path: root/simplify.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'simplify.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/simplify.hs b/simplify.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ae29f1..0000000
--- a/simplify.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-module Simplify (simplify) where
-import Data.List
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-import AST
-import Utility
-import Debug
-import PrettyPrint
-tracex :: (Show a) => String -> a -> a
-tracex s x = trace (s ++ ": " ++ show x) x
-tracexp :: (PrettyPrint a) => String -> a -> a
-tracexp s x = trace (s ++ ": " ++ prettyPrint x) x
-simplify :: [(AST,AST)] -> AST -> AST
-simplify db = tracex "last canonicaliseOrder" . canonicaliseOrder
- . (fixpoint $ tracex "applyPatterns " . applyPatterns db
- . tracex "canonicaliseOrder" . canonicaliseOrder
- . tracex "flattenSums " . flattenSums
- . tracex "foldNumbers " . foldNumbers)
- . tracex "first flattenSums" . flattenSums
-flattenSums :: AST -> AST
-flattenSums node = case node of
- (Negative n) -> Negative $ flattenSums n
- (Reciprocal n) -> Reciprocal $ flattenSums n
- (Apply name args) -> Apply name $ map flattenSums args
- (Sum args) -> case length args of
- 0 -> Number 0
- 1 -> flattenSums $ args !! 0
- otherwise -> Sum $ concat $ map (listify . flattenSums) args
- where
- listify (Sum args) = args
- listify node = [node]
- (Product args) -> case length args of
- 0 -> Number 1
- 1 -> flattenSums $ args !! 0
- otherwise -> Product $ concat $ map (listify . flattenSums) args
- where
- listify (Product args) = args
- listify node = [node]
- _ -> node
-foldNumbers :: AST -> AST
-foldNumbers node = case node of
- (Negative n) -> let fn = foldNumbers n in case fn of
- (Number x) -> Number (-x)
- (Negative n2) -> n2
- (Product args) -> Product $ Number (-1) : args
- _ -> Negative $ fn
- (Reciprocal n) -> let fn = foldNumbers n in case fn of
- (Number x) -> Number (1/x)
- (Negative n) -> Negative $ Reciprocal fn
- (Reciprocal n2) -> n2
- _ -> Reciprocal $ fn
- (Apply name args) -> let fargs = map foldNumbers args
- in case name of
- "pow" -> if all astIsNumber fargs
- then Number $ astFromNumber (fargs!!0) ** astFromNumber (fargs!!1)
- else Apply "pow" fargs
- _ -> Apply name fargs
- (Sum args) -> Sum $ dofoldnums sum args 0
- (Product args) -> dofoldnegsToProd $ dofoldnums product args 1
- _ -> node
- where
- dofoldnums func args zerovalue =
- let foldedArgs = map foldNumbers args
- (nums,notnums) = partition astIsNumber foldedArgs
- foldvalue = func $ map (\(Number n) -> n) nums
- in case length nums of
- x | x >= 1 -> if foldvalue == zerovalue then notnums else Number foldvalue : notnums
- otherwise -> foldedArgs
- dofoldnegsToProd args =
- let foldedArgs = map foldNumbers args
- (negs,notnegs) = partition isneg foldedArgs
- isneg (Negative _) = True
- isneg (Number n) = n < 0
- isneg _ = False
- unneg (Negative n) = n
- unneg (Number n) = Number $ abs n
- unneg n = n
- unnegged = map unneg negs ++ notnegs
- in case length negs of
- x | x < 2 -> Product args
- | even x -> Product unnegged
- | odd x -> Product $ Number (-1) : unnegged
-canonicaliseOrder :: AST -> AST
-canonicaliseOrder node = case node of
- (Number _) -> node
- (Variable _) -> node
- (Sum args) -> Sum $ sort args
- (Product args) -> Product $ sort args
- (Negative n) -> Negative $ canonicaliseOrder n
- (Reciprocal n) -> Reciprocal $ canonicaliseOrder n
- (Apply name args) -> Apply name $ map canonicaliseOrder args
- (Capture _) -> node
- (CaptureTerm _) -> node
- (CaptureConstr _ _) -> node
-astChildMap :: AST -> (AST -> AST) -> AST
-astChildMap node f = case node of
- (Number _) -> node
- (Variable _) -> node
- (Sum args) -> Sum $ map f args
- (Product args) -> Product $ map f args
- (Negative n) -> Negative $ f n
- (Reciprocal n) -> Reciprocal $ f n
- (Apply name args) -> Apply name $ map f args
- (Capture _) -> node
- (CaptureTerm _) -> node
- (CaptureConstr _ _) -> node
-applyPatterns :: [(AST,AST)] -> AST -> AST
-applyPatterns db node = let matches = filter (not . null . fst) $ map (\(pat,repl) -> (astMatch pat node,repl)) db
- in if null matches
- then astChildMap node (applyPatterns db)
- else let ((capdict:_),repl) = head matches -- TODO: don't take the first option of the first match, but use them all
- in {-applyPatterns $-} replaceCaptures capdict repl