diff options
5 files changed, 133 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/DataFlow.hs b/DataFlow.hs
index 78ec018..98cf65d 100644
--- a/DataFlow.hs
+++ b/DataFlow.hs
@@ -1,30 +1,53 @@
-module DataFlow(dataFlowAnalysis, Direction(..)) where
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TupleSections #-}
+module DataFlow(dataFlowAnalysis, Direction(..), module Lattice) where
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Lattice
data Direction = Forwards | Backwards
deriving (Show, Eq)
- :: Ord id
+ :: forall id state. (Ord id, Lattice state)
-- | The direction of the dataflow analysis
- => Direction
+ => Direction
-- | The control flow graph of basic blocks
- -> Map.Map id [id]
- -- | The initial values
- -> (id -> state)
+ -> Map.Map id [id]
+ -- | The initial nodes in the analysis (i.e. either the initial
+ -- node or the final nodes)
+ -> [id]
+ -- | The initial value for sources in the analysis
+ -> state
-- | The transfer function; note that the meaning of the states
-- depends on the direction
- -> (state -> id -> state)
- -- | For each block, the incoming state and the outgoing state
+ -> (state -> id -> state)
+ -- | For each block that is reachable from 'entryNodes', the
+ -- incoming state and the outgoing state (in CFG order, not
+ -- analysis order)
-> Map.Map id (state, state)
-dataFlowAnalysis Backwards cfg initF transF =
+dataFlowAnalysis Backwards cfg entryNodes initValue transF = (\(a, b) -> (b, a)) $
- dataFlowAnalysis Forwards (reverseGraph cfg) initF transF
-dataFlowAnalysis Forwards cfg initF transF = undefined
+ dataFlowAnalysis Forwards (reverseGraph cfg) entryNodes initValue transF
+dataFlowAnalysis Forwards cfg entryNodes initValue transF =
+ let initWorklist = [(from, to) | (from, tos) <- Map.assocs cfg, to <- tos]
+ reachable = floodFill entryNodes cfg
+ initStates = Map.fromList
+ [(lab, if lab `elem` entryNodes then initValue else bottom)
+ | lab <- reachable]
+ in Map.mapWithKey (\k s -> (s, transF s k)) $ flowFixpoint initWorklist initStates
+ where
+ flowFixpoint :: [(id, id)] -> Map.Map id state -> Map.Map id state
+ flowFixpoint [] stateMap = stateMap
+ flowFixpoint ((from, to) : worklist) stateMap =
+ let after = transF (stateMap Map.! from) from `join` (stateMap Map.! to)
+ in if after /= stateMap Map.! to
+ then flowFixpoint (map (to,) (cfg Map.! to) ++ worklist)
+ (Map.insert to after stateMap)
+ else flowFixpoint worklist stateMap
reverseGraph :: Ord a => Map.Map a [a] -> Map.Map a [a]
@@ -36,3 +59,12 @@ reverseGraph graph =
$ [(to, from)
| (from, tos) <- Map.assocs graph
, to <- tos]
+floodFill :: Ord a => [a] -> Map.Map a [a] -> [a]
+floodFill startNodes graph = Set.toList $ go $ Set.fromList startNodes
+ where
+ go seen =
+ let front = Set.fromList (concatMap (graph Map.!) seen) Set.\\ seen
+ in if Set.size front > 0
+ then go (Set.union seen front)
+ else seen
diff --git a/Lattice.hs b/Lattice.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..574c123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lattice.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module Lattice where
+class Eq a => Lattice a where
+ join :: a -> a -> a
+ bottom :: a
+ joinList :: [a] -> a
+ joinList = foldl join bottom
diff --git a/LivenessAnalysis.hs b/LivenessAnalysis.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbb3a19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LivenessAnalysis.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+module LivenessAnalysis(livenessAnalysis) where
+import Data.List
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import DataFlow
+livenessAnalysis :: (Ord id, Ord var)
+ -- | The basic blocks, containing a list of statements and
+ -- a list of possible subsequent blocks
+ => Map.Map id ([stmt], [id])
+ -- | The blocks that can exit the program
+ -> [id]
+ -- | The gen set for a statement: the variables required
+ -- to be live right before the statement
+ -> (stmt -> [var])
+ -- | The kill set for a statement: the variables that are
+ -- assigned a new value in the statement; note that
+ -- a variable may be in both the gen and kill sets, in
+ -- which case the kill entry is ignored
+ -> (stmt -> [var])
+ -- | The list of live variables before and after each
+ -- statement; if a block contains n statements, then its
+ -- entry in the returned map contains (n+1) lists of
+ -- variables. These lists are to be placed in between the
+ -- n statements.
