path: root/vm.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vm.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/vm.hs b/vm.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index b3b19e4..0000000
--- a/vm.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-module VM(vmRun) where
-import Control.Monad
-import Data.List
-import Data.Maybe
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
-import System.IO
-import qualified System.IO.Error as IO
-import Debug.Trace
-import AST
-import Intermediate
-data Info =
- Info (Map.Map Int BB) -- basic blocks
- (Map.Map Name GlobFuncDef) -- global functions
- [Value] -- data table
-type TempMap = Map.Map Int RunValue
-data State = State TempMap ([RunValue] {- current arguments -}, [RunValue] {- current closure -})
--- TODO: are more constructors from Value needed?
-data RunValue
- = RVClosure Name [RunValue]
- | RVList [RunValue]
- | RVNum Int
- | RVString String
- | RVQuoted RunValue
- | RVName Name
- deriving Show
-kErrorExit :: String
-kErrorExit = "VM:exit"
-vmRun :: IRProgram -> IO ()
-vmRun (IRProgram bbs gfds datas) =
- let bbmap = Map.fromList [(bidOf bb, bb) | bb <- bbs]
- info = Info bbmap gfds datas
- state = State Map.empty ([], [])
- in IO.catchIOError (void $ vmRunBB info state (head bbs)) vmErrorHandler
-vmErrorHandler :: IOError -> IO ()
-vmErrorHandler e =
- if IO.isUserError e && IO.ioeGetErrorString e == kErrorExit then return () else IO.ioError e
-vmRunBB :: Info -> State -> BB -> IO (RunValue, State)
-vmRunBB info state (BB _ inss term) = do
- state' <- foldM (vmRunInstr info) state inss
- vmRunTerm info state' term
-vmRunInstr :: Info -> State -> Instruction -> IO State
--- vmRunInstr _ _ ins | traceShow ins False = undefined
-vmRunInstr info@(Info bbmap gfds datas) state@(State tmap (args, closure)) (dest, instr) = case instr of
- IAssign ref -> return (assignRef state dest (findRef tmap ref))
- IParam i ->
- if i < length args then return (assignRef state dest (args !! i))
- else error $ show closure ++ ", " ++ show i ++ ", param-out-of-range"
- IClosure i ->
- if i < length closure then return (assignRef state dest (closure !! i))
- else error $ show closure ++ ", " ++ show i ++ ", closure-out-of-range"
- IData i ->
- if i < length datas then return (assignRef state dest (toRunValue (datas !! i)))
- else error "data-out-of-range"
- ICallC cl as ->
- -- trace ("callc " ++ show (findRef tmap cl) ++ " " ++ show (map (findRef tmap) as)) $
- case findRef tmap cl of
- RVClosure clname clvals -> case Map.lookup clname gfds of
- Just (GlobFuncDef b _ _) ->
- let Just bb = Map.lookup b bbmap
- in do
- -- traceM ("call " ++ show cl ++ " with arguments " ++ show (map (findRef tmap) as))
- (rv, _) <- vmRunBB info (State tmap (map (findRef tmap) as, clvals)) bb
- return (assignRef state dest rv)
- Nothing -> liftM (assignRef state dest) (vmRunBuiltin clname (map (findRef tmap) as))
- obj -> error $ "VM: Cannot call non-closure object: " ++ show obj
- IAllocClo name clrefs -> return (assignRef state dest (RVClosure name (map (findRef tmap) clrefs)))
- IDiscard _ -> return state
-vmRunTerm :: Info -> State -> Terminator -> IO (RunValue, State)
-vmRunTerm info@(Info bbmap _ _) state@(State tmap _) term = case term of
- IBr ref b1 b2 -> vmRunBB info state . (bbmap !) $ if truthy (findRef tmap ref) then b1 else b2
- IJmp b -> vmRunBB info state (bbmap ! b)
- IRet ref -> return (findRef tmap ref, state)
- IExit -> IO.ioError (IO.userError kErrorExit)
- IUnknown -> undefined
-findRef :: TempMap -> Ref -> RunValue
-findRef _ (RConst n) = RVNum n
-findRef tmap (RTemp i) = fromJust (Map.lookup i tmap)
-findRef _ (RSClo name) = RVClosure name []
-findRef _ RNone = error "VM: None ref used"
-assignRef :: State -> Ref -> RunValue -> State
-assignRef (State tmap pair) (RTemp i) rv = State (Map.insert i rv tmap) pair
-assignRef _ ref _ = error $ "VM: Unexpected ref " ++ show ref ++ " assigned"
-vmRunBuiltin :: Name -> [RunValue] -> IO RunValue
--- vmRunBuiltin name args | trace (name ++ " " ++ show args) False = undefined
-vmRunBuiltin "print" as = putStrLn (intercalate ", " (map printshow as)) >> return (RVList [])
-vmRunBuiltin "<=" [RVNum a, RVNum b] = return (RVNum (fromEnum (a <= b)))
-vmRunBuiltin "+" [RVNum a, RVNum b] = return (RVNum (a + b))
-vmRunBuiltin "-" [RVNum a, RVNum b] = return (RVNum (a - b))
-vmRunBuiltin "car" [RVList l] = case l of
- a : _ -> return a
- _ -> throw "Empty list in 'car'"
-vmRunBuiltin "cdr" [RVList l] = case l of
- _ : a -> return (RVList a)
- _ -> throw "Empty list in 'cdr'"
-vmRunBuiltin "list" values = return (RVList values)
-vmRunBuiltin name args = error (name ++ " " ++ show args)
-printshow :: RunValue -> String
-printshow (RVString str) = str
-printshow (RVList values) = show values
-printshow (RVNum i) = show i
-printshow (RVQuoted value) = '\'' : show value
-printshow (RVClosure _ _) = "[closure]"
-printshow (RVName name) = name
-truthy :: RunValue -> Bool
-truthy (RVNum n) = n /= 0
-truthy _ = True
-toRunValue :: Value -> RunValue
-toRunValue (VList values) = RVList (map toRunValue values)
-toRunValue (VNum i) = RVNum i
-toRunValue (VString s) = RVString s
-toRunValue (VQuoted value) = RVQuoted (toRunValue value)
-toRunValue (VName name) = RVName name
-toRunValue _ = undefined
-throw :: String -> IO a
-throw s = hPutStrLn stderr s >> IO.ioError (IO.userError kErrorExit)