path: root/Lower.hs
diff options
authortomsmeding <>2019-04-22 18:35:21 +0200
committertomsmeding <>2019-04-22 18:35:21 +0200
commit607d918e9645cb9ea101515aae003a8d1d9fe8a7 (patch)
tree878b8c49b2e7aec8a128d92daba49a2df784b96d /Lower.hs
parentd37b2cfec1cfcbc3b6cfcedc88a9c6775312f8eb (diff)
Initial lowering code
Diffstat (limited to 'Lower.hs')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/Lower.hs b/Lower.hs
index 46aaad5..34b5285 100644
--- a/Lower.hs
+++ b/Lower.hs
@@ -1,76 +1,299 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, MultiWayIf, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Lower(lowerIR) where
import AST (Name)
-import Data.List
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Intermediate
-- Not yet regalloc'd
data AsmProgram' = AsmProgram' [(Label, [AsmInstr'])]
+ deriving (Show)
data AsmInstr'
- = Li Ref Int
- | Mv Ref Ref
- | Arith Arith Ref Ref Ref
- | Not Ref Ref
- | Call Ref Label
- | Jcc CCond Ref Label
- | JccR CCond Ref Ref
- | Load Int Ref Ref
- | Store Int Ref Ref
+ = Li ARef Int
+ | Mv ARef ARef
+ | Arith Arith ARef ARef ARef
+ | Not ARef ARef
+ | Call Label
+ | Jcc CCond ARef Label
+ | JccR CCond ARef ARef
+ -- Load/Store: 'Int' is number of BYTES.
+ | Load Int ARef ARef
+ | Store Int ARef ARef
+ -- Allocate n r: Allocate n bytes of memory, pointer in r
+ | Alloc Int ARef
+ -- Memcpy d s n: Copy n bytes from s to d
+ | Memcpy ARef ARef ARef
+ | SysExit
+ deriving (Show)
+data ARef
+ = ASysReg Int -- System register
+ | AReg Int -- Virtual register
+ | ALabel Name -- Function pointer for the label
+ | ASClo Name -- Static closure object of function
+ | ANone
+ deriving (Show)
newtype Label = Label String
+ deriving (Show)
data Arith = Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Lt | Lte | And | Or | Xor | Sll | Slr | Sar
+ deriving (Show)
data CCond = CCZ | CCNZ
+ deriving (Show)
type GFDMap = Map.Map Name GlobFuncDef
type BId = Int
+data LowerState = LowerState
+ { lsNextId :: Int }
+ deriving (Show)
+newtype LM a = LM {unLM :: State LowerState a}
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState LowerState)
+initState :: IRProgram -> LowerState
+initState (IRProgram bbs _ _) = LowerState (maxTemp + 1)
+ where
+ maxTemp = maximum (map maxTempB bbs)
+ maxTempB (BB _ inss term) = max (maximum (map maxTempI inss)) (maxTempT term)
+ maxTempI (r, ins) = max (maxTempR r) (maxTempI' ins)
+ maxTempI' ins = case ins of
+ IAssign r -> maxTempR r
+ IParam _ -> 0
+ IClosure _ -> 0
+ IData _ -> 0
+ ICallC r rs -> max (maxTempR r) (maximum (map maxTempR rs))
+ IAllocClo _ rs -> maximum (map maxTempR rs)
+ IDiscard r -> maxTempR r
+ maxTempT term = case term of
+ IBr r _ _ -> maxTempR r
+ IJmp _ -> 0
+ IRet r -> maxTempR r
+ IExit -> 0
+ IUnknown -> 0
+ maxTempR r = case r of
+ RConst _ -> 0
+ RTemp n -> n
+ RSClo _ -> 0
+ RNone -> 0
+runLM :: IRProgram -> LM a -> a
+runLM initIR act = evalState (unLM act) (initState initIR)
+genId :: LM Int
+genId = state $ \s -> (lsNextId s, s {lsNextId = lsNextId s + 1})
+genTemp :: LM ARef
+genTemp = liftM AReg genId
-- Calling convention:
-- Upon function entry, the stack should look as follows:
+-- - Closure item N-1
+-- ...
-- - Closure item 1
--- - Closure item 2
+-- - Closure item 0
+-- - Argument M-1
-- ...
--- - Closure item N
-- - Argument 1
--- - Arugment 2
--- ...
--- - Argument M
+-- - Argument 0
-- - Link register [pushed by callee]
+-- Thus, the stack pointer is at the link entry.
+-- A closure object is laid out as follows:
+-- - Function pointer
+-- - Number of closure items (N)
+-- - Closure item 0
+-- - Closure item 1
+-- ...