+ -> Map.Map id [[var]]
+livenessAnalysis cfg exitNodes genF killF =
+ let cfg' = snd cfg
+ stmtTransF lives stmt = (lives \\ nub (killF stmt)) `union` nub (genF stmt)
+ gkMap = Map.fromList
+ [(i, (g, k))
+ | (i, (stmts, _)) <- Map.assocs cfg
+ , let (g, k) = foldl' (\(g1, k1) stmt ->
+ let (g2, k2) = (genF stmt, killF stmt)
+ in (k1 `union` k2, (g1 \\ k1) `union` g2))
+ ([], [])
+ (reverse stmts)]
+ genF' = fst . (gkMap Map.!)
+ killF' = snd . (gkMap Map.!)
+ blockEnds = liveness cfg' exitNodes genF' killF'
+ in Map.mapWithKey (\i endLives ->
+ scanl stmtTransF
+ endLives
+ (fst $ cfg Map.! i))
+ blockEnds
+data LivenessLattice var = Lives { getLives :: [var] }
+instance Ord var => Eq (LivenessLattice var) where
+ Lives v1 == Lives v2 = sort v1 == sort v2
+instance Ord var => Lattice (LivenessLattice var) where
+ bottom = Lives []
+ Lives v1 `join` Lives v2 = Lives (union v1 v2)
+liveness :: (Ord id, Ord var)
+ -- | The control flow graph of basic blocks
+ => Map.Map id [id]
+ -- | The blocks that can exit the program
+ -> [id]
+ -- | The gen set for a basic block
+ -> (id -> [var])
+ -- | The kill set for a basic block
+ -> (id -> [var])
+ -- | The list of live variables at the end of the blocks
+ -> Map.Map id [var]
+liveness cfg exitNodes genF killF =
+ -- Nothing is considered to be live at the end of the program, so
+ -- exitValue is bottom
+ let exitValue = bottom
+ genMap = Map.mapWithKey (\k _ -> nub (genF k)) cfg
+ killMap = Map.mapWithKey (\k _ -> nub (killF k)) cfg
+ transF (Lives vars) i =
+ Lives $ (vars \\ (killMap Map.! i)) `union` (genMap Map.! i)
+ in (getLives . snd) $
+ dataFlowAnalysis Backwards cfg exitNodes exitValue transF
diff --git a/Lower.hs b/Lower.hs
index 8fbe0da..44369b3 100644
--- a/Lower.hs
+++ b/Lower.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, MultiWayIf, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-module Lower(lowerIR) where
+module Lower(lowerIR,
+ AsmProgram'(..), AsmInstr'(..), ARef(..), Immediate(..), Label(..), CCond(..)) where
import AST (Name)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
@@ -152,7 +153,6 @@ genTemp = liftM AReg genId
-- - R15 = stack pointer
-- - R14 = link register
-- - R13 = return register
--- - R12 = administration-temporary (TODO can this be eliminated)
-- - Further registers: available for allocation
-- R13 and R14 can also be used as administration-temporary if they are not
-- otherwise occupied.
diff --git a/lisphs.cabal b/lisphs.cabal
index 66dc3c8..75738c2 100644
--- a/lisphs.cabal
+++ b/lisphs.cabal
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ executable lisp
+ Lattice
+ LivenessAnalysis