path: root/src/Data/Array/Nested/Internal/Lemmas.hs
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authorTom Smeding <tom@tomsmeding.com>2024-05-31 08:58:35 +0200
committerTom Smeding <tom@tomsmeding.com>2024-05-31 08:58:49 +0200
commiteea22885eccfe6f720a24682346159853d386434 (patch)
treea2cb82e53168a599cbef05897b529dd76cd94285 /src/Data/Array/Nested/Internal/Lemmas.hs
parentdf658b3aaea94e1bae0b332c264c1b3b18fe017b (diff)
Rename some commuting lemmas to better names
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Data/Array/Nested/Internal/Lemmas.hs')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/src/Data/Array/Nested/Internal/Lemmas.hs b/src/Data/Array/Nested/Internal/Lemmas.hs
index 5ce5373..f894f78 100644
--- a/src/Data/Array/Nested/Internal/Lemmas.hs
+++ b/src/Data/Array/Nested/Internal/Lemmas.hs
@@ -25,30 +25,30 @@ lemMapJustApp :: ShS sh1 -> Proxy sh2
lemMapJustApp ZSS _ = Refl
lemMapJustApp (_ :$$ sh) p | Refl <- lemMapJustApp sh p = Refl
-lemMapJustTakeLen :: Perm is -> ShS sh -> TakeLen is (MapJust sh) :~: MapJust (TakeLen is sh)
-lemMapJustTakeLen PNil _ = Refl
-lemMapJustTakeLen (_ `PCons` is) (_ :$$ sh) | Refl <- lemMapJustTakeLen is sh = Refl
-lemMapJustTakeLen (_ `PCons` _) ZSS = error "TakeLen of empty"
-lemMapJustDropLen :: Perm is -> ShS sh -> DropLen is (MapJust sh) :~: MapJust (DropLen is sh)
-lemMapJustDropLen PNil _ = Refl
-lemMapJustDropLen (_ `PCons` is) (_ :$$ sh) | Refl <- lemMapJustDropLen is sh = Refl
-lemMapJustDropLen (_ `PCons` _) ZSS = error "DropLen of empty"
-lemMapJustIndex :: SNat i -> ShS sh -> Index i (MapJust sh) :~: Just (Index i sh)
-lemMapJustIndex SZ (_ :$$ _) = Refl
-lemMapJustIndex (SS (i :: SNat i')) ((_ :: SNat n) :$$ (sh :: ShS sh'))
- | Refl <- lemMapJustIndex i sh
+lemTakeLenMapJust :: Perm is -> ShS sh -> TakeLen is (MapJust sh) :~: MapJust (TakeLen is sh)
+lemTakeLenMapJust PNil _ = Refl
+lemTakeLenMapJust (_ `PCons` is) (_ :$$ sh) | Refl <- lemTakeLenMapJust is sh = Refl
+lemTakeLenMapJust (_ `PCons` _) ZSS = error "TakeLen of empty"
+lemDropLenMapJust :: Perm is -> ShS sh -> DropLen is (MapJust sh) :~: MapJust (DropLen is sh)
+lemDropLenMapJust PNil _ = Refl
+lemDropLenMapJust (_ `PCons` is) (_ :$$ sh) | Refl <- lemDropLenMapJust is sh = Refl
+lemDropLenMapJust (_ `PCons` _) ZSS = error "DropLen of empty"
+lemIndexMapJust :: SNat i -> ShS sh -> Index i (MapJust sh) :~: Just (Index i sh)
+lemIndexMapJust SZ (_ :$$ _) = Refl
+lemIndexMapJust (SS (i :: SNat i')) ((_ :: SNat n) :$$ (sh :: ShS sh'))
+ | Refl <- lemIndexMapJust i sh
, Refl <- lemIndexSucc (Proxy @i') (Proxy @(Just n)) (Proxy @(MapJust sh'))
, Refl <- lemIndexSucc (Proxy @i') (Proxy @n) (Proxy @sh')
= Refl
-lemMapJustIndex _ ZSS = error "Index of empty"
+lemIndexMapJust _ ZSS = error "Index of empty"
-lemMapJustPermute :: Perm is -> ShS sh -> Permute is (MapJust sh) :~: MapJust (Permute is sh)
-lemMapJustPermute PNil _ = Refl
-lemMapJustPermute (i `PCons` is) sh
- | Refl <- lemMapJustPermute is sh
- , Refl <- lemMapJustIndex i sh
+lemPermuteMapJust :: Perm is -> ShS sh -> Permute is (MapJust sh) :~: MapJust (Permute is sh)
+lemPermuteMapJust PNil _ = Refl
+lemPermuteMapJust (i `PCons` is) sh
+ | Refl <- lemPermuteMapJust is sh
+ , Refl <- lemIndexMapJust i sh
= Refl
lemKnownMapJust :: forall sh. KnownShS sh => Proxy sh -> Dict KnownShX (MapJust sh)