path: root/Lower.hs
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authorTom Smeding <>2019-04-18 23:24:56 +0200
committerTom Smeding <>2019-04-18 23:24:56 +0200
commitd37b2cfec1cfcbc3b6cfcedc88a9c6775312f8eb (patch)
tree5426e28f530b69fbf5f618ac759c2bde9cf87bd3 /Lower.hs
parent7b2f8b602e65ed2462b7d2c5a432d102f0ba6705 (diff)
Lower to isa WIP
Diffstat (limited to 'Lower.hs')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lower.hs b/Lower.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46aaad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lower.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+module Lower(lowerIR) where
+import AST (Name)
+import Data.List
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Intermediate
+-- Not yet regalloc'd
+data AsmProgram' = AsmProgram' [(Label, [AsmInstr'])]
+data AsmInstr'
+ = Li Ref Int
+ | Mv Ref Ref
+ | Arith Arith Ref Ref Ref
+ | Not Ref Ref
+ | Call Ref Label
+ | Jcc CCond Ref Label
+ | JccR CCond Ref Ref
+ | Load Int Ref Ref
+ | Store Int Ref Ref
+newtype Label = Label String
+data Arith = Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Lt | Lte | And | Or | Xor | Sll | Slr | Sar
+data CCond = CCZ | CCNZ
+type GFDMap = Map.Map Name GlobFuncDef
+type BId = Int
+-- Calling convention:
+-- Upon function entry, the stack should look as follows:
+-- - Closure item 1
+-- - Closure item 2
+-- ...
+-- - Closure item N
+-- - Argument 1
+-- - Arugment 2
+-- ...
+-- - Argument M
+-- - Link register [pushed by callee]
+lowerIR :: IRProgram -> AsmProgram'
+lowerIR (IRProgram bbs gfds datatbl) =
+ let argcmap = floodArgCount gfds bbs
+ in AsmProgram' [(Label ("BB" ++ show bid), lowerBB bb gfds argcmap)
+ | bb@(BB bid _ _) <- bbs]
+lowerBB :: BB -> GFDMap -> Map.Map BId Int -> [AsmInstr']
+lowerBB (BB bid inss term) gfds argcmap = concatMap (\ins -> lowerIns ins gfds argcmap) inss
+lowerIns :: Instruction -> GFDMap -> Map.Map BId Int -> [AsmInstr']
+lowerIns (dest, instruction) gfds argcmap = case instruction of
+ IAssign src -> [Mv dest src]
+ IParam idx -> undefined
+floodArgCount :: GFDMap -> [BB] -> Map.Map BId Int
+floodArgCount gfds bbs = go Map.empty [(bid, n) | GlobFuncDef bid n _ <- Map.elems gfds]
+ where
+ bbMap :: Map.Map Int BB
+ bbMap = Map.fromList [(bid, bb) | bb@(BB bid _ _) <- bbs]
+ go :: Map.Map BId Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> Map.Map BId Int
+ go result frontier =
+ let result' = foldl' (\mp (bid, n) -> Map.insert bid n mp) result frontier
+ frontier' = concat [map (,n) (nexts bid \\ Map.keys result')
+ | (bid, n) <- frontier]
+ in go result' frontier'
+ nexts :: BId -> [BId]
+ nexts bid = case let BB _ _ term = bbMap Map.! bid in term of
+ IBr _ a b -> [a, b]
+ IJmp a -> [a]
+ IRet _ -> []
+ IExit -> []
+ IUnknown -> []