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4 files changed, 51 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/ast/CC/Source.hs b/ast/CC/Source.hs
index 080b850..c10f910 100644
--- a/ast/CC/Source.hs
+++ b/ast/CC/Source.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
module CC.Source(module CC.Source, module CC.Types) where
+import Data.List
import CC.Pretty
import CC.Types
@@ -18,11 +20,13 @@ data Def = Function (Maybe Type)
data Type = TFun Type Type
| TInt
+ | TTup [Type]
deriving (Show, Read)
data Expr = Lam SourceRange [(Name, SourceRange)] Expr
| Call SourceRange Expr Expr
| Int SourceRange Int
+ | Tup SourceRange [Expr]
| Var SourceRange Name
| Annot SourceRange Expr Type
deriving (Show, Read)
@@ -31,10 +35,13 @@ instance Pretty Type where
prettyPrec _ TInt = "Int"
prettyPrec p (TFun a b) =
precParens p 2 (prettyPrec 3 a ++ " -> " ++ prettyPrec 2 b)
+ prettyPrec _ (TTup ts) =
+ "(" ++ intercalate ", " (map pretty ts) ++ ")"
instance HasRange Expr where
range (Lam sr _ _) = sr
range (Call sr _ _) = sr
range (Int sr _) = sr
+ range (Tup sr _) = sr
range (Var sr _) = sr
range (Annot sr _ _) = sr
diff --git a/ast/CC/Typed.hs b/ast/CC/Typed.hs
index 535fd31..53caa29 100644
--- a/ast/CC/Typed.hs
+++ b/ast/CC/Typed.hs
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ module CC.Typed(
module CC.Types
) where
+import Data.List
import CC.Pretty
import CC.Types
@@ -15,12 +17,14 @@ data DefT = DefT Name ExprT
data TypeT = TFunT TypeT TypeT
| TIntT
+ | TTupT [TypeT]
| TyVar Int
deriving (Show, Read)
data ExprT = LamT TypeT Occ ExprT
| CallT TypeT ExprT ExprT
| IntT Int
+ | TupT [ExprT]
| VarT Occ
deriving (Show, Read)
@@ -31,12 +35,15 @@ exprType :: ExprT -> TypeT
exprType (LamT typ _ _) = typ
exprType (CallT typ _ _) = typ
exprType (IntT _) = TIntT
+exprType (TupT es) = TTupT (map exprType es)
exprType (VarT (Occ _ typ)) = typ
instance Pretty TypeT where
prettyPrec _ TIntT = "Int"
prettyPrec p (TFunT a b) =
precParens p 2 (prettyPrec 3 a ++ " -> " ++ prettyPrec 2 b)
+ prettyPrec _ (TTupT ts) =
+ "(" ++ intercalate ", " (map pretty ts) ++ ")"
prettyPrec _ (TyVar i) = 't' : show i
instance Pretty ExprT where
@@ -48,6 +55,7 @@ instance Pretty ExprT where
precParens p 2 $
prettyPrec 3 e1 ++ " " ++ prettyPrec 3 e2 ++ " :: " ++ pretty ty
prettyPrec _ (IntT i) = show i
+ prettyPrec _ (TupT es) = "(" ++ intercalate ", " (map pretty es) ++ ")"
prettyPrec p (VarT (Occ n t)) =
precParens p 2 $
show n ++ " :: " ++ pretty t
diff --git a/parser/CC/Parser.hs b/parser/CC/Parser.hs
index 856a7b9..a097f98 100644
--- a/parser/CC/Parser.hs
+++ b/parser/CC/Parser.hs
@@ -51,7 +51,16 @@ pType :: Parser Type
pType = chainr1 pTypeAtom (symbol "->" >> return TFun)
pTypeAtom :: Parser Type
-pTypeAtom = (wordToken "Int" >> return TInt) <|> between (token "(") (token ")") pType
+pTypeAtom = (wordToken "Int" >> return TInt) <|> pParenType
+pParenType :: Parser Type
+pParenType = do
+ token "("
+ tys <- pType `sepBy` token ","
+ token ")"
+ case tys of
+ [ty] -> return ty
+ _ -> return (TTup tys)
pExpr :: Parser Expr
pExpr = label (pCall <|> pLam) "expression"
@@ -84,7 +93,18 @@ pExprAtom :: Parser Expr
pExprAtom =
choice [ uncurry (flip Int) <$> pInt
