path: root/src/Array.hs
diff options
authorTom Smeding <t.j.smeding@uu.nl>2024-04-03 12:37:35 +0200
committerTom Smeding <t.j.smeding@uu.nl>2024-04-03 12:37:35 +0200
commit92902c4f66db111b439f3b7eba9de50ad7c73f7b (patch)
tree27f12853825b7dd13d4bc8040dd2be6781deb635 /src/Array.hs
parent264c8e601f49cebed9280f0da2e73f380bb5be52 (diff)
Reorganise, documentation
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Array.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 312 deletions
diff --git a/src/Array.hs b/src/Array.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index cbf04fc..0000000
--- a/src/Array.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise #-}
-module Array where
-import qualified Data.Array.RankedU as U
-import Data.Kind
-import Data.Proxy
-import Data.Type.Equality
-import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
-import qualified GHC.TypeLits as GHC
-import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
-import Nats
-type family l1 ++ l2 where
- '[] ++ l2 = l2
- (x : xs) ++ l2 = x : xs ++ l2
-lemAppNil :: l ++ '[] :~: l
-lemAppNil = unsafeCoerce Refl
-lemAppAssoc :: Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Proxy c -> (a ++ b) ++ c :~: a ++ (b ++ c)
-lemAppAssoc _ _ _ = unsafeCoerce Refl
-type IxX :: [Maybe Nat] -> Type
-data IxX sh where
- IZX :: IxX '[]
- (::@) :: Int -> IxX sh -> IxX (Just n : sh)
- (::?) :: Int -> IxX sh -> IxX (Nothing : sh)
-deriving instance Show (IxX sh)
-type StaticShapeX :: [Maybe Nat] -> Type
-data StaticShapeX sh where
- SZX :: StaticShapeX '[]
- (:$@) :: SNat n -> StaticShapeX sh -> StaticShapeX (Just n : sh)
- (:$?) :: () -> StaticShapeX sh -> StaticShapeX (Nothing : sh)
-deriving instance Show (StaticShapeX sh)
-type KnownShapeX :: [Maybe Nat] -> Constraint
-class KnownShapeX sh where
- knownShapeX :: StaticShapeX sh
-instance KnownShapeX '[] where
- knownShapeX = SZX
-instance (KnownNat n, KnownShapeX sh) => KnownShapeX (Just n : sh) where
- knownShapeX = knownNat :$@ knownShapeX
-instance KnownShapeX sh => KnownShapeX (Nothing : sh) where
- knownShapeX = () :$? knownShapeX
-type family Rank sh where
- Rank '[] = Z
- Rank (_ : sh) = S (Rank sh)
-type XArray :: [Maybe Nat] -> Type -> Type
-data XArray sh a = XArray (U.Array (GNat (Rank sh)) a)
-zeroIdx :: StaticShapeX sh -> IxX sh
-zeroIdx SZX = IZX
-zeroIdx (_ :$@ ssh) = 0 ::@ zeroIdx ssh
-zeroIdx (_ :$? ssh) = 0 ::? zeroIdx ssh
-zeroIdx' :: IxX sh -> IxX sh
-zeroIdx' IZX = IZX
-zeroIdx' (_ ::@ sh) = 0 ::@ zeroIdx' sh
-zeroIdx' (_ ::? sh) = 0 ::? zeroIdx' sh
-ixAppend :: IxX sh -> IxX sh' -> IxX (sh ++ sh')
-ixAppend IZX idx' = idx'
-ixAppend (i ::@ idx) idx' = i ::@ ixAppend idx idx'
-ixAppend (i ::? idx) idx' = i ::? ixAppend idx idx'
-ixDrop :: IxX (sh ++ sh') -> IxX sh -> IxX sh'
