path: root/2017/20.hs
diff options
authortomsmeding <>2017-12-20 22:22:06 +0100
committertomsmeding <>2017-12-20 22:22:06 +0100
commit1d98a330ae18d8cc94c790369d24e0fea9fbba9f (patch)
treea1ac39beceab33ccd5753ffb66b5f48e040e6360 /2017/20.hs
parent9834a8f0d845bcde04e3f9b9248a9bf02c17281d (diff)
Day 20
This gives the right answer, but that 100 is a HIGHLY magic constant. Increase if incorrect. `prune` should work, but doesn't for some reason. This is sad but I've spent enough time on this as is.
Diffstat (limited to '2017/20.hs')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2017/20.hs b/2017/20.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..497ff58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2017/20.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Function
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Debug.Trace
+uniqOn :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a]
+uniqOn f (a:b:cs) | f a == f b = uniqOn f (b:cs)
+ | otherwise = a : uniqOn f (b:cs)
+uniqOn _ l = l
+cartprod3 :: [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [(a, b, c)]
+cartprod3 as bs cs = [(a, b, c) | a <- as, b <- bs, c <- cs]
+type Vec = (Int, Int, Int)
+data Particle = Particle {pP :: Vec, pV :: Vec, pA :: Vec}
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+add :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
+add (a, b, c) (d, e, f) = (a + d, b + e, c + f)
+sub :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
+sub (a, b, c) (d, e, f) = (a - d, b - e, c - f)
+mul :: Int -> Vec -> Vec
+mul n (a, b, c) = (n * a, n * b, n * c)
+parse :: String -> Particle
+parse str =
+ let [p, v, a] = map (parseVec . init . init . drop 3) (words (str ++ ","))
+ in Particle p v a
+parseVec :: String -> Vec
+parseVec str =
+ let [x, y, z] = map read (words [if c == ',' then ' ' else c | c <- str])
+ in (x, y, z)
+man :: Vec -> Int
+man (x, y, z) = abs x + abs y + abs z
+vecmax :: Vec -> Int
+vecmax (x, y, z) = maximum [abs x, abs y, abs y]
+distance :: Particle -> Int
+distance = man . pP
+simulate :: Int -> Particle -> Particle
+simulate t (Particle pos vel acc) =
+ let p = add pos $ add (mul t vel) $ mul (t * (t + 1) `div` 2) acc
+ v = add vel (mul t acc)
+ in Particle p v acc
+collide' :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
+collide' dp' dv' da' =
+ let (dp, dv, da) = (fromIntegral dp', fromIntegral dv', fromIntegral da') :: (Double, Double, Double)
+ discr = (dv + da/2) ^ 2 - 2 * da * dp
+ s = sqrt discr
+ t1 = (-dv - da/2 + s) / da
+ t2 = (-dv - da/2 - s) / da
+ rt1 = round t1
+ rt2 = round t2
+ in if discr < 0 || s * s /= discr then []
+ else (if t1 >= 0 && fromIntegral rt1 == t1 then [rt1] else []) ++
+ (if t2 >= 0 && fromIntegral rt2 == t2 then [rt2] else [])
+collide :: Particle -> Particle -> Maybe Int
+collide part1@(Particle p1 v1 a1) part2@(Particle p2 v2 a2) =
+ let (dpx, dpy, dpz) = sub p1 p2
+ (dvx, dvy, dvz) = sub v1 v2
+ (dax, day, daz) = sub a1 a2
+ ts = [a
+ | (a, b, c) <- cartprod3 (collide' dpx dvx dax) (collide' dpy dvy day) (collide' dpz dvz daz),
+ a == b && b == c]
+ [] = [pP (simulate t part1) /= pP (simulate t part2) | t <- ts]
+ in if null ts then Nothing else Just (minimum ts)
+prune :: [Particle] -> [Particle]
+prune parts = case traceShowId $ groupBy ((==) `on` snd) $ sortOn snd $
+ catMaybes [fmap ((pi, qi),) (collide p q)
+ | (p, pi) <- zip parts [0..], (q, qi) <- zip parts [0..], pi /= qi]
+ of
+ [] -> parts
+ (colls : _) ->
+ let indices = concatMap (\((a, b), _) -> [a, b]) colls
+ parts' = [p | (p, i) <- zip parts [0..], not (i `elem` indices)]
+ in prune parts'
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ input <- liftM (map parse . lines) (readFile "")
+ let bigt = maximum (map (vecmax . pP) input)
+ parts = map (simulate bigt) input
+ sorted = sortOn (man.pA.fst) $ sortOn (man.pV.fst) $ sortOn (man.pP.fst) $ zip parts [0..]
+ print $ head (map snd sorted)
+ print $ length $ iterate (map head . filter ((== 1) . length) . groupBy ((==) `on` pP) . sortOn pP . map (simulate 1)) (sortOn pP input) !! 100
+ -- mapM_ print $ groupBy ((==) `on` snd) $ sortOn snd $ catMaybes [fmap ((pi, qi),) (collide p q) | (p, pi) <- zip input [0..], (q, qi) <- zip input [0..]]
+ -- print $ length (prune input)