+-- - Closure item N-1
lowerIR :: IRProgram -> AsmProgram'
-lowerIR (IRProgram bbs gfds datatbl) =
- let argcmap = floodArgCount gfds bbs
- in AsmProgram' [(Label ("BB" ++ show bid), lowerBB bb gfds argcmap)
- | bb@(BB bid _ _) <- bbs]
+lowerIR origProgram =
+ -- TODO: For each function, push and pop the link register
+ let res1 = closuresAreParams origProgram
+ IRProgram bbs gfds _ = res1
+ blocks = sequence [(lab,) <$> lowerBB bb gfds
+ | bb@(BB bid _ _) <- bbs
+ , let lab = Label ("BB" ++ show bid)]
+ in AsmProgram' (runLM origProgram blocks)
+lowerBB :: BB -> GFDMap -> LM [AsmInstr']
+lowerBB (BB _bid inss term) gfds = do
+ res1 <- concat <$> mapM (\ins -> lowerIns ins gfds) inss
+ res2 <- lowerTerm term
+ return (res1 ++ res2)
+lowerIns :: Instruction -> GFDMap -> LM [AsmInstr']
+lowerIns (dest, instruction) gfds = case instruction of
+ IAssign src -> do
+ (inss, srcr) <- toARef src
+ return $ inss ++ [Mv (toARefStore dest) srcr]
+ IParam idx -> do
+ offsetr <- genTemp
+ return [Li offsetr (8 * (idx + 1))
+ ,Arith Add offsetr offsetr (ASysReg 15)
+ ,Load 8 (toARefStore dest) offsetr]
+ IClosure _ -> error "Unexpected IClosure, why didn't closuresAreParams run?"
+ IData _ -> error "Unsupported IData in Lower"
+ ICallC closure args | Just act <- lowerBuiltin closure args -> act
+ | otherwise -> do
+ (inss1, closurer) <- toARef closure
+ (inss2, argrs) <- toARefs args
+ eightr <- genTemp
+ numitemsr <- genTemp
+ numbytesr <- genTemp
+ stackshiftr <- genTemp
+ walkr <- genTemp
+ funptrr <- genTemp
+ return $
+ inss1 ++ inss2 ++
+ [Li eightr 8
+ -- Copy the closure parameters
+ ,Arith Add walkr closurer eightr
+ ,Load 8 numitemsr walkr
+ ,Arith Add walkr walkr eightr
+ ,Arith Mul numbytesr numitemsr eightr
+ ,Arith Sub (ASysReg 15) (ASysReg 15) numbytesr
+ ,Memcpy (ASysReg 15) walkr numbytesr] ++
+ -- Copy the function parameters
+ concat [[Arith Sub (ASysReg 15) (ASysReg 15) eightr
+ ,Store 8 (ASysReg 15) ref]
+ | ref <- reverse argrs] ++
+ [Load 8 funptrr closurer
+ -- Do the call; don't separate these two instructions!
+ ,Arith Add (ASysReg 14) (ASysReg 0) eightr
+ ,JccR CCNZ (ASysReg 0) funptrr
+ -- Clean up the stack
+ ,Li stackshiftr (8 * length argrs)
+ ,Arith Add stackshiftr stackshiftr numbytesr
+ ,Arith Add (ASysReg 15) (ASysReg 15) stackshiftr
+ ,Mv (toARefStore dest) (ASysReg 13)]
+ IAllocClo name refs ->
+ let GlobFuncDef _startBId _nargs closureSlots = gfds Map.! name
+ in if | length refs /= length closureSlots ->
+ error $ "INTERNAL: Call to function '" ++ name ++ "' with " ++
+ show (length refs) ++ " closure params, while it expects " ++
+ show (length closureSlots)
+ | otherwise -> do
+ let destr = toARefStore dest
+ GlobFuncDef initBId _ _ = gfds Map.! name
+ itemr <- genTemp
+ numitemsr <- genTemp
+ eightr <- genTemp
+ (inss, refs') <- toARefs refs
+ return $
+ inss ++
+ [Alloc (16 + 8 * length refs) destr
+ ,Store 8 destr (ALabel ("BB" ++ show initBId))
+ ,Li eightr 8
+ ,Arith Add itemr destr eightr
+ ,Li numitemsr (length refs')
+ ,Store 8 itemr numitemsr] ++
+ concat [[Arith Add itemr itemr eightr, Store 8 itemr ref]
+ | ref <- refs']
+ IDiscard _ -> return []
+lowerTerm :: Terminator -> LM [AsmInstr']
+lowerTerm terminator = case terminator of
+ IBr cond tg1 tg2 -> do
+ (inss, condr) <- toARef cond
+ return $
+ inss ++
+ [Jcc CCNZ condr (Label ("BB" ++ show tg1))
+ ,Jcc CCNZ (ASysReg 0) (Label ("BB" ++ show tg2))]
+ IJmp bid ->
+ return [Jcc CCNZ (ASysReg 0) (Label ("BB" ++ show bid))]
+ IRet val -> do
+ (inss, valr) <- toARef val
+ ptrr <- genTemp
+ eightr <- genTemp
+ return $
+ inss ++
+ [Mv (ASysReg 13) valr
+ ,Load 8 ptrr (ASysReg 15)
+ ,Li eightr 8
+ ,Arith Add (ASysReg 15) (ASysReg 15) eightr
+ ,JccR CCNZ (ASysReg 0) ptrr]
+ IExit ->
+ return [SysExit]
+ IUnknown ->
+ error "Unexpected IUnknown"
+-- Currently useless because Compiler puts the RSClo in a temporary before
+-- calling it.