-ixDrop sh IZX = sh
-ixDrop (_ ::@ sh) (_ ::@ idx) = ixDrop sh idx
-ixDrop (_ ::? sh) (_ ::? idx) = ixDrop sh idx
-ssxAppend :: StaticShapeX sh -> StaticShapeX sh' -> StaticShapeX (sh ++ sh')
-ssxAppend SZX idx' = idx'
-ssxAppend (n :$@ idx) idx' = n :$@ ssxAppend idx idx'
-ssxAppend (() :$? idx) idx' = () :$? ssxAppend idx idx'
-shapeSize :: IxX sh -> Int
-shapeSize IZX = 1
-shapeSize (n ::@ sh) = n * shapeSize sh
-shapeSize (n ::? sh) = n * shapeSize sh
-fromLinearIdx :: IxX sh -> Int -> IxX sh
-fromLinearIdx = \sh i -> case go sh i of
- (idx, 0) -> idx
- _ -> error $ "fromLinearIdx: out of range (" ++ show i ++
- " in array of shape " ++ show sh ++ ")"
- where
- -- returns (index in subarray, remaining index in enclosing array)
- go :: IxX sh -> Int -> (IxX sh, Int)
- go IZX i = (IZX, i)
- go (n ::@ sh) i =
- let (idx, i') = go sh i
- (upi, locali) = i' `quotRem` n
- in (locali ::@ idx, upi)
- go (n ::? sh) i =
- let (idx, i') = go sh i
- (upi, locali) = i' `quotRem` n
- in (locali ::? idx, upi)
-toLinearIdx :: IxX sh -> IxX sh -> Int
-toLinearIdx = \sh i -> fst (go sh i)
- where
- -- returns (index in subarray, size of subarray)
- go :: IxX sh -> IxX sh -> (Int, Int)
- go IZX IZX = (0, 1)
- go (n ::@ sh) (i ::@ ix) =
- let (lidx, sz) = go sh ix
- in (sz * i + lidx, n * sz)
- go (n ::? sh) (i ::? ix) =
- let (lidx, sz) = go sh ix
- in (sz * i + lidx, n * sz)
-enumShape :: IxX sh -> [IxX sh]
-enumShape = \sh -> go 0 sh id []
- where
- go :: Int -> IxX sh -> (IxX sh -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
- go _ IZX _ = id
- go i (n ::@ sh) f
- | i < n = go (i + 1) (n ::@ sh) f . go 0 sh (f . (i ::@))
- | otherwise = id
- go i (n ::? sh) f
- | i < n = go (i + 1) (n ::? sh) f . go 0 sh (f . (i ::?))
- | otherwise = id
-shapeLshape :: IxX sh -> U.ShapeL
-shapeLshape IZX = []
-shapeLshape (n ::@ sh) = n : shapeLshape sh
-shapeLshape (n ::? sh) = n : shapeLshape sh
-ssxLength :: StaticShapeX sh -> Int
-ssxLength SZX = 0
-ssxLength (_ :$@ ssh) = 1 + ssxLength ssh
-ssxLength (_ :$? ssh) = 1 + ssxLength ssh
-ssxIotaFrom :: Int -> StaticShapeX sh -> [Int]
-ssxIotaFrom _ SZX = []
-ssxIotaFrom i (_ :$@ ssh) = i : ssxIotaFrom (i+1) ssh
-ssxIotaFrom i (_ :$? ssh) = i : ssxIotaFrom (i+1) ssh
-lemRankApp :: StaticShapeX sh1 -> StaticShapeX sh2
- -> GNat (Rank (sh1 ++ sh2)) :~: GNat (Rank sh1) GHC.+ GNat (Rank sh2)
-lemRankApp _ _ = unsafeCoerce Refl -- TODO improve this
-lemRankAppComm :: StaticShapeX sh1 -> StaticShapeX sh2
- -> GNat (Rank (sh1 ++ sh2)) :~: GNat (Rank (sh2 ++ sh1))
-lemRankAppComm _ _ = unsafeCoerce Refl -- TODO improve this
-lemKnownNatRank :: IxX sh -> Dict KnownNat (Rank sh)
-lemKnownNatRank IZX = Dict
-lemKnownNatRank (_ ::@ sh) | Dict <- lemKnownNatRank sh = Dict
