path: root/test/Main.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/Main.hs')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/test/Main.hs b/test/Main.hs
index e7dda69..d3e55b3 100644
--- a/test/Main.hs
+++ b/test/Main.hs
@@ -1,19 +1,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
--- {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
--- {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Main where
import Data.Bifunctor
--- import qualified Data.Dependent.Map as DMap
--- import Data.Dependent.Map (DMap)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Hedgehog
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
@@ -23,7 +19,7 @@ import Hedgehog.Main
import Array
import AST
import AST.Pretty
-import CHAD
+import CHAD.Top
import CHAD.Types
import Data
import qualified Example
@@ -34,63 +30,19 @@ import Language
import Simplify
-type family MapMerge env where
- MapMerge '[] = '[]
- MapMerge (t : ts) = "merge" : MapMerge ts
-mapMergeNoAccum :: SList f env -> Select env (MapMerge env) "accum" :~: '[]
-mapMergeNoAccum SNil = Refl
-mapMergeNoAccum (_ `SCons` env) | Refl <- mapMergeNoAccum env = Refl
-mapMergeOnlyMerge :: SList f env -> Select env (MapMerge env) "merge" :~: env
-mapMergeOnlyMerge SNil = Refl
-mapMergeOnlyMerge (_ `SCons` env) | Refl <- mapMergeOnlyMerge env = Refl
-primalEnv :: SList STy env' -> SList STy (D1E env')
-primalEnv SNil = SNil
-primalEnv (t `SCons` env) = d1 t `SCons` primalEnv env
data SimplIters = SimplIters Int | SimplFix
deriving (Show)
-diffCHAD :: SimplIters -> SList STy env -> Ex env (TScal TF64)
- -> Ex (D1E env) (TPair (TScal TF64) (Tup (D2E env)))
-diffCHAD = \simplIters env term ->
- case (mapMergeNoAccum env, mapMergeOnlyMerge env, envKnown (primalEnv env)) of
- (Refl, Refl, Dict) ->
- let descr = makeMergeDescr env
- simpl = case simplIters of
- SimplIters n -> simplifyN n
- SimplFix -> simplifyFix
- in simpl $ freezeRet descr (drev descr term) (EConst ext STF64 1.0)
- where
- makeMergeDescr :: SList STy env' -> Descr env' (MapMerge env')
- makeMergeDescr SNil = DTop
- makeMergeDescr (t `SCons` env) = makeMergeDescr env `DPush` (t, SMerge)
-- In addition to the gradient, also returns the pretty-printed differentiated term.
gradientByCHAD :: forall env. SimplIters -> SList STy env -> Ex env (TScal TF64) -> SList Value env -> (String, (Double, SList Value (D2E env)))
gradientByCHAD = \simplIters env term input ->
- case (mapMergeNoAccum env, mapMergeOnlyMerge env) of
- (Refl, Refl) ->
- let dterm = diffCHAD simplIters env term
- input1 = toPrimalE env input
- (out, grad) = interpretOpen False input1 dterm
- in (ppExpr (primalEnv env) dterm, (out, unTup vUnpair (d2e env) (Value grad)))
- where
- toPrimalE :: SList STy env' -> SList Value env' -> SList Value (D1E env')
- toPrimalE SNil SNil = SNil
- toPrimalE (t `SCons` env) (Value x `SCons` inp) = Value (toPrimal t x) `SCons` toPrimalE env inp
- toPrimal :: STy t -> Rep t -> Rep (D1 t)
- toPrimal = \case
- STNil -> id
- STPair t1 t2 -> bimap (toPrimal t1) (toPrimal t2)
- STEither t1 t2 -> bimap (toPrimal t1) (toPrimal t2)
- STMaybe t -> fmap (toPrimal t)
- STArr _ t -> fmap (toPrimal t)
- STScal _ -> id
- STAccum{} -> error "Accumulators not allowed in input program"
+ let dtermNonSimpl = ELet ext (EConst ext STF64 1.0) $ chad' env term
+ dterm | Dict <- envKnown env
+ = case simplIters of
+ SimplIters n -> simplifyN n dtermNonSimpl
+ SimplFix -> simplifyFix dtermNonSimpl
+ (out, grad) = interpretOpen False input dterm
+ in (ppExpr env dterm, (out, unTup vUnpair (d2e env) (Value grad)))
-- In addition to the gradient, also returns the pretty-printed differentiated term.
gradientByCHAD' :: SimplIters -> SList STy env -> Ex env (TScal TF64) -> SList Value env -> (String, (Double, SList Value (TanE env)))
@@ -172,29 +124,6 @@ genEnv :: SList STy env -> Gen (SList Value env)
genEnv SNil = return SNil
genEnv (t `SCons` env) = SCons <$> genValue t <*> genEnv env
--- data TemplateVar n = TemplateVar (SNat n) String
--- deriving (Show)
--- data Template t where
--- TpShape :: TemplateVar n -> STy t -> Template (TArr n t)
--- TpAny :: STy t -> Template t
--- TpPair :: Template a -> Template b -> Template (TPair a b)
--- deriving instance Show (Template t)
--- data ShapeConstraint n = ShapeAtLeast (Shape n)
--- deriving (Show)
--- genTemplate :: DMap TemplateVar Shape -> Template t -> Gen (Value t)
--- genTemplate = _
--- genEnvTemplateExact :: DMap TemplateVar Shape -> SList Template env -> Gen (SList Value env)
--- genEnvTemplateExact shapes env = _
--- genEnvTemplate :: DMap TemplateVar ShapeConstraint -> SList Template env -> Gen (SList Value env)
--- genEnvTemplate constrs env = do
--- shapes <- DMap.traverseWithKey _ constrs
--- genEnvTemplateExact shapes env
showEnv :: SList STy env -> SList Value env -> String
showEnv = \env vals -> "[" ++ intercalate ", " (showEntries env vals) ++ "]"
@@ -205,11 +134,6 @@ showEnv = \env vals -> "[" ++ intercalate ", " (showEntries env vals) ++ "]"
adTest :: forall env. KnownEnv env => Ex env (TScal TF64) -> Property
adTest = flip adTestGen (genEnv (knownEnv @env))
--- adTestTp :: forall env. KnownEnv env
--- => DMap TemplateVar ShapeConstraint -> SList Template env
--- -> Ex env (TScal TF64) -> Property
--- adTestTp envConstrs envTp = adTestGen (genEnvTemplate envConstrs envTp)
adTestGen :: forall env. KnownEnv env
=> Ex env (TScal TF64) -> Gen (SList Value env) -> Property
adTestGen expr envGenerator = property $ do
@@ -268,7 +192,6 @@ tests = checkSequential $ Group "AD"
idx0 $
build SZ (shape #x) $ #idx :-> #x ! #idx)
- -- :hindentstr ppExpr knownEnv $ diffCHAD 20 knownEnv term_build1_sum
,("build1-sum", adTest term_build1_sum)
,("build2-sum", adTest $ fromNamed $ lambda @(TArr N2 _) #x $ body $