, uncurry (flip Var) <$> pName
- , between (token "(") (token ")") pExpr ]
+ , pParenExpr ]
+pParenExpr :: Parser Expr
+pParenExpr = do
+ p1 <- getPosition
+ token "("
+ exprs <- pExpr `sepBy` token ","
+ token ")"
+ p2 <- getPosition
+ case exprs of
+ [expr] -> return expr
+ _ -> return (Tup (SourceRange p1 p2) exprs)
pInt :: Parser (Int, SourceRange)
pInt = try (whitespace >> pInt0)
diff --git a/typecheck/CC/Typecheck.hs b/typecheck/CC/Typecheck.hs
index 6c9a22b..455465a 100644
--- a/typecheck/CC/Typecheck.hs
+++ b/typecheck/CC/Typecheck.hs
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ class FreeTypeVars a where
instance FreeTypeVars TypeT where
freeTypeVars (TFunT t1 t2) = freeTypeVars t1 <> freeTypeVars t2
freeTypeVars TIntT = mempty
+ freeTypeVars (TTupT ts) = Set.unions (map freeTypeVars ts)
freeTypeVars (TyVar var) = Set.singleton var
instance FreeTypeVars Scheme where
@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ instance Substitute TypeT where
theta@(Subst mp) >>! ty = case ty of
TFunT t1 t2 -> TFunT (theta >>! t1) (theta >>! t2)
TIntT -> TIntT
+ TTupT ts -> TTupT (map (theta >>!) ts)
TyVar i -> fromMaybe ty (Map.lookup i mp)
instance Substitute Scheme where
@@ -88,6 +90,7 @@ instance Substitute ExprT where
theta >>! CallT ty e1 e2 =
CallT (theta >>! ty) (theta >>! e1) (theta >>! e2)
_ >>! expr@(IntT _) = expr
+ theta >>! TupT es = TupT (map (theta >>!) es)
theta >>! VarT (Occ name ty) = VarT (Occ name (theta >>! ty))
@@ -127,6 +130,8 @@ unify sr t1 t2 = unify' (UnifyContext sr t1 t2) t1 t2
unify' :: UnifyContext -> TypeT -> TypeT -> TM Subst
unify' _ TIntT TIntT = return mempty
unify' ctx (TFunT t1 t2) (TFunT u1 u2) = (<>) <$> unify' ctx t1 u1 <*> unify' ctx t2 u2
+unify' ctx (TTupT ts) (TTupT us)
+ | length ts == length us = mconcat <$> zipWithM (unify' ctx) ts us
unify' _ (TyVar var) ty = return (substVar var ty)
unify' _ ty (TyVar var) = return (substVar var ty)
unify' (UnifyContext sr t1 t2) _ _ = throwError (TypeError sr t1 t2)
@@ -134,6 +139,7 @@ unify' (UnifyContext sr t1 t2) _ _ = throwError (TypeError sr t1 t2)
convertType :: Type -> TypeT
convertType (TFun t1 t2) = TFunT (convertType t1) (convertType t2)
convertType TInt = TIntT
+convertType (TTup ts) = TTupT (map convertType ts)
infer :: Env -> Expr -> TM (Subst, ExprT)
infer env expr = case expr of
@@ -155,6 +161,7 @@ infer env expr = case expr of
((theta3 <> theta2) >>! func') -- TODO: quadratic complexity
(theta3 >>! arg')) -- TODO: quadratic complexity
Int _ val -> return (mempty, IntT val)
+ Tup _ es -> fmap TupT <$> inferList env es
Var sr name
| Just sty <- envFind name env -> do
ty <- instantiate sty
@@ -166,6 +173,13 @@ infer env expr = case expr of
theta2 <- unify sr (exprType subex') (convertType ty)
return (theta2 <> theta1, theta2 >>! subex') -- TODO: quadratic complexity
+inferList :: Env -> [Expr] -> TM (Subst, [ExprT])
+inferList _ [] = return (mempty, [])
+inferList env (expr : exprs) = do
+ (theta, expr') <- infer env expr
+ (theta', res) <- inferList (theta >>! env) exprs
+ return (theta <> theta', expr' : res)
runPass :: Context -> Program -> Either TCError ProgramT
runPass _ prog = runTM (typeCheck prog)