-lemKnownNatRank (_ ::? sh) | Dict <- lemKnownNatRank sh = Dict
-lemKnownNatRankSSX :: StaticShapeX sh -> Dict KnownNat (Rank sh)
-lemKnownNatRankSSX SZX = Dict
-lemKnownNatRankSSX (_ :$@ ssh) | Dict <- lemKnownNatRankSSX ssh = Dict
-lemKnownNatRankSSX (_ :$? ssh) | Dict <- lemKnownNatRankSSX ssh = Dict
-lemKnownShapeX :: StaticShapeX sh -> Dict KnownShapeX sh
-lemKnownShapeX SZX = Dict
-lemKnownShapeX (n :$@ ssh) | Dict <- lemKnownShapeX ssh, Dict <- snatKnown n = Dict
-lemKnownShapeX (() :$? ssh) | Dict <- lemKnownShapeX ssh = Dict
-lemAppKnownShapeX :: StaticShapeX sh1 -> StaticShapeX sh2 -> Dict KnownShapeX (sh1 ++ sh2)
-lemAppKnownShapeX SZX ssh' = lemKnownShapeX ssh'
-lemAppKnownShapeX (n :$@ ssh) ssh'
- | Dict <- lemAppKnownShapeX ssh ssh'
- , Dict <- snatKnown n
- = Dict
-lemAppKnownShapeX (() :$? ssh) ssh'
- | Dict <- lemAppKnownShapeX ssh ssh'
- = Dict
-shape :: forall sh a. KnownShapeX sh => XArray sh a -> IxX sh
-shape (XArray arr) = go (knownShapeX @sh) (U.shapeL arr)
- where
- go :: StaticShapeX sh' -> [Int] -> IxX sh'
- go SZX [] = IZX
- go (n :$@ ssh) (_ : l) = fromIntegral (unSNat n) ::@ go ssh l
- go (() :$? ssh) (n : l) = n ::? go ssh l
- go _ _ = error "Invalid shapeL"
-fromVector :: forall sh a. U.Unbox a => IxX sh -> VU.Vector a -> XArray sh a
-fromVector sh v
- | Dict <- lemKnownNatRank sh
- , Dict <- gknownNat (Proxy @(Rank sh))
- = XArray (U.fromVector (shapeLshape sh) v)
-toVector :: U.Unbox a => XArray sh a -> VU.Vector a
-toVector (XArray arr) = U.toVector arr
-scalar :: U.Unbox a => a -> XArray '[] a
-scalar = XArray . U.scalar
-unScalar :: U.Unbox a => XArray '[] a -> a
-unScalar (XArray a) = U.unScalar a
-generate :: U.Unbox a => IxX sh -> (IxX sh -> a) -> XArray sh a
-generate sh f = fromVector sh $ VU.generate (shapeSize sh) (f . fromLinearIdx sh)
--- generateM :: (Monad m, U.Unbox a) => IxX sh -> (IxX sh -> m a) -> m (XArray sh a)
--- generateM sh f | Dict <- lemKnownNatRank sh =
--- XArray . U.fromVector (shapeLshape sh)
--- <$> VU.generateM (shapeSize sh) (f . fromLinearIdx sh)
-indexPartial :: U.Unbox a => XArray (sh ++ sh') a -> IxX sh -> XArray sh' a
-indexPartial (XArray arr) IZX = XArray arr
-indexPartial (XArray arr) (i ::@ idx) = indexPartial (XArray (U.index arr i)) idx
-indexPartial (XArray arr) (i ::? idx) = indexPartial (XArray (U.index arr i)) idx
-index :: forall sh a. U.Unbox a => XArray sh a -> IxX sh -> a
-index xarr i
- | Refl <- lemAppNil @sh
- = let XArray arr' = indexPartial xarr i :: XArray '[] a
- in U.unScalar arr'
-append :: forall sh a. (KnownShapeX sh, U.Unbox a) => XArray sh a -> XArray sh a -> XArray sh a
-append (XArray a) (XArray b)
- | Dict <- lemKnownNatRankSSX (knownShapeX @sh)
- , Dict <- gknownNat (Proxy @(Rank sh))
- = XArray (U.append a b)
-rerank :: forall sh sh1 sh2 a b.
