path: root/Intermediate.hs
diff options
authorTom Smeding <>2018-03-26 21:34:51 +0200
committerTom Smeding <>2018-03-26 21:34:51 +0200
commit0e1f435314b382cb78056f04d0997df43e4f8fcf (patch)
tree8195b40c448cbbafc868a9727b6e1c218f26ca00 /Intermediate.hs
parentc25979b76c1dd22b6dc33acb994e9044c56a68f9 (diff)
Rename files for case-sensitive file system
Diffstat (limited to 'Intermediate.hs')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Intermediate.hs b/Intermediate.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c72e81c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Intermediate.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+module Intermediate where
+import Data.List
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import AST
+data IRProgram =
+ IRProgram [BB]
+ (Map.Map Name GlobFuncDef)
+ [Value] -- data table
+data GlobFuncDef =
+ GlobFuncDef Int -- BB id of implementation
+ Int -- number of arguments
+ [Name] -- closure slots
+data BB = BB Int [Instruction] Terminator
+type Instruction = (Ref, InsCode)
+data Ref
+ = RConst Int
+ | RTemp Int
+ | RSClo Name -- static closure object of a function
+ | RNone
+ deriving Eq
+data InsCode
+ = IAssign Ref
+ | IParam Int
+ | IClosure Int
+ | IData Int
+ | ICallC Ref [Ref]
+ | IAllocClo Name [Ref]
+ | IDiscard Ref
+ deriving Eq
+data Terminator
+ = IBr Ref Int Int
+ | IJmp Int
+ | IRet Ref
+ | IExit
+ | IUnknown
+ deriving Eq
+bidOf :: BB -> Int
+bidOf (BB i _ _) = i
+termOf :: BB -> Terminator
+termOf (BB _ _ t) = t
+instance Show IRProgram where
+ show (IRProgram bbs gfds datas) = intercalate "\n" $
+ ["IRPROGRAM", "Data Table:"] ++ map (("- " ++) . show) datas ++
+ ["Global functions:"] ++ map (\(n, gfd) -> "- " ++ n ++ ": " ++ show gfd) (Map.assocs gfds) ++
+ ["Blocks:"] ++ [intercalate "\n" (map show bbs)]
+instance Show GlobFuncDef where
+ show (GlobFuncDef bbid na []) = "BB " ++ show bbid ++ " (" ++ show na ++ ")"
+ show (GlobFuncDef bbid na cs) =
+ "BB " ++ show bbid ++ " (" ++ show na ++ ") (closure slots: " ++ intercalate ", " cs ++ ")"
+instance Show BB where
+ show (BB i inss term) =
+ "BB " ++ show i ++
+ concatMap (\(r, ic) -> case r of
+ RNone -> "\n " ++ show ic
+ _ -> "\n " ++ show r ++ " <- " ++ show ic) inss ++
+ "\n " ++ show term
+instance Show Ref where
+ show (RConst n) = show n
+ show (RTemp n) = "t" ++ show n
+ show (RSClo name) = "SC(\"" ++ name ++ "\")"
+ show RNone = "<<NONE>>"
+instance Show InsCode where
+ show (IAssign r) = "assign " ++ show r
+ show (IParam n) = "param " ++ show n
+ show (IClosure n) = "closure " ++ show n
+ show (IData n) = "data " ++ show n
+ show (ICallC r as) = "callc " ++ show r ++ " " ++ show as
+ show (IAllocClo name vs) = "alloc-closure \"" ++ name ++ "\" " ++ show vs
+ show (IDiscard r) = "discard " ++ show r
+instance Show Terminator where
+ show (IBr r b1 b2) = "br " ++ show r ++ " " ++ show b1 ++ " " ++ show b2
+ show (IJmp b) = "jmp " ++ show b
+ show (IRet r) = "ret " ++ show r
+ show IExit = "exit"
+ show IUnknown = "<<UNKNOWN>>"