path: root/src/Fancy.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Fancy.hs')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Fancy.hs b/src/Fancy.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..821073e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Fancy.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+module Fancy where
+import Control.Monad (forM_)
+import Control.Monad.ST
+import Data.Kind
+import Data.Proxy
+import Data.Type.Equality
+import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
+import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as VUM
+import GHC.TypeLits
+import Array (XArray, IxX(..), KnownShapeX(..), StaticShapeX(..), type (++))
+import qualified Array as X
+type family Replicate n a where
+ Replicate 0 a = '[]
+ Replicate n a = a : Replicate (n - 1) a
+type family MapJust l where
+ MapJust '[] = '[]
+ MapJust (x : xs) = Just x : MapJust xs
+type Mixed :: [Maybe Nat] -> Type -> Type
+data family Mixed sh a
+newtype instance Mixed sh Int = M_Int (XArray sh Int)
+newtype instance Mixed sh Double = M_Double (XArray sh Double)
+-- etc.
+newtype instance Mixed sh () = M_Nil (IxX sh) -- store the shape
+data instance Mixed sh (a, b) = M_Tup2 (Mixed sh a) (Mixed sh b)
+data instance Mixed sh (a, b, c) = M_Tup3 (Mixed sh a) (Mixed sh b) (Mixed sh c)
+data instance Mixed sh (a, b, c, d) = M_Tup4 (Mixed sh a) (Mixed sh b) (Mixed sh c) (Mixed sh d)
+newtype instance Mixed sh1 (Mixed sh2 a) = M_Nest (Mixed (sh1 ++ sh2) a)
+type MixedVecs :: Type -> [Maybe Nat] -> Type -> Type
+data family MixedVecs s sh a
+newtype instance MixedVecs s sh Int = MV_Int (VU.MVector s Int)
+newtype instance MixedVecs s sh Double = MV_Double (VU.MVector s Double)
+-- etc.
+data instance MixedVecs s sh () = MV_Nil
+data instance MixedVecs s sh (a, b) = MV_Tup2 (MixedVecs s sh a) (MixedVecs s sh b)
+data instance MixedVecs s sh (a, b, c) = MV_Tup3 (MixedVecs s sh a) (MixedVecs s sh b) (MixedVecs s sh c)
+data instance MixedVecs s sh (a, b, c, d) = MV_Tup4 (MixedVecs s sh a) (MixedVecs s sh b) (MixedVecs s sh c) (MixedVecs s sh d)
+data instance MixedVecs s sh1 (Mixed sh2 a) = MV_Nest (IxX sh2) (MixedVecs s (sh1 ++ sh2) a)
+class GMixed a where
+ mshape :: KnownShapeX sh => Mixed sh a -> IxX sh
+ mindex :: Mixed sh a -> IxX sh -> a
+ mindexPartial :: forall sh sh'. Mixed (sh ++ sh') a -> IxX sh -> Mixed sh' a
+ -- | Create an empty array. The given shape must have size zero; this may or may not be checked.
+ memptyArray :: IxX sh -> Mixed sh a
+ -- | Return the size of the individual (SoA) arrays in this value. If @a@
+ -- does not contain tuples, this coincides with the total number of scalars
+ -- in the given value; if @a@ contains tuples, then it is some multiple of
+ -- this number of scalars.
+ mvecsNumElts :: a -> Int
+ -- | Create uninitialised vectors for this array type, given the shape of
+ -- this vector and an example for the contents. The shape must not have size
+ -- zero; an error may be thrown otherwise.
+ mvecsUnsafeNew :: IxX sh -> a -> ST s (MixedVecs s sh a)
+ -- | Given the shape of this array, an index and a value, write the value at
+ -- that index in the vectors.
+ mvecsWrite :: IxX sh -> IxX sh -> a -> MixedVecs s sh a -> ST s ()
+ -- | Given the shape of this array, an index and a value, write the value at
+ -- that index in the vectors.
+ mvecsWritePartial :: KnownShapeX sh' => IxX (sh ++ sh') -> IxX sh -> Mixed sh' a -> MixedVecs s (sh ++ sh') a -> ST s ()
+ -- | Given the shape of this array, finalise the vectors into 'XArray's.