- (U.Unbox a, U.Unbox b)
- => StaticShapeX sh -> StaticShapeX sh1 -> StaticShapeX sh2
- -> (XArray sh1 a -> XArray sh2 b)
- -> XArray (sh ++ sh1) a -> XArray (sh ++ sh2) b
-rerank ssh ssh1 ssh2 f (XArray arr)
- | Dict <- lemKnownNatRankSSX ssh
- , Dict <- gknownNat (Proxy @(Rank sh))
- , Dict <- lemKnownNatRankSSX ssh2
- , Dict <- gknownNat (Proxy @(Rank sh2))
- , Refl <- lemRankApp ssh ssh1
- , Refl <- lemRankApp ssh ssh2
- , Dict <- lemKnownNatRankSSX (ssxAppend ssh ssh2) -- these two should be redundant but the
- , Dict <- gknownNat (Proxy @(Rank (sh ++ sh2))) -- solver is not clever enough
- = XArray (U.rerank @(GNat (Rank sh)) @(GNat (Rank sh1)) @(GNat (Rank sh2))
- (\a -> unXArray (f (XArray a)))
- arr)
- where
- unXArray (XArray a) = a
-rerank2 :: forall sh sh1 sh2 a b c.
- (U.Unbox a, U.Unbox b, U.Unbox c)
- => StaticShapeX sh -> StaticShapeX sh1 -> StaticShapeX sh2
- -> (XArray sh1 a -> XArray sh1 b -> XArray sh2 c)
- -> XArray (sh ++ sh1) a -> XArray (sh ++ sh1) b -> XArray (sh ++ sh2) c
-rerank2 ssh ssh1 ssh2 f (XArray arr1) (XArray arr2)
- | Dict <- lemKnownNatRankSSX ssh
- , Dict <- gknownNat (Proxy @(Rank sh))
- , Dict <- lemKnownNatRankSSX ssh2
- , Dict <- gknownNat (Proxy @(Rank sh2))
- , Refl <- lemRankApp ssh ssh1
- , Refl <- lemRankApp ssh ssh2
- , Dict <- lemKnownNatRankSSX (ssxAppend ssh ssh2) -- these two should be redundant but the
- , Dict <- gknownNat (Proxy @(Rank (sh ++ sh2))) -- solver is not clever enough
- = XArray (U.rerank2 @(GNat (Rank sh)) @(GNat (Rank sh1)) @(GNat (Rank sh2))
- (\a b -> unXArray (f (XArray a) (XArray b)))
- arr1 arr2)
- where
- unXArray (XArray a) = a
--- | The list argument gives indices into the original dimension list.
-transpose :: forall sh a. KnownShapeX sh => [Int] -> XArray sh a -> XArray sh a
-transpose perm (XArray arr)
- | Dict <- lemKnownNatRankSSX (knownShapeX @sh)
- , Dict <- gknownNat (Proxy @(Rank sh))
- = XArray (U.transpose perm arr)
-transpose2 :: forall sh1 sh2 a.
- StaticShapeX sh1 -> StaticShapeX sh2
- -> XArray (sh1 ++ sh2) a -> XArray (sh2 ++ sh1) a
-transpose2 ssh1 ssh2 (XArray arr)
- | Refl <- lemRankApp ssh1 ssh2
- , Refl <- lemRankApp ssh2 ssh1
- , Dict <- lemKnownNatRankSSX (ssxAppend ssh1 ssh2)
- , Dict <- gknownNat (Proxy @(Rank (sh1 ++ sh2)))
- , Dict <- lemKnownNatRankSSX (ssxAppend ssh2 ssh1)
- , Dict <- gknownNat (Proxy @(Rank (sh2 ++ sh1)))
- , Refl <- lemRankAppComm ssh1 ssh2
- , let n1 = ssxLength ssh1
- = XArray (U.transpose (ssxIotaFrom n1 ssh2 ++ ssxIotaFrom 0 ssh1) arr)
-sumFull :: (U.Unbox a, Num a) => XArray sh a -> a
-sumFull (XArray arr) = U.sumA arr
-sumInner :: forall sh sh' a. (U.Unbox a, Num a)
- => StaticShapeX sh -> StaticShapeX sh' -> XArray (sh ++ sh') a -> XArray sh a
-sumInner ssh ssh'
- | Refl <- lemAppNil @sh
- = rerank ssh ssh' SZX (scalar . sumFull)
-sumOuter :: forall sh sh' a. (U.Unbox a, Num a)
- => StaticShapeX sh -> StaticShapeX sh' -> XArray (sh ++ sh') a -> XArray sh' a
-sumOuter ssh ssh'
- | Refl <- lemAppNil @sh
- = sumInner ssh' ssh . transpose2 ssh ssh'