindings :: Bindings f env binds -> env' :> Append binds env'
-sinkWithBindings BTop = WId
-sinkWithBindings (BPush b _) = WSink .> sinkWithBindings b
-bconcat :: forall f env binds1 binds2. Bindings f env binds1 -> Bindings f (Append binds1 env) binds2 -> Bindings f env (Append binds2 binds1)
-bconcat b1 BTop = b1
-bconcat b1 (BPush (b2 :: Bindings _ (Append binds1 env) binds2C) (t, x))
- | Refl <- lemAppendAssoc @binds2C @binds1 @env
- = BPush (bconcat b1 b2) (t, x)
--- bconcat' :: (forall e1 e2 t. e1 :> e2 -> f e1 t -> f e2 t)
--- -> Bindings f env env1 -> Bindings f env env2
--- -> (forall env12. Bindings f env env12 -> r) -> r
--- bconcat' wf b1 b2 k = weakenBindings wf (sinkWithBindings b1) b2 $ \b2' _ -> k (bconcat b1 b2')
--- bsnoc :: (forall env1 env2 t'. env1 :> env2 -> f env1 t' -> f env2 t')
--- -> STy t -> f env t -> Bindings f env binds -> (Bindings f env (Snoc binds t), Append binds env :> Append (Snoc binds t) env)
--- bsnoc _ t x BTop = (BPush BTop (t, x), WSink)
--- bsnoc wf t x (BPush b (t', y)) =
--- let (b', w) = bsnoc wf t x b
--- in (BPush b' (t', wf w y), WCopy w)
type family Tape binds where
Tape '[] = TNil
Tape (t : ts) = TPair t (Tape ts)
--- data TupBinds f env binds =
--- TupBinds (SList STy binds)
--- (forall env2. Append binds env :> env2 -> Ex env2 (Tape binds))
--- (forall env2. Idx env2 (Tape binds) -> Bindings f env2 binds)
-bindingsBinds :: Bindings f env binds -> SList STy binds
-bindingsBinds BTop = SNil
-bindingsBinds (BPush binds (t, _)) = SCons t (bindingsBinds binds)
tapeTy :: SList STy binds -> STy (Tape binds)
tapeTy SNil = STNil
tapeTy (SCons t ts) = STPair t (tapeTy ts)
@@ -240,10 +185,6 @@ reconstructBindings binds tape =
(bconcat (mapBindings fromUnfExpr unf) build)
,sreverse (stapeUnfoldings binds))
-letBinds :: Bindings Ex env binds -> Ex (Append binds env) t -> Ex env t
-letBinds BTop = id
-letBinds (BPush b (_, rhs)) = letBinds b . ELet ext rhs
type family Vectorise n list where
Vectorise _ '[] = '[]
Vectorise n (t : ts) = TArr n t : Vectorise n ts