path: root/src/Language/Haskell
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Language/Haskell')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Language/Haskell/TH/HashableGADT.hs b/src/Language/Haskell/TH/HashableGADT.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d638d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Language/Haskell/TH/HashableGADT.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-}
+module Language.Haskell.TH.HashableGADT (
+ deriveHashable,
+) where
+import Control.Category ((>>>))
+import Control.Monad (forM)
+import Data.Hashable
+import Language.Haskell.TH
+-- | The predicate indicates whether a particular field is to be included. If
+-- all fields are to be hashed, return @True@. It gets passed the name of the
+-- constructor, the index of the field, and the type of the field.
+deriveHashable :: (Name -> Int -> Type -> Bool) -> Name -> Q [Dec]
+deriveHashable includepred dataname = do
+ info <- reify dataname
+ (params, cons) <- case info of
+ TyConI (DataD [] _ params _ cons _) -> return (params, cons)
+ _ -> fail "deriveHashable: only data types supported"
+ saltVar <- newName "s"
+ clauses <- concat <$> mapM (processCon saltVar includepred) cons
+ let paramVars = map (VarT . bndrName) params
+ headType = foldl' AppT (ConT dataname) paramVars
+ return [InstanceD Nothing [] (ConT ''Hashable `AppT` headType)
+ [FunD 'hashWithSalt clauses]]
+processCon :: Name -> (Name -> Int -> Type -> Bool) -> Con -> Q [Clause]
+processCon saltVar includepred constr = do
+ let thd (_,_,c) = c
+ let getFields (NormalC name fields) = return [(name, map snd fields)]
+ getFields (RecC name fields) = return [(name, map thd fields)]
+ getFields (InfixC t1 name t2) = return [(name, [snd t1, snd t2])]
+ getFields (GadtC names fields _) = return [(name, map snd fields) | name <- names]
+ getFields (RecGadtC names fields _) = return [(name, map thd fields) | name <- names]
+ getFields (ForallC _ _ con) = getFields con
+ actualcons <- getFields constr
+ forM actualcons $ \(name, fields) -> do
+ _
+bndrName :: TyVarBndr flag -> Name
+bndrName (PlainTV n _) = n
+bndrName (KindedTV n _ _) = n