+lowerBuiltin :: Ref -> [Ref] -> Maybe (LM [AsmInstr'])
+lowerBuiltin (RSClo "+") [arg1, arg2] = Just $ do
+ (inss1, r1) <- toARef arg1
+ (inss2, r2) <- toARef arg2
+ return $ inss1 ++ inss2 ++ [Arith Add (ASysReg 13) r1 r2]
+lowerBuiltin _ _ = Nothing
+toARef :: Ref -> LM ([AsmInstr'], ARef)
+toARef (RConst val) = genTemp >>= \r -> return ([Li r val], r)
+toARef ref = return ([], toARefStore ref)
+toARefs :: [Ref] -> LM ([AsmInstr'], [ARef])
+toARefs refs =
+ foldr (\(i, r) (inss, rs) -> (i ++ inss, r : rs)) ([], [])
+ <$> mapM toARef refs
+toARefStore :: Ref -> ARef
+toARefStore (RConst _) = error "Cannot store to a constant immediate value"
+toARefStore (RTemp r) = AReg r
+toARefStore (RSClo name) = ASClo name
+toARefStore RNone = ANone
+closuresAreParams :: IRProgram -> IRProgram
+closuresAreParams (IRProgram bbs gfds datatbl) =
+ IRProgram (map convertBB bbs) gfds datatbl
+ where
+ argccount = floodArgCountAll gfds bbs
+ convertBB (BB bid inss term) = BB bid (map (convert bid) inss) term
-lowerBB :: BB -> GFDMap -> Map.Map BId Int -> [AsmInstr']
-lowerBB (BB bid inss term) gfds argcmap = concatMap (\ins -> lowerIns ins gfds argcmap) inss
+ convert bid (dest, IClosure n) = (dest, IParam (n + argccount Map.! bid))
+ convert _ i = i
-lowerIns :: Instruction -> GFDMap -> Map.Map BId Int -> [AsmInstr']
-lowerIns (dest, instruction) gfds argcmap = case instruction of
- IAssign src -> [Mv dest src]
- IParam idx -> undefined
+floodArgCountAll :: GFDMap -> [BB] -> Map.Map BId Int
+floodArgCountAll gfds bbs = Map.unions [floodArgCount gfd bbs | gfd <- Map.elems gfds]
-floodArgCount :: GFDMap -> [BB] -> Map.Map BId Int
-floodArgCount gfds bbs = go Map.empty [(bid, n) | GlobFuncDef bid n _ <- Map.elems gfds]
+floodArgCount :: GlobFuncDef -> [BB] -> Map.Map BId Int
+floodArgCount (GlobFuncDef initBId nargs _) bbs =
+ Map.fromList [(bid, nargs) | bid <- Set.toList (reachable initBId)]
- bbMap :: Map.Map Int BB
+ bbMap :: Map.Map BId BB
bbMap = Map.fromList [(bid, bb) | bb@(BB bid _ _) <- bbs]
- go :: Map.Map BId Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> Map.Map BId Int
- go result frontier =
- let result' = foldl' (\mp (bid, n) -> Map.insert bid n mp) result frontier
- frontier' = concat [map (,n) (nexts bid \\ Map.keys result')
- | (bid, n) <- frontier]
- in go result' frontier'
+ reachable :: BId -> Set.Set BId
+ reachable bid = go Set.empty [bid]
+ where
+ go :: Set.Set BId -> [BId] -> Set.Set BId
+ go accum [] = accum
+ go accum front =
+ let front' = Set.fromList (concatMap nexts front) Set.\\ accum
+ in go (Set.union accum (Set.fromList front)) (Set.toList front')
nexts :: BId -> [BId]
nexts bid = case let BB _ _ term = bbMap Map.! bid in term of