+ mvecsFreeze :: IxX sh -> MixedVecs s sh a -> ST s (Mixed sh a)
+-- TODO: this use of toVector is suboptimal
+ :: forall sh' sh a s. (KnownShapeX sh', VU.Unbox a)
+ => IxX (sh ++ sh') -> IxX sh -> XArray sh' a -> VU.MVector s a -> ST s ()
+mvecsWritePartialPrimitive sh i arr v = do
+ let offset = X.toLinearIdx sh (X.ixAppend i (X.zeroIdx' (X.shape arr)))
+ VU.copy (VUM.slice offset (X.shapeSize (X.shape arr)) v) (X.toVector arr)
+instance GMixed Int where
+ mshape (M_Int a) = X.shape a
+ mindex (M_Int a) i = X.index a i
+ mindexPartial (M_Int a) i = M_Int (X.indexPartial a i)
+ memptyArray sh = M_Int (X.generate sh (error "memptyArray Int: shape was not empty"))
+ mvecsNumElts _ = 1
+ mvecsUnsafeNew sh _ = MV_Int <$> VUM.unsafeNew (X.shapeSize sh)
+ mvecsWrite sh i x (MV_Int v) = VUM.write v (X.toLinearIdx sh i) x
+ mvecsWritePartial sh i (M_Int @sh' arr) (MV_Int v) = mvecsWritePartialPrimitive @sh' sh i arr v
+ mvecsFreeze sh (MV_Int v) = M_Int . X.fromVector sh <$> VU.freeze v
+instance GMixed Double where
+ mshape (M_Double a) = X.shape a
+ mindex (M_Double a) i = X.index a i
+ mindexPartial (M_Double a) i = M_Double (X.indexPartial a i)
+ memptyArray sh = M_Double (X.generate sh (error "memptyArray Double: shape was not empty"))
+ mvecsNumElts _ = 1
+ mvecsUnsafeNew sh _ = MV_Double <$> VUM.unsafeNew (X.shapeSize sh)
+ mvecsWrite sh i x (MV_Double v) = VUM.write v (X.toLinearIdx sh i) x
+ mvecsWritePartial sh i (M_Double @sh' arr) (MV_Double v) = mvecsWritePartialPrimitive @sh' sh i arr v
+ mvecsFreeze sh (MV_Double v) = M_Double . X.fromVector sh <$> VU.freeze v
+instance GMixed () where
+ mshape (M_Nil sh) = sh
+ mindex _ _ = ()
+ mindexPartial = \(M_Nil sh) i -> M_Nil (X.ixDrop sh i)
+ memptyArray sh = M_Nil sh
+ mvecsNumElts _ = 1
+ mvecsUnsafeNew _ _ = return MV_Nil
+ mvecsWrite _ _ _ _ = return ()
+ mvecsWritePartial _ _ _ _ = return ()
+ mvecsFreeze sh _ = return (M_Nil sh)
+instance (GMixed a, GMixed b) => GMixed (a, b) where
+ mshape (M_Tup2 a _) = mshape a
+ mindex (M_Tup2 a b) i = (mindex a i, mindex b i)
+ mindexPartial (M_Tup2 a b) i = M_Tup2 (mindexPartial a i) (mindexPartial b i)
+ memptyArray sh = M_Tup2 (memptyArray sh) (memptyArray sh)
+ mvecsNumElts (x, y) = mvecsNumElts x * mvecsNumElts y
+ mvecsUnsafeNew sh (x, y) = MV_Tup2 <$> mvecsUnsafeNew sh x <*> mvecsUnsafeNew sh y
+ mvecsWrite sh i (x, y) (MV_Tup2 a b) = do
+ mvecsWrite sh i x a
+ mvecsWrite sh i y b
+ mvecsWritePartial sh i (M_Tup2 x y) (MV_Tup2 a b) = do
+ mvecsWritePartial sh i x a
+ mvecsWritePartial sh i y b
+ mvecsFreeze sh (MV_Tup2 a b) = M_Tup2 <$> mvecsFreeze sh a <*> mvecsFreeze sh b
+instance (GMixed a, KnownShapeX sh') => GMixed (Mixed sh' a) where
+ -- TODO: this is quadratic in the nesting level
+ mshape :: forall sh. KnownShapeX sh => Mixed sh (Mixed sh' a) -> IxX sh
+ mshape (M_Nest arr)
+ | X.Dict <- X.lemAppKnownShapeX (knownShapeX @sh) (knownShapeX @sh')
+ = ixAppPrefix (knownShapeX @sh) (mshape arr)
+ where
+ ixAppPrefix :: StaticShapeX sh1 -> IxX (sh1 ++ sh') -> IxX sh1
+ ixAppPrefix SZX _ = IZX
+ ixAppPrefix (_ :$@ ssh) (i ::@ idx) = i ::@ ixAppPrefix ssh idx
+ ixAppPrefix (_ :$? ssh) (i ::? idx) = i ::? ixAppPrefix ssh idx
+ mindex (M_Nest arr) i = mindexPartial arr i
+ mindexPartial :: forall sh1 sh2.
+ Mixed (sh1 ++ sh2) (Mixed sh' a) -> IxX sh1 -> Mixed sh2 (Mixed sh' a)
+ mindexPartial (M_Nest arr) i
+ | Refl <- X.lemAppAssoc (Proxy @sh1) (Proxy @sh2) (Proxy @sh')
+ = M_Nest (mindexPartial @a @sh1 @(sh2 ++ sh') arr i)
+ memptyArray sh = M_Nest (memptyArray (X.ixAppend sh (X.zeroIdx (knownShapeX @sh'))))
+ mvecsNumElts arr =
+ let n = X.shapeSize (mshape arr)
+ in if n == 0 then 0 else n * mvecsNumElts (mindex arr (X.zeroIdx (knownShapeX @sh')))
+ mvecsUnsafeNew sh example
+ | X.shapeSize sh' == 0 = error "mvecsUnsafeNew: empty example"
+ | otherwise = MV_Nest sh' <$> mvecsUnsafeNew (X.ixAppend sh (mshape example))
+ (mindex example (X.zeroIdx (knownShapeX @sh')))
+ where
+ sh' = mshape example
+ mvecsWrite sh idx val (MV_Nest sh' vecs) = mvecsWritePartial (X.ixAppend sh sh') idx val vecs
+ mvecsWritePartial :: forall sh1 sh2 s. KnownShapeX sh2
+ => IxX (sh1 ++ sh2) -> IxX sh1 -> Mixed sh2 (Mixed sh' a)
+ -> MixedVecs s (sh1 ++ sh2) (Mixed sh' a)
+ -> ST s ()
+ mvecsWritePartial sh12 idx (M_Nest arr) (MV_Nest sh' vecs)
+ | X.Dict <- X.lemKnownShapeX (X.ssxAppend (knownShapeX @sh2) (knownShapeX @sh'))
+ , Refl <- X.lemAppAssoc (Proxy @sh1) (Proxy @sh2) (Proxy @sh')
+ = mvecsWritePartial @a @(sh2 ++ sh') @sh1 (X.ixAppend sh12 sh') idx arr vecs
+ mvecsFreeze sh (MV_Nest sh' vecs) = M_Nest <$> mvecsFreeze (X.ixAppend sh sh') vecs
+mgenerate :: GMixed a => IxX sh -> (IxX sh -> a) -> Mixed sh a
+mgenerate sh f
+ -- We need to be very careful here to ensure that neither 'sh' nor
+ -- 'firstelem' that we pass to 'mvecsUnsafeNew' are empty.
+ | X.shapeSize sh == 0 = memptyArray sh
+ | otherwise =
+ let firstidx = X.zeroIdx' sh
+ firstelem = f (X.zeroIdx' sh)
+ in if mvecsNumElts firstelem == 0
+ then memptyArray sh
+ else runST $ do
+ vecs <- mvecsUnsafeNew sh firstelem
+ mvecsWrite sh firstidx firstelem vecs
+ forM_ (tail (X.enumShape sh)) $ \idx ->
+ mvecsWrite sh idx (f idx) vecs
+ mvecsFreeze sh vecs
+type Ranked :: Nat -> Type -> Type
+newtype Ranked n a = Ranked (Mixed (Replicate n Nothing) a)
+type Shaped :: [Nat] -> Type -> Type
+newtype Shaped sh a = Shaped (Mixed (MapJust sh) a)
+type IxR :: Nat -> Type
+data IxR n where
+ IZR :: IxR 0
+ (:::) :: Int -> IxR n -> IxR (n + 1)
+type IxS :: [Nat] -> Type
+data IxS sh where
+ IZS :: IxS '[]
+ (::$) :: Int -> IxS sh -> IxS (